
Rust Distilled is meticulously designed to offer an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the Rust programming language. This volume aspires to be an essential resource for both novice programmers and experienced developers. By encompassing clear explanations, practical examples, and hands-on exercises, this book aims to demystify Rust and illuminate its robust features.

The primary objective of Rust Distilled is to equip readers with a thorough grasp of Rust's unique syntax and semantics. For beginners, this book serves as a structured introduction, guiding them step-by-step through the foundational concepts of programming using Rust. For experienced programmers, it functions as an advanced reference manual, providing insights into Rust’s intricate features and best practices.

Rust is renowned for its performance, safety, and concurrency capabilities, making it a language of choice for systems programming and beyond. This book delves into these aspects, presenting Rust’s ownership system, which guarantees memory safety without a garbage collector, its concurrency model, which enables the writing of safe concurrent programs, and its performance optimizations, which rival those of C and C++.

Moreover, Rust Distilled explores the practical applications of Rust in various domains, such as systems programming, web development, and embedded systems. Each chapter is meticulously crafted to build upon the previous one, ensuring a cohesive and cumulative learning experience. Readers will engage with exercises and projects designed to reinforce their understanding and foster practical skills.

In addition to the technical content, this book also addresses the vibrant Rust community and its expanding ecosystem. By highlighting notable libraries and tools, Rust Distilled aims to integrate readers into the Rust ecosystem, encouraging them to contribute and collaborate.

Ultimately, Rust Distilled is more than a technical manual; it is a gateway to mastering a language that is reshaping the landscape of modern programming. By immersing in this book, readers will not only learn Rust but will also develop the confidence to leverage its capabilities in their projects and contribute to its growing community.

Who This Book is For

Whether you are new to programming or have experience with other languages, Rust Distilled is designed to meet your needs. This book is perfect for:

  • Beginners with no prior programming experience who are eager to learn Rust from scratch.
  • Intermediate programmers looking to expand their knowledge and master Rust.
  • Experienced developers seeking a reliable reference to deepen their understanding of Rust’s unique features and capabilities.

Why Rust?

Rust has emerged as a powerful and reliable language, known for its performance and safety. It offers several key benefits:

  • Memory Safety: Rust’s ownership system guarantees memory safety without the need for a garbage collector.
  • Concurrency: Rust makes it easier to write concurrent programs, reducing the risk of data races.
  • Performance: Rust’s performance is comparable to that of C and C++, making it suitable for system-level programming.
  • Community and Ecosystem: Rust boasts a vibrant community and a growing ecosystem, with excellent libraries and tools.

By learning Rust, you will gain a valuable skill that is highly sought after in the industry.

What You Will Learn

Throughout this book, you will:

  • Gain a solid understanding of Rust’s syntax and semantics.
  • Learn about Rust’s unique ownership and borrowing system.
  • Explore Rust’s concurrency model and how to write safe concurrent programs.
  • Discover how to use Rust’s powerful standard library and ecosystem of crates.
  • Build practical projects to apply your knowledge and solve real-world problems.

Each chapter is designed to build upon the previous ones, gradually increasing your proficiency in Rust.

How to Use This Book

To get the most out of Rust Distilled, we recommend the following approach:

  • Start from the Beginning: Follow the chapters in sequence to build a strong foundation.
  • Hands-On Practice: Engage with the exercises and projects to reinforce your understanding.
  • Refer Back Often: Use the book as a reference guide when you encounter challenges in your own projects.
  • Join the Community: Participate in the Rust community to share knowledge and seek support.

Rust history

Chapter 01: Getting Started with Rust

Setting up a development environment can sometimes be a challenging task, especially for those who are new to programming or unfamiliar with the process. This chapter aims to simplify the setup process and guide you through installing Rust on various operating systems. While setting up an environment can be daunting, Rust makes it relatively straightforward and easy to install on all major platforms.

By following this guide, you will ensure that you have the necessary tools to start coding effectively. Additionally, we will cover how to integrate Rust with Jupyter Notebook using the evcxr tool, allowing for an interactive coding experience.

What We Will Cover in This Chapter

  1. Installing Rust

    • Detailed installation instructions for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
    • Setting up the Rust toolchain and environment.
  2. Verifying the Installation

    • Running a simple Rust program to confirm that Rust is correctly installed.
  3. Setting Up Your Development Environment

    • Recommended code editors and IDEs for Rust development.
    • Configuring your editor for optimal Rust development.
  4. Integrating Rust with Jupyter Notebook

    • Installing the evcxr tool for interactive Rust sessions.
    • Using Rust within Jupyter Notebook for exploratory programming.
  5. Managing Rust Toolchains

    • Using rustup to manage Rust versions and toolchains.
    • Updating and switching between different versions of Rust.

By the end of this chapter, you will have a fully functional Rust development environment customized to your platform of choice. This foundation will enable you to dive into Rust programming with confidence and efficiency.

Rust Environment Setup On Major Platforms

To get started with Rust, you'll need to install it on your system. Therefore, in this chapter, I will provide the necessary instructions for setting up Rust on Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as installing Rust for use with Jupyter Notebook using the evcxr tool. These detailed step-by-step instructions are provided to ensure a smooth installation process, especially for those who are new to setting up development environments.

After installing Rust, we will also verify that essential tools such as rustup, rustdoc, and rustfmt are properly installed and configured.

Here are the instructions for various platforms:

Installing Rust on Windows

To begin using Rust on Windows system, follow these detailed steps to ensure a smooth and successful installation:

  1. Visit the Official Rust Website: Navigate to the official Rust website by visiting This page provides comprehensive resources and the latest installer for Rust.

  2. Download the Installer: On the website, locate and download the rustup-init.exe installer. This installer is the recommended method for installing Rust, as it provides a straightforward setup process and keeps your Rust installation up-to-date.

  3. Run the Installer: Once the download is complete, run the rustup-init.exe file. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Rust. The installer will guide you through the necessary steps, including setting up the Rust toolchain and configuring your environment.

  4. Verify the Installation: After the installation is complete, open a new command prompt or terminal window. To verify that Rust is installed correctly, type the following command:

    rustc --version

This command checks the Rust compiler version and confirms that the installation was successful.

Installing Rust on Windows Platforms Using Command Line tools

If you prefer doing the tedious work from the command line application, this section is for you, you will be instructed how to install Rust from using a CLI application with different utilities, choco, scoop or winget

Installing Rust using Chocolatey (choco)

Chocolatey is a popular package manager for Windows that simplifies software installation.

Install Chocolatey: If you don't already have Chocolatey installed, follow the instructions on Chocolatey's official website.

Open Command Prompt as Administrator: Right-click on the Start menu and select "Command Prompt (Admin)" or "Windows PowerShell (Admin)".

Install Rust: Run the following command to install Rust using Chocolatey:

choco install rust

Verify the Installation: Once the installation is complete, verify by running:

rustc --version

Installing Rust using Scoop

Scoop is another package manager for Windows that is known for its simplicity and ease of use.

Install Scoop: If you don't have Scoop installed, open PowerShell and run:

iwr -useb | iex

for more information about scoop setup check this link

Install Rust: After installing Scoop, run the following command in PowerShell:

scoop install main/rustup

Initialize Rust: Initialize Rust by running:


Verify the Installation: Verify the installation by running:

rustc --version

Installing Rust using Windows Package Manager (winget) on Windows 11

The Windows Package Manager (winget) is available on Windows 11 and makes it easy to install software.

Open Command Prompt: Open Command Prompt or PowerShell.

Install Rust: Run the following command:

winget install -e --id Rustlang.Rustup

Verify the Installation: Verify the installation by running:

rustc --version

Installing Rust on macOS

This section provides detailed instructions for macOS users to install Rust, whether you are using an Intel-based Mac or one with an Apple Silicon (M1, M2 or M3 series) chip. Rust is fully supported on both types of architecture, ensuring you can leverage its power and efficiency regardless of your hardware.

Steps to Install Rust on macOS

  1. Open a Terminal: The Terminal application can be found in the Applications > Utilities folder. Alternatively, you can use Spotlight by pressing Cmd + Space and typing "Terminal".

  2. Install Homebrew: Homebrew is a popular package manager for macOS that simplifies the installation of software. If you don't already have Homebrew installed, open Terminal and follow these instructions:

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. For detailed guidance, visit Homebrew's official website.

Install Rust using Homebrew: Once Homebrew is installed, you can easily install Rust. Run the following command in your Terminal:

brew install rust

Verify the Installation: After the installation is complete, it is important to verify that Rust has been installed correctly. You can do this by running the following command in the Terminal:

rustc --version

This command should display the version of Rust that has been installed, confirming that the installation was successful.

Installing Rust on Linux

This section provides detailed instructions for installing Rust on various Linux distributions, including Debian-based systems such as Ubuntu and Debian, as well as Fedora.

Steps to Install Rust on Debian-based Systems (Ubuntu, Debian)

  1. Open a Terminal: You can open a terminal by searching for "Terminal" in your application menu or by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T.

  2. Visit the Official Rust Website: For reference and additional details, visit the official Rust website for Linux:

  3. Install Required Dependencies: Before installing Rust, make sure your system is up-to-date and install necessary dependencies:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install build-essential curl

Download and Run the rustup Installer: Use the following command to download and run the rustup installer, which will install Rust:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Configure Your Current Shell: After installation, configure your current shell to use the cargo, rustc, and other Rust tools without needing to restart:

source $HOME/.cargo/env

Verify the Installation: To ensure Rust is installed correctly, run the following command in your terminal:

rustc --version

Steps to Install Rust on Fedora

Open a Terminal: You can open a terminal by searching for "Terminal" in your application menu or by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T.

Visit the Official Rust Website: For reference and additional details, visit the official Rust website for Linux.

Install Required Dependencies: Ensure your system is up-to-date and install necessary dependencies:

sudo dnf update
sudo dnf groupinstall 'Development Tools'
sudo dnf install curl

Download and Run the rustup Installer: Use the following command to download and run the rustup installer, which will install Rust:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Configure Your Current Shell: After installation, configure your current shell to use the cargo, rustc, and other Rust tools without needing to restart:

source $HOME/.cargo/env

Verify the Installation: To ensure Rust is installed correctly, run the following command in your terminal:

rustc --version

Checking the Installation

After successfully completing the Rust installation, you will have four new commands available in your command line tool. These commands are essential for managing your Rust environment, compiling code, generating documentation, and handling packages. It is important to verify that each of these commands is properly installed and configured.

  1. rustup: Rust Installation Tool Manager

    rustup is the toolchain installer for the Rust programming language, which allows you to manage different versions of Rust and their associated components. It ensures that you always have the right version of Rust and its tools.

    To check the version of rustup, run the following command in your terminal:

    rustup --version

    This command will display the version of rustup installed on your system, confirming that the installation was successful.

  2. rustc: Rust Compiler

    rustc is the Rust compiler, which compiles your Rust source code into executable binaries. It is the core component of the Rust toolchain and is used to compile your Rust programs.

    To check the version of rustc, run the following command in your terminal:

    rustc --version

    This command will output the version of the Rust compiler installed on your system. Verifying this ensures that the compiler is correctly installed and ready for use.

  3. rustdoc: Rust Documentation Tool

    rustdoc is the tool used to generate documentation for Rust projects. It extracts documentation comments from your source code and produces HTML documentation. This tool is invaluable for creating and maintaining project documentation.

    To check the version of rustdoc, run the following command in your terminal:

    rustdoc --version

    This command will display the version of rustdoc installed on your system, confirming its availability for generating documentation for your Rust projects.

  4. cargo: Rust Compilation and Package Manager

    cargo is the Rust package manager and build system. It handles project dependencies, builds your code, runs tests, and manages project metadata. cargo simplifies many tasks associated with Rust development, making it an essential tool for any Rust programmer.

    To check the version of cargo, run the following command in your terminal:

    cargo --version

    This command will output the version of cargo installed on your system. Ensuring that cargo is properly installed verifies that you can manage your Rust projects and dependencies effectively.

Running these commands make sure that the Rust toolchain is correctly installed and configured on your system. This verification step is crucial to ensure that your development environment is set up correctly and that you can begin working on Rust projects without any issues. If any of these commands do not produce the expected output, you may need to revisit the installation steps or consult the official Rust documentation for troubleshooting guidance.


Setting up Rust correctly on your system is the first and crucial step in your journey to mastering this powerful systems programming language. In this section, we have provided detailed instructions for installing Rust on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, using different package managers and tools tailored to each platform.

We also emphasized the importance of verifying your installation by checking the versions of essential Rust tools: rustup, rustc, rustdoc, and cargo. Ensuring these tools are correctly installed and configured will provide a solid foundation for your Rust development environment.

Following the steps outlined in this section enables you to have a fully operational Rust setup, ready for you to dive into writing and compiling Rust code, managing your projects, and generating documentation. As you move forward, this robust setup will support your learning and development efforts, allowing you to focus on writing efficient and safe Rust programs.

With your environment ready, you are now prepared to explore the capabilities of Rust further. In the next chapters, we will delve into Rust’s syntax, data structures, control flow, and more, building upon the solid foundation you have established here.

Setup Rust Kernel

Installing Jupyter Lab

You can skip this section if you already have jupyter lab (or notebook) installed on your machine. If not, you can choose one method to get things done. In the following subsection, I will focus on jupyter lab, the newer version of classic jupyter notebook.

  1. Using anaconda distribution:

  2. Using Command Line Tools: There is a chance that you don't want anaconda to be installed on you machine, in fact it takes a lot of space from the hard disk, especially the full version. If this is your case, then what you need is python to be installed, and then install jupyter lab. I assume you already have python, if not please do so.

Then it suffices only to run the following command to install jupyter lab:

pip install -U jupyterlab
  1. Installing Jupyterlab Desktop Application
  • Unix-based Systems

    • Mac OS: Using brew utility as follows:

      brew install jupyterlab
    • Linux (Ubuntu): You need to install snapd first

      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install snapd

      Then you can simply use the following command:

      sudo snap install jupyterlab-desktop --classic
    • Fedora Linux:

      1. Install snapd

        sudo dnf install snapd
      2. Create symbolic link

        sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
      3. Install the application

        sudo snap install jupyterlab-desktop --classic
  • Windows

winget install jupyterlab

Please check the jupyterlab official link if you have any problem with installation of you have a different operating system.

Installing Rust Kernel for Jupyter Notebook

If you want to use Rust in Jupyter Notebook, you can use the evcxr tool, which provides Rust support for Jupyter:

  1. Install evcxr using cargo, the Rust package manager
cargo install evcxr_jupyter
  1. Once evcxr is installed, you can configure Jupyter Notebook to use it
evcxr_jupyter --install
  1. Start Jupyter Notebook

  2. Create a new Jupyter notebook and choose the "Rust" kernel to start writing Rust code.

Now you're all set to explore the power of Rust on Jupyter Notebook.

Updating Rust

Updating Rust on different platforms is streamlined by the use of rustup command, the Rust’s official toolchain installer and manager.

The Rustup provides a uniform way to manage Rust versions across various environments. To update Rust using Rustup, open your terminal or command prompt and run:

rustup update

This command checks for the latest stable version of Rust, downloads it, and updates your system to use it. It's applicable to Windows, Linux, and macOS.

After Updating

After updating, you can verify the installation and check the current version by running:

rustc --version

This command will display the version of Rust currently installed, ensuring that your update was successful.

Uninstall Rust

Rust can be removed or uninstalled from the machine using the rustup manager.

On Mac os Machines

rustup self uninstall

Or you can uninstall rust using brew utility by typing the following command on a terminal application:

brew uninstall rust

Uninstalling Jupyter Rust Kernel

evcxr_jupyter --uninstall
cargo uninstall evcxr_jupyter

Chapter 2: Mastering the Cargo Package Manager

When it comes to Rust programming, Cargo is a must-have tool that simplifies project management, building, and distribution. With Cargo as Rust’s official package manager and building system, project management becomes easier, leaving you more time to write excellent code.

In this chapter, we will delve into the numerous commands offered by Cargo, each aimed at enhancing your development process and organization. Whether you’re new to Rust or aiming to expand your understanding of its ecosystem, becoming proficient in Cargo is a must.

Why Cargo?

Cargo serves several vital functions in the Rust ecosystem:

  1. Project Initialization: Quickly set up new Rust projects with the appropriate directory structure and necessary configuration files.
  2. Dependency Management: Effortlessly handle third-party libraries, ensuring your project has access to the latest and most secure versions.
  3. Building and Compiling: Streamline the process of compiling your Rust code, with support for various build profiles and optimizations.
  4. Testing and Documentation: Integrate testing frameworks and documentation generation directly into your workflow, promoting best practices and code quality.
  5. Distribution: Package and distribute your Rust libraries and binaries, making it easy to share your work with the community or deploy applications.

Overview of Cargo Commands

In this chapter, we will delve into the most commonly used Cargo commands, providing detailed explanations and practical examples. Here is a brief overview of what you can expect to learn:

  • cargo new: Initialize a new Rust project with the appropriate structure.
  • cargo build: Compile your project, with options for different build profiles.
  • cargo run: Build and run your project in one step.
  • cargo test: Execute your project's tests to ensure everything is functioning as expected.
  • cargo doc: Generate documentation for your project based on embedded comments and annotations.
  • cargo publish: Package and upload your project to the registry for distribution.
  • cargo install: Install a Rust binary from or a local source.
  • cargo update: Update dependencies to their latest versions as specified in the Cargo.toml file.
  • cargo clean: Remove the target directory, cleaning up compiled artifacts and intermediate files.

Each section of this chapter will provide comprehensive coverage of these commands, complete with syntax, options, and real-world examples. By the end of this chapter, you will have a solid understanding of how to leverage Cargo to manage your Rust projects effectively.

Throughout this chapter, we will also highlight best practices and tips for using Cargo. This includes structuring your projects, managing dependencies efficiently, and utilizing Cargo's powerful features to enhance your development workflow.

Let's dive into the intricacies of Cargo and equip ourselves with the knowledge to navigate the Rust ecosystem with expertise.

The help Command

The help command is a fundamental tool available in almost every command-line interface (CLI) application. It provides users with guidance on how to use various commands and options within the CLI application. Understanding how to effectively use the help command can significantly enhance your ability to navigate and utilize CLI tools.

General Usage of the help Command

In most CLI applications, the help command can be invoked in the following ways:

  1. Basic Help: Display a general help message that includes a list of available commands and a brief description of each.

    command --help
    command -h
  2. Command-Specific Help: Display help information specific to a particular command, including its options and usage examples.

    command subcommand --help
    command subcommand -h
  3. Option-Specific Help: In some applications, you can get detailed help about specific options or arguments.

    command --help option

The help command is invaluable for both beginners and experienced users, as it provides quick access to documentation directly from the command line.

Using the help Command with Cargo

Cargo is the Rust package manager and build system. It provides a variety of commands for managing Rust projects, and like many CLI tools, it includes a help command to assist users.

Displaying General Help

To see a list of all available Cargo commands and a brief description of each, you can use:

cargo --help


cargo -h

This will output a list of commands such as build, run, test, and more, along with a short description of what each command does.

Here is view of the output

Rust's package manager

Usage: cargo [+toolchain] [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
       cargo [+toolchain] [OPTIONS] -Zscript <MANIFEST_RS> [ARGS]...

  -V, --version             Print version info and exit
      --list                List installed commands
      --explain <CODE>      Provide a detailed explanation of a rustc error message

      --config <KEY=VALUE>  Override a configuration value
  -Z <FLAG>                 Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo, see 'cargo -Z help' for details
  -h, --help                Print help

    build, b    Compile the current package
    check, c    Analyze the current package and report errors, but don't build object files

    ...         See all commands with --list

See 'cargo help <command>' for more information on a specific command.

Displaying Help for a Specific Command

If you want detailed information about a specific Cargo command, you can append the --help flag to that command. For example, to get help for the build command:

cargo build --help


cargo build -h

This will provide detailed information on how to use the build command, including available options and examples.

Example: Using the help Command with Cargo

Here’s an example to illustrate how to use the help command with Cargo. Suppose you want to learn more about the run command in Cargo. You would type:

cargo run --help

The output will include:

  • A description of what the run command does.
  • The syntax for using the run command.
  • A list of available options and flags.
  • Examples of how to use the run command.

Here is a shortened output from the previous command

Run a binary or example of the local package

Usage: cargo run [OPTIONS] [ARGS]...

  [ARGS]...  Arguments for the binary or example to run

      --ignore-rust-version   Ignore `rust-version` specification in packages
      --message-format <FMT>  Error format
  -v, --verbose...            Use verbose output (-vv very verbose/ output)
  -q, --quiet                 Do not print cargo log messages
      --color <WHEN>          Coloring: auto, always, never
      --config <KEY=VALUE>    Override a configuration value
  -Z <FLAG>                   Unstable (nightly-only) flags to Cargo, see 'cargo -Z help' for details
  -h, --help                  Print help

Commonly Used Cargo Commands with help

Here are some commonly used Cargo commands along with how to access their help documentation:

  • Build: Compile the current project.

    cargo build --help
  • Run: Build and execute the current project.

    cargo run --help
  • Test: Run the tests for the current project.

    cargo test --help
  • Doc: Build the documentation for the current project.

    cargo doc --help
  • Clean: Remove the target directory, which contains the compiled artifacts.

    cargo clean --help

Using the help command effectively can make working with Cargo much more manageable, providing you with the necessary information to execute commands correctly and efficiently.


The help command is a powerful feature available in most CLI applications, including Cargo. By using help, you can quickly access the information you need to utilize the full range of capabilities provided by Cargo, making your Rust development experience smoother and more productive. Remember to always start with --help when exploring new commands or options within Cargo to ensure you understand their functionality and usage.

The Cargo new Command

The new Command

The new command in Cargo is essential for initializing new Rust projects. It sets up the necessary directory structure and files, allowing you to start development quickly and efficiently. As part of Cargo, Rust's package manager and build system, cargo new streamlines the process of creating both binary and library projects.

Using the new Command in Cargo

The cargo new command is used to create a new Rust project. It can generate both binary and library projects. The basic usage of the command is as follows:

cargo new [OPTIONS] <path>

Checking the cargo new Command Help Manual Page

When working with the command line, the help command is an invaluable resource. To check the manual for the cargo new command, use the following command in your terminal:

cargo help new

You will see an output similar to the one below. To navigate through the manual, you can use the following options:

  • Press the Return key (Enter) to move line by line.
  • Press the Space key to browse the manual page by page.
  • Press q to quit the manual page
CARGO-NEW(1)                              General Commands Manual                             CARGO-NEW(1)

       cargo-new — Create a new Cargo package

       cargo new [options] path

       This command will create a new Cargo package in the given directory. This includes a simple
       template with a Cargo.toml manifest, sample source file, and a VCS ignore file. If the directory is
       not already in a VCS repository, then a new repository is created (see --vcs below).

       See cargo-init(1) for a similar command which will create a new manifest in an existing directory.

   New Options
           Create a package with a binary target (src/  This is the default behavior.
           Create a package with a library target (src/
       --edition edition

If you are already familiar with reading manuals or prefer to read them for your command-line applications, you can skip this entire chapter or simply skip to the end of the lesson to explore different scenarios and practical cases.

Options for cargo new

  • --bin: Create a binary (executable) project. This is the default option.
  • --lib: Create a library project.
  • --edition: Specify the Rust edition (e.g., 2018, 2021).
  • --name: Set the package name (if different from the project directory name).
  • --vcs: Initialize a version control system repository (e.g., git). By default, Cargo initializes a git repository if the .git directory does not exist.

Creating a New Binary Project

By default, cargo new creates a new binary project. This type of project includes the file, which serves as the entry point for the application.

cargo new <app_name>

This command creates a directory named simple_app with the following structure:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src/
  • Cargo.toml: The manifest file that contains metadata about the project, including dependencies.
  • src/ The main source file for the project, containing the main function.

Creating a New Library Project

To create a new library project, use the --lib option:

cargo new simple_lib --lib

This command creates a directory named simple_lib with the following structure:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src/
  • Cargo.toml: The manifest file for the project.
  • src/ The main source file for the library.

Naming Conventions for Rust Applications

When creating new Rust projects, it is important to follow the naming conventions to ensure consistency and readability across the Rust ecosystem. The preferred naming style is known as snake_case.

  1. Project Names:

    • Use lowercase letters.
    • Words should be separated by underscores (_), following the snake_case convention.
    • Avoid using hyphens (-), numbers, or special characters.


    • my_project
    • awesome_library
    • simple_app

It's worth noting that some users name their applications using a dash (-) to separate multiple words in Rust application names. While the compiler does not issue warnings in this case, it is recommended to use underscores (_) instead, as this follows the conventional snake_case style in Rust.

  1. Package Names:

    • Follow the same conventions as project names.
    • The package name is specified in the Cargo.toml file.
  2. Crate Names:

    • Crates are the fundamental compilation units in Rust, and crate names should follow the same conventions as project and package names.
    • Ensure that the crate name is unique when publishing to the Rust package registry,
  3. Module Names:

    • Module names should also be in lowercase and use underscores to separate words, adhering to the snake_case convention.
    • Module names typically correspond to the filenames of the module files.

By adhering to these naming conventions and using the snake_case style, you can make your Rust projects more accessible and maintainable for yourself and other developers.

Practical Example: Creating a Simple Application

Let's walk through a practical example of creating a new binary project named simple_app.

  1. Open your terminal.

  2. Run the following command to create the new project:

cargo new simple_app

This command will create the following project structure:

├── .git
│   ├── HEAD
│   ├── config
│   ├── description
│   ├── hooks
│   ├── info
│   ├── objects
│   └── refs
├── .gitignore
├── Cargo.toml
└── src

I used the tree -La 2 simple_app command on Mac machine to display the folder structure. As you see, this command sets git repository for use automatically.

  1. Navigate to the newly created project directory:
cd simple_app
  1. Open the project in your favorite text editor or integrated development environment (IDE). You should see the following structure:

  2. Open the src/ file. You will see the default content:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");
  1. Run the application using Cargo:
cargo run

You should see the output:

Compiling simple_app v0.1.0 (path/to/simple_app)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 2.34s
     Running `target/debug/simple_app`
Hello, world!

Customizing the New Project

You can customize the creation of the new project using additional options. For example, to create a new binary project with a specified edition and without initializing a git repository, use the following command:

cargo new simple_app --edition 2021 --vcs none


  • The cargo new, is a powerful tool for quickly setting up new Rust projects. It simplifies the process of starting a new binary executable or a library, and ensures that you have the necessary files and directory structure to begin development immediately.

  • Leveraging the options available with cargo new, you can customize your project setup to meet specific requirements and preferences.

In this lesson, we covered the basics of using cargo new to create both binary and library projects, and provided a practical example of creating and running a new binary project named simple_app. This foundational knowledge will help you efficiently start new Rust projects as you continue your journey with the Rust programming language.

The Cargo check Command

Introduction to cargo check

In Rust development, managing dependencies, compiling code, and ensuring everything works correctly can be quite complex. The Rust package manager, Cargo, provides various commands to simplify these tasks. One of these essential commands is cargo check.

The cargo check command is used to quickly check your code for errors without producing an executable. It is a fast way to ensure that your code compiles and all dependencies are correct, but it skips the actual linking process, which is the step that generates the final executable or library.

Why Use cargo check?

  1. Speed: Since cargo check stops before the linking step, it is significantly faster than running cargo build. This speed advantage is particularly noticeable in larger projects or when making frequent changes during development.

  2. Error Detection: It helps catch compilation errors early. By frequently running cargo check, you can ensure that your codebase remains in a compile-ready state.

  3. Resource Efficiency: Because it skips the linking step, cargo check uses fewer system resources, making it a more efficient way to iterate on your code.

Get cargo check Help

To learn more about the cargo check command and its available options, you can access its manual page directly from the command line. This built-in help provides detailed information on how to use the command and the various flags that can be applied. To view the help manual, run the following command in your terminal:

cargo help check

This command will display a comprehensive guide, including:

  • Synopsis: A brief summary of the command syntax.
  • Description: An overview of what the command does.
  • Options: Detailed descriptions of the available options and flags you can use with cargo check.

Here is a truncated output of the previous command:

CARGO-CHECK(1)                        General Commands Manual                        CARGO-CHECK(1)

       cargo-check — Check the current package

       cargo check [options]

       Check a local package and all of its dependencies for errors. This will essentially compile
       the packages without performing the final step of code generation, which is faster than
       running cargo build. The compiler will save metadata files to disk so that future runs will
       reuse them if the source has not been modified. Some diagnostics and errors are only emitted
       during code generation, so they inherently won’t be reported with cargo check.

   Package Selection
       By default, when no package selection options are given, the packages selected depend on the
       selected manifest file (based on the current working directory if --manifest-path is not
       given). If the manifest is the root of a workspace then the workspaces default members are
       selected, otherwise only the package defined by the manifest will be selected.

       The default members of a workspace can be set explicitly with the workspace.default-members
       key in the root manifest. If this is not set, a virtual workspace will include all workspace

How to Use cargo check

Using cargo check is straightforward. Simply navigate to the root of your Rust project and run the following command:

cargo check
  • This command will analyze your project, checking all the code and dependencies for errors.

Example Usage

Let's consider a simple Rust project to illustrate how cargo check works. Assume you we have created a rust application named simple_app using cargo new simple_app. To check this application, you would run:

cargo check

If there are no errors, you'll see output similar to:

Checking simple_app v0.1.0 (/your/app/path/simple_app)
    Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.62s

If there are errors, cargo check will output them, allowing you to correct issues before they become more significant problems.

For example, if you have a syntax error in, the output might look like this:

Checking simple_app v0.1.0 (/app/path/simple_app)
error: cannot find macro `prinln` in this scope
   --> src/
2   |     prinln!("Hello, world!");
    |     ^^^^^^ help: a macro with a similar name exists: `println`
   ::: /Users/daas/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-apple-darwin/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/std/src/
138 | macro_rules! println {
    | -------------------- similarly named macro `println` defined here

error: could not compile `simple_app` (bin "simple_app") due to 1 previous error

notice how rust compiler points to the error, and also suggests some solutions.

This feedback allows you to correct issues before they become more significant problems. By frequently running cargo check, you can ensure that your codebase remains free of compilation errors as you develop your project.

Advanced Usage

cargo check can be customized using various flags to fit different development needs. Some of the most commonly used options include:


This will check the code in release mode, which applies optimizations and is closer to what the final build will look like. This is useful for catching issues that may only appear in optimized builds.

cargo check --release


Check all targets in the project, including tests, examples, and benchmarks, not just the default binary. This ensures that every part of the project is free of errors.

cargo check --all-targets


Check all packages in the workspace. This is useful for multi-package projects where you want to ensure that the entire workspace is error-free.

cargo check --workspace

--package <SPEC>

Check only the specified package within a workspace. Replace <SPEC> with the package name. This allows for targeted checking when working in large workspaces.

cargo check --package <SPEC>


Check only the library target. This is useful if your project contains both binary and library targets, and you only want to check the library code.

cargo check --lib

--bin <NAME>

Check only the specified binary. Replace <NAME> with the name of the binary target you want to check. This is useful for projects with multiple binaries.

cargo check --bin <NAME>


Check all example targets. This is useful for ensuring that example code provided with your library is also free of errors.

cargo check --examples


Check all test targets. This ensures that your test code is also free of errors, helping maintain test quality and reliability.

cargo check --tests


Check all benchmark targets. This is useful for projects that include benchmarks, ensuring that benchmarking code is also error-free.

cargo check --benches


Check the code with all features enabled. This ensures that your code works with every optional feature you provide.

cargo check --all-features


Check the code with default features disabled. This is useful for ensuring that your code can compile without relying on default features.

cargo check --no-default-features

--features <FEATURES>

Check the code with a specific set of features enabled. Replace <FEATURES> with a comma-separated list of feature names. This allows for testing specific feature combinations.

cargo check --features <FEATURES>

Using these options of cargo check command will enable us to customize the check process to suit different parts of the development workflow, and this will ensure a thorough and efficient error checking across the entire project.

You won't need to memorize these options, refer to the help page whenever you need to.

Best Practices for Using cargo check

  • Frequent Checks: Utilize cargo check regularly during development to identify and resolve errors early. This proactive approach helps maintain a robust codebase and minimizes the time spent on debugging.

  • Continuous Integration: Incorporate cargo check into your Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline. By doing so, you ensure that every commit is validated for compilation errors, maintaining the integrity of your codebase.

  • Complement with cargo build: Use cargo check for swift feedback on code changes during development. For more comprehensive validation, including linking and executing tests, use cargo build or cargo test. This combination ensures both quick iteration and thorough verification of your code.


The cargo check command is an essential tool for Rust developers, offering a quick and efficient method to ensure code is free of compilation errors without the overhead of generating an executable.

  • By integrating cargo check into your regular development workflo, you can
    • Save time
    • Identify errors early
    • Maintain a smooth and efficient project development process.
Building Rust Projects with Cargo build


Cargo is the Rust package manager and build system that simplifies the process of managing Rust projects. It handles tasks such as building code, managing dependencies, running tests, and more. In this chapter, we will focus on the cargo build command, which is essential for compiling Rust code into executable binaries.

Understanding Cargo Build

The cargo build command is used to compile your Rust project. It creates an executable binary from your source code, which you can run on your machine. This command ensures that your code and its dependencies are compiled correctly.

Basic Usage

To build a Rust project, navigate to the project directory and run:

cargo build
  • This command compiles the project in debug mode by default, producing an executable binary that includes debugging information.

Debug vs Release Builds

  • Cargo supports two build profiles: debug and release.
  1. Debug Build:

    • Which is the default build mode.Includes debugging information.
    • Optimized for fast compilation and ease of debugging.
    • The executable binary is located in the target/debug directory.
    cargo build
  2. Release Build:

    • Optimized for performance.
    • Takes longer to compile compared to the debug build.
    • The executable binary is located in the target/release directory.

To create a release build, use the --release flag:

cargo build --release

Understanding the Build Directory Structure

  • After running cargo build, Cargo creates several directories and files in the target directory:
    • target/debug: Contains the debug build of your project.
    • target/release: Contains the release build of your project.
    • target/.fingerprint: Stores metadata used by Cargo to determine if files need to be rebuilt.
    • target/deps: Contains compiled dependencies of your project.
    • target/build: Contains build script output.

Building Specific Targets

  • In a Rust project, you might have multiple targets, such as libraries, binaries, and examples. You can specify which target to build using the --bin, --lib, or --example flags.

Building a Specific Binary:

cargo build --bin <binary-name>

Building the Library:

cargo build --lib

Building an Example:

cargo build --example <example-name>

Incremental Builds: Cargo supports incremental builds, which means it only recompiles the parts of your code that have changed. This feature significantly speeds up the build process, especially for large projects. Incremental builds are enabled by default.

Common Build Options

  1. Verbose Output: Use the --verbose flag to get more detailed output during the build process.

    cargo build --verbose
  2. Clean Builds: To remove the target directory and force a clean build, use the cargo clean command followed by cargo build.

    cargo clean
    cargo build
  3. Environment Variables: Cargo allows you to set environment variables to control the build process. Some common environment variables include:

    • CARGO_TARGET_DIR: Changes the output directory of the build.
    export CARGO_TARGET_DIR=custom_target_directory
    cargo build
    • RUSTFLAGS: Passes additional flags to the Rust compiler.
    export RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native"
    cargo build

Practical Example

  • Let's create a simple Rust project to demonstrate the use of cargo build.

  • Step 1: Create a New Project

cargo new simple_app
cd simple_app
  • Step 2: Write Some Code
    • Edit the src/ file:
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");
  • Step 3: Build the Project
    • Debug Build:
cargo build
Compiling simple_app v0.1.0 (/path/to/simple_app)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.50s
  • Release Build:
cargo build --release
Compiling simple_app v0.1.0 (/path/to/simple_app)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.75s
  • Step 4: Run the Executable

    • Debug Build (Unix-like Systems)
    • Windows systems
    • Release Build (Unix-like systems):
    • Windows


The cargo build command is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of compiling Rust projects. It ensures that the code is compiled efficiently and correctly regardless of the project size. Hence, mastering this command options simplifies the development process a great deal.

The Cargo clean Command


In order to maintain project integrity and performance in Rust development, it is essential to effectively handle build artifacts and maintain a clean working environment. Developers can use the cargo clean command to remove build artifacts and free up storage space for fresh builds.

The cargo clean Command

The cargo clean command removes the target directory, which contains all the build artifacts for your project. This includes compiled files, intermediate files, and other temporary files generated during the build process. Cleaning the project can be particularly useful in situations where you need to:

  • Resolve build issues caused by corrupted or outdated artifacts.
  • Free up disk space by removing unnecessary files.
  • Ensure a completely fresh build environment.

Why Use cargo clean?

  1. Resolve Build Issues: Sometimes, build problems can arise from corrupted or outdated artifacts. Cleaning the project can help resolve these issues.

  2. Free Up Space: Build artifacts can consume significant disk space, especially in large projects. Cleaning can help reclaim this space.

  3. Fresh Build Environment: When making significant changes to your project or dependencies, a clean build ensures that no old artifacts interfere with the new build.

Get cargo clean Help

To learn more about the cargo clean command and its available options, you can access its manual page directly from the command line. This built-in help provides detailed information on how to use the command and the various flags that can be applied. To view the help manual, run the following command in your terminal:

cargo help clean

Here is a truncated output of help page of the clean command

       cargo-clean — Remove generated artifacts

       cargo clean [options]

       Remove artifacts from the target directory that Cargo has generated in the past.

       With no options, cargo clean will delete the entire target directory.

   Package Selection
       When no packages are selected, all packages and all dependencies in the workspace are

       -p spec…, --package spec…
           Clean only the specified packages. This flag may be specified multiple times. See
           cargo-pkgid(1) for the SPEC format.

How to Use cargo clean

Using cargo clean is straightforward. Simply navigate to the root of your Rust project and run the following command:

cargo clean

This command will remove the target directory and all of its contents, effectively cleaning your project of build artifacts.

Example Usage

Assume you have a Rust project and you want to ensure a fresh build environment. To do this, you can use the cargo clean command as follows:

Navigate to your project's root directory:

cd /path/to/app/project

Run the cargo clean command:

cargo clean

After running this command, the target directory will be removed, and your project will be clean of all build artifacts.

Advanced Usage

cargo clean can also be used with specific options to customize its behavior. Here are some of the most useful options:

  • --release: Clean only the release build artifacts. This is useful if you want to keep debug artifacts but remove release ones.
cargo clean --release
  • --target <DIRECTORY>: Specify a custom target directory to clean. This is useful if your project uses a non-default target directory.
cargo clean --target /path/to/custom/target
  • -p <SPEC>: Clean artifacts for a specific package within a workspace. Replace with the package name.
cargo clean -p my_package

Best Practices for Using cargo clean

  • Regular Cleaning: Periodically run cargo clean to free up disk space and remove unnecessary build artifacts.
  • Before Major Changes: Clean your project before making significant changes to ensure no old artifacts interfere with the new build.
  • After Resolving Build Issues: If you encounter build issues that are difficult to diagnose, try running cargo clean to remove potentially corrupted artifacts.


  • The cargo clean command is a valuable tool for maintaining a clean and efficient Rust development environment.
  • By removing build artifacts, it helps resolve build issues, free up disk space, and ensure a fresh start for new builds.
  • Regular use of cargo clean can significantly contribute to a smooth and productive development workflow.
Structuring Rust Application


Structuring a Rust application involves organizing your code to enhance clarity, maintainability, and scalability. This section covers the basics of Rust modules and crates, including key terminology, creating a Rust application using Cargo, understanding how to import modules, and the final folder structure of a well-organized application.

Key Concepts

  • Modules: Logical groupings of code within a project, promoting encapsulation and reuse. Modules can contain definitions for functions, structs, enums, constants, and other modules.
  • Crates: Packages of Rust code that can be compiled into libraries or executables. Crates are the primary unit of compilation in Rust.
  • Cargo: Rust’s package manager and build system, streamlining project creation and dependency management.

By following these guidelines, you'll learn how to build a clean and efficient Rust application structure.

Create a Rust Application Using Cargo

Cargo is the Rust package manager and build system. You can create a new Rust application using the following command:

cargo new app_name

Usually, you will have the project structure like this:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src

Understanding the Namespace

Rust modules provide a namespace to prevent name conflicts. When you define or import items within a module, they are part of that module's namespace.

What is a Namespace?

  • A namespace is a context that allows you to group identifiers (such as functions, structs, enums, constants, and other modules) to avoid naming conflicts. In Rust, namespaces are created using modules. Each module has its own namespace, which helps in organizing code and controlling the scope of identifiers.

To simply put, namespaces in Rust provide a way to organize and manage different scopes of code, helping to avoid naming conflicts and making code more modular and maintainable.

Defining Modules and Namespaces

In Rust, you can define a module using the mod keyword. Modules can be defined within a single file or across multiple files.

Single File Module

Here is an example of defining and using modules within a single file:

mod math {
    pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a + b
    pub fn subtract(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a - b

fn main() {
    let sum = math::add(5, 3);
    let difference = math::subtract(5, 3);
    println!("Sum: {}", sum);
    println!("Difference: {}", difference);

Using Namespaces

In Rust, the use keyword allows you to bring items from modules into the current namespace, making it easier to access functions, structs, and other module contents.

Importing Rust Modules

Modules in Rust can be imported using the mod keyword for modules defined within the same file, or the use keyword for modules and items defined in other files or crates. This allows you to organize your code effectively and reuse functionality across different parts of your application.

Importing Modules within the Same File

You can define and import modules within the same file using the mod keyword.

mod math {
    pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a + b

    pub fn subtract(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a - b

fn main() {
    let sum = math::add(5, 3);
    let difference = math::subtract(5, 3);
    println!("Sum: {}", sum);
    println!("Difference: {}", difference);

Importing Modules from Other Files

For larger projects, it's common to organize modules in separate files. You can import these modules using the mod and use keywords.

File Structure:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src
    ├── math
    │   ├──
    │   └──

Code Example:

  1. src/

    mod math;
    use math::{add, subtract};
    fn main() {
        let sum = add::add(5, 3);
        let difference = subtract::subtract(5, 3);
        println!("Sum: {}", sum);
        println!("Difference: {}", difference);
  2. src/

    fn main() {
    pub mod add;
    pub mod subtract;
    Copy code
    pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a + b
  3. src/math/

fn main() {
pub fn subtract(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a - b

Using External Crates To use external crates, you add them to your Cargo.toml and import them with extern crate and use.


rand = "0.8"
  1. src/
extern crate rand;
use rand::Rng;

fn main() {
    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
    let n: u32 = rng.gen_range(1..101);
    println!("Random number: {}", n);

Bringing Items into Scope

Here’s how you can bring items into scope using the use keyword:

  • Importing Specific Functions: You can selectively import functions from a module, making them directly accessible without the module prefix.

Module Definition

fn main() {
mod math {
    pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a + b

    pub fn subtract(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a - b

Importing and Using Functions

use math::{add, subtract};

fn main() {
    let sum = add(5, 3);
    let difference = subtract(5, 3);
    println!("Sum: {}", sum);
    println!("Difference: {}", difference);

In the previous code:

  • mod math: Defines a module named math containing two public functions, add and subtract.
  • use math::{add, subtract};: Imports the add and subtract functions into the current scope, allowing you to call them directly without needing to prefix them with the module name.
  • Function Calls: The add and subtract functions are called directly within main, and their results are printed.

Without Using use

If you don't use the use keyword, you must reference items with their full paths, including the module name. This approach can make the code more verbose, but it clearly indicates where each function or item originates.

Example Without use

mod math {
    pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a + b

    pub fn subtract(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
        a - b

fn main() {
    let sum = math::add(5, 3);
    let difference = math::subtract(5, 3);
    println!("Sum: {}", sum);
    println!("Difference: {}", difference);

Notice that when we don't use the use to bring the module to the local namespace:

  • Full Path Reference: When calling add and subtract, you must prefix them with math::, the module name. This explicitly shows that these functions belong to the math module.
  • Clarity vs. Verbosity: While this method is clear and indicates the function’s origin, it can become cumbersome in larger projects where functions from the same module are called frequently.

Using use can reduce verbosity and enhance code readability by simplifying how you reference items from modules. It is recommended to import modules at the top of your Rust files. However, in situations where different modules contain functions with the same names, you may need to use the fully qualified path to avoid ambiguity.

Using Nested Modules

Rust allows you to create nested modules, organizing your code hierarchically. You can bring items from these nested modules into scope for easier access:

mod math {
    pub mod operations {
        pub fn multiply(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
            a * b

        pub fn divide(a: i32, b: i32) -> Option<i32> {
            if b == 0 {
            } else {
                Some(a / b)

use math::operations::{multiply, divide};

fn main() {
    let product = multiply(5, 3);
    let quotient = divide(6, 2);
    match quotient {
        Some(q) => println!("Quotient: {}", q),
        None => println!("Cannot divide by zero"),
    println!("Product: {}", product);

Code Explained

  • Nested Modules: math contains a submodule operations, which defines multiply and divide functions.
  • Using use: This imports multiply and divide from math::operations, allowing you to call them directly without the full path.
  • Function Usage: The main function demonstrates calling multiply and divide. The divide function returns an Option, handling division by zero gracefully.
  • Output Handling: The match statement checks the result of divide, printing a message if the division was successful or indicating an error if dividing by zero.

Multi-File Module: Scenario 01

You can also split modules across multiple files for better organization. This is was the old way of organizing modules:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src
    ├── math
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
mod math;

fn main() {
    let sum = math::add::add(5, 3);
    let difference = math::subtract::subtract(5, 3);
    println!("Sum: {}", sum);
    println!("Difference: {}", difference);
  • The src/math/
fn main() {
pub mod add;
pub mod subtract;
  1. src/math/
fn main() {
pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b
  • src/math/
fn main() {
pub fn subtract(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a - b

Multi-File Module: Using Directory Names as Namespaces

Instead of adding a file in the folder like shown in the previous scenario, you can structure your modules by using the directory name as the namespace instead of relying on, in other words you can add a file named <folder_name>.rs at the same level as the folder. This approach simplifies the directory structure and improves clarity, making it easier to understand the module hierarchy at a glance.

Note that this approach is becoming increasingly popular among Rust developers for several reasons:

Updated File Structure

├── Cargo.toml
└── src
    ├── math
    │   ├──
    │   └──

Why Use Directory Names as Namespaces?

  1. Simplicity and Clarity: Using directory names instead of files simplifies the directory structure and makes it clearer what each directory represents. Each directory directly maps to a module, reducing ambiguity.
  2. Easier Navigation: Developers can easily navigate through the codebase because each directory name explicitly represents a module, and files within the directory represent submodules or related functionality.
  3. Avoids Overload: Using for every module can lead to confusion, especially in larger projects where there may be multiple files. Naming directories explicitly avoids this issue.
  4. Consistency with Other Languages: This approach aligns more closely with conventions in other programming languages, making it more intuitive for developers coming from different backgrounds.
  5. Improved Readability: The directory and file names serve as a natural documentation of the module hierarchy, improving overall readability and maintainability of the code.
mod math;

fn main() {
    let sum = math::add::add(5, 3);
    let difference = math::subtract::subtract(5, 3);
    println!("Sum: {}", sum);
    println!("Difference: {}", difference);
  • The src/
fn main() {
pub mod add;
pub mod subtract;
  1. src/math/
fn main() {
pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b
  • src/math/
fn main() {
pub fn subtract(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a - b

By using directory names as namespaces, Rust application can be more maintainable and scalable . This approach enhances the clarity of your module structure, making your codebase easier to navigate and understand. As Rust continues to evolve, this practice is becoming a recommended way to organize larger projects efficiently.

The Final Application Folder Structure

Here is an example of a more complex folder structure for a Rust application:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src
    └── module2

In this structure:

  • is the entry point for the binary crate.
  • is a module file.
  • is another module, demonstrating the use of nested modules

Practical Example: Application Structure

Here’s a typical structure for a simple calculator application:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src
    ├── calculator
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──

Understanding the Project Structure

  1. The file serves an important role in the structure of your Rust application. By declaring submodules within this file, you inform the Rust compiler about the existence of additional modules within the calculator directory.

How It Works

When you create a directory for modules, Rust needs a way to understand that this directory is more than just a folder—it contains related modules. The file acts as an entry point or a gateway, explicitly declaring each submodule with the pub mod keyword.

Why It’s Important

  • Namespace Clarity: By specifying submodules in, you create a clear namespace. This helps in organizing code logically, making it easier to navigate and maintain.
  • Compiler Guidance: The Rust compiler relies on these declarations to locate and compile the corresponding Rust files within the directory. Without, the compiler wouldn’t know which files to include or how they relate to each other.
  • Modular Codebase: This approach promotes modularity. Each submodule (e.g.,, contains specific functionality, allowing you to break down complex logic into manageable parts.


In, you might have:

fn main() {
pub mod add;
pub mod subtract;
pub mod multiply;
pub mod divide;

The calculator Directory

The calculator directory contains the individual submodules that define specific arithmetic operations. Each operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) is encapsulated in its own file, promoting modularity and clarity.



The Submodules

  1. This module handles addition.
fn main() {
pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b
  • Purpose: Implements a simple function to add two integers.
  • Visibility: The function is marked pub, making it accessible from outside the module.
  1. This module handles subtraction.
fn main() {
pub fn subtract(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a - b
  • Purpose: Implements a function to subtract the second integer from the first.
  • Visibility: The pub keyword makes it available to other modules.
  1. This module handles multiplication.
fn main() {
pub fn multiply(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a * b
  • Purpose: Multiplies two integers and returns the result.
  • Visibility: Public, allowing access from other parts of the program.
  1. This module handles division.
fn main() {
pub fn divide(a: i32, b: i32) -> Option<i32> {
    if b == 0 {
    } else {
        Some(a / b)
  • Purpose: Divides the first integer by the second. If the divisor is zero, it returns None to prevent a runtime error.
  • Return Type: Uses Option<i32> to safely handle division by zero.
  • Visibility: Public, so it can be used in the main application.

The File

The file serves as the entry point of the application, orchestrating the use of different modules to perform calculations. It imports the calculator module and utilizes the arithmetic operations defined within it.

Code Overview

mod calculator;

fn main() {
    let a = 10;
    let b = 5;

    let sum = calculator::add::add(a, b);
    let difference = calculator::subtract::subtract(a, b);
    let product = calculator::multiply::multiply(a, b);
    let quotient = calculator::divide::divide(a, b);

    println!("Sum: {}", sum);
    println!("Difference: {}", difference);
    println!("Product: {}", product);
    println!("Quotient: {}", quotient);
  1. Module Declaration:
fn main() {
mod calculator;

This line declares the calculator module, making all the submodules available for use in the main function.

  1. Main Function: The main function is where the program execution begins.
fn main() {
    // body

In the main function:

  1. Variable Initialization:
fn main() {
let a = 10;
let b = 5;

Two integer variables, a and b, are initialized with values to demonstrate the calculator's functionality.

  1. Using Calculator Functions:
fn main() {
let sum = calculator::add::add(a, b);
let difference = calculator::subtract::subtract(a, b);
let product = calculator::multiply::multiply(a, b);
let quotient = calculator::divide::divide(a, b);

Each arithmetic operation is performed using the functions from the respective submodules (add, subtract, multiply, divide). The results are stored in variables.

  1. Output:
fn main() {
println!("Sum: {}", sum);
println!("Difference: {}", difference);
println!("Product: {}", product);
println!("Quotient: {}", quotient);

The results of the calculations are printed to the console. If b were zero, the division operation would handle it gracefully by returning None.

The Cargo.toml

The Cargo.toml file is the configuration file for your Rust project. It contains metadata about your package, including its name, version, and dependencies. Here's an example for the simple calculator application:

name = "simple_calculator"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"



  • [package]: This section defines the package metadata.

    • name: The name of your project (simple_calculator).
    • version: The version of your application (0.1.0).
    • edition: Specifies the Rust edition you're using (2021), which includes the latest features and improvements.
  • [dependencies]: This section lists the external crates your project depends on. In this case, there are no external dependencies, but you can add them as needed.

Running the Application

To compile and run your Rust application, use the following command:

cargo run

This command will:

  • Compile the source code.
  • Execute the main function.
  • Display the results of the calculations in the console.


  • Namespace: A context that allows grouping identifiers to avoid naming conflicts.
  • Module: In Rust, a module creates a namespace. Use the mod keyword to define a module.
  • Single File Module: Modules can be defined and used within a single file.
  • Multi-File Module: Modules can be split across multiple files for better organization.
  • Importing Items: Use the use keyword to bring items from a module into the current namespace.
  • Nested Modules: Modules can be nested, and items from nested modules can be brought into scope.


Structuring a Rust application correctly is crucial for maintainability and scalability. By following best practices, organizing code into modules, and writing tests, you can create robust and efficient Rust applications. Keep your code modular, test thoroughly, and document your public interfaces for the best results.


  1. In Rust, what is the purpose of a file?
  2. Module Source Filenames - Rust Reference
Advanced Rust Project Structure

As you progress in your Rust journey, understanding how to structure more complex projects becomes essential. In this section, we’ll delve into advanced concepts, including libraries and testing, that will help you build robust and maintainable Rust applications. We'll explore how to organize your code into libraries for reusability and how to set up comprehensive test suites to ensure the reliability of your code. By mastering these concepts, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle larger projects with confidence.

Project Structure

A well-organized directory layout is crucial for managing the code effectively in a Rust project. Here’s a typical structure that balances simplicity and scalability:

├── src/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── module2/
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
├── tests/
│   └──
├── examples/
│   └──
├── target/
├── Cargo.toml
└── Cargo.lock

Directory Breakdown

  • src/: Contains the main source code of your project.

    • The entry point for a binary application. This file contains the main function.
    • The entry point for a library, containing reusable code that can be shared across multiple binaries or external projects.
    • A file representing module1, encapsulating specific functionality.
    • The main file for module2, declaring its submodules.
    • module2/: A directory containing submodules related to module2.
      • A submodule file within module2.
      • Another submodule file within module2.
  • tests/: Contains integration tests that test the public API of your library or application.

    • An example integration test file.
  • examples/: Contains example programs that demonstrate how to use your library.

    • An example file showing usage patterns and functionalities.
  • target/: The directory where compiled artifacts are stored. This directory is created by Cargo and includes the results of the build process.

  • Cargo.toml: The configuration file for your project, specifying dependencies, project metadata, and build settings.

  • Cargo.lock: A lock file that ensures consistency of dependency versions, generated automatically by Cargo.

Organizing Code

  1. Modules and Files: Rust uses modules to encapsulate code into namespaces. A module can be a file or a directory. If a directory has submodules, you should use the instead of using (the old approach) in each submodule directory, since the approach is the recommended and the future Rust projects.

  2. Declaring Modules: To declare the modules and submodule you can use the mod keyword , for example:

fn main() {
// In or
mod module1;
mod module2;
  1. Using Modules: Import modules with the use keyword.
fn main() {
use module1::function1;
use module2::submodule1::function2;
  1. Defining Modules in Files: Each module can be defined in its own file:
fn main() {
pub fn function1() {
    println!("Function in module1");
fn main() {
pub mod submodule1;
pub mod submodule2;

pub fn function2() {
    println!("Function in module2");
  • module2/
fn main() {
pub fn function2() {
    println!("Function in submodule1");
  1. Using and
  • Contains library code, which can be shared across multiple binaries or external projects.
fn main() {
pub mod module1;
pub mod module2;

pub fn public_function() {
    println!("Public function in the library");
  • Entry point for binary applications. It can use functions from
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Writing Tests in Rust Applications

Rust encourages test-driven development, providing robust tools to ensure your code behaves as expected. Organizing tests effectively can help maintain code quality and catch potential bugs early in the development process.

Types of Tests

  1. Unit Tests:

    • These are small tests focused on individual components or functions.
    • Located within the same file as the code they test, unit tests ensure each function performs correctly in isolation.
    fn main() {
    mod tests {
        use super::*;
        fn test_add() {
            assert_eq!(add(2, 3), 5);
- **`#[cfg(test)]`**: This attribute indicates that the module should only be compiled when running tests.
- **`#[test]`**: Marks a function as a test case.
- **`assert_eq!`**: A macro that asserts two values are equal.

### Integration Tests

- These tests evaluate the behavior of your code when different modules or components work together.
- Located in the `tests` directory, integration tests focus on the public API of your library or application.

**Example Structure**:
├── src/
│   ├──
├── tests/
│   ├──

Example Code:

fn main() {
// tests/
use my_project::calculator;

fn test_integration() {
    assert_eq!(calculator::add::add(2, 3), 5);
    assert_eq!(calculator::subtract::subtract(5, 3), 2);

Here, use my_project::calculator; imports the modules being tested.

Writing Effective Tests

  • Be Descriptive: Use meaningful names for test functions to describe what the test verifies.
  • Test Edge Cases: Consider unusual or extreme inputs to ensure your code handles them gracefully.
  • Keep Tests Isolated: Tests should not depend on each other. Each test should run independently.

Running Tests

To run your tests, use the following command in your terminal:

cargo test

This command compiles your code and runs all the tests in your project, displaying the results in the terminal.

Test Output

  • Passed: Indicates that the test ran successfully.
  • Failed: Indicates that the test did not pass, providing details about the failure for debugging.

Best Practices

  • Keep Functions Small: Ensure each function has a single responsibility.
  • Use Result and Option for Error Handling: Leverage Rust’s powerful enums for handling errors gracefully.
  • Write Tests: Maintain unit and integration tests to ensure code quality.
  • Organize Code Logically: Group related functionality in modules.
  • Use Documentation Comments: Use /// for public functions and modules to generate documentation with cargo doc.

Running the Project

To execute your Rust project and see it in action, use the following command in your terminal:

cargo run

This command compiles your code and runs the executable, allowing you to interact with your application. It’s a quick way to test changes and verify functionality.

Building Documentation

Rust provides a powerful documentation generation tool that creates comprehensive and easily navigable documentation for your project. To generate and view the documentation, use:

cargo doc --open

This command compiles the documentation from comments and metadata in your code, then opens it in your default web browser. It’s an excellent way to ensure that your code is well-documented and accessible to other developers.

Creating a Rust Application Walkthrough

Creating the Application Using Cargo

To create your Rust application using Cargo, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to create your project.

  2. Run the following command to create a new Rust project:

    cargo new --lib advanced_calculator
  3. Navigate into the project directory:

cd advanced_calculator
  1. Create the necessary files and directories:
mkdir src/calculator
touch src/
touch src/calculator/
touch src/calculator/
touch src/calculator/
touch src/calculator/
mkdir tests
touch tests/
  1. Open the project in your favorite code editor and add the appropriate code to each file as described in the project structure.

Writing Code for Each Module

  • src/
fn main() {
pub mod calculator;
  • src/
fn main() {
pub mod add;
pub mod subtract;
pub mod multiply;
pub mod divide;
  • src/calculator/
fn main() {
pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b
  • src/calculator/
fn main() {
pub fn subtract(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a - b
  • src/calculator/
fn main() {
pub fn multiply(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a * b
  • src/calculator/
fn main() {
pub fn divide(a: i32, b: i32) -> Option<i32> {
    if b == 0 {
    } else {
        Some(a / b)
  • Integration Tests: tests/
fn main() {
use advanced_calculator::calculator;

fn test_add() {
    assert_eq!(calculator::add::add(10, 5), 15);
    assert_eq!(calculator::add::add(0, 0), 0);

fn test_subtract() {
    assert_eq!(calculator::subtract::subtract(10, 5), 5);
    assert_eq!(calculator::subtract::subtract(5, 10), -5);

fn test_multiply() {
    assert_eq!(calculator::multiply::multiply(10, 5), 50);
    assert_eq!(calculator::multiply::multiply(0, 5), 0);

fn test_divide() {
    assert_eq!(calculator::divide::divide(10, 5), Some(2));
    assert_eq!(calculator::divide::divide(10, 0), None); // Tests division by zero

Running the Project

To execute your Rust project and see it in action, use the following command in your terminal:

cargo run

Running the Tests To run your tests, use the following command in your terminal:

cargo test

Building Documentation

Build the documentation for your application:

cargo doc --open


In this section, we explored the structure of advanced Rust projects, focusing on modularity, organization, and testing. We discussed how to create a well-organized directory layout using Cargo, including the use of libraries and submodules. We demonstrated how to write unit and integration tests to ensure code quality and reliability. Additionally, we covered the use of Cargo commands to run the application and generate documentation, highlighting the importance of a clean, maintainable, and scalable project structure in Rust development.

Chapter 3: Understanding Data Types in Rust

In the Rust programming language, data types play a crucial role in ensuring memory safety and performance. This chapter delves into the core data types that form the foundation of Rust programming. Understanding these data types is essential for writing efficient and robust code.

In this chapter we will explore the following key topics:

  • Primitive Data Types: An introduction to Rust's basic data types, including integers, floats, booleans, and characters. These types are the building blocks for more complex data structures.

    • Integers: Discussing the various integer types, their sizes, and their signed and unsigned variants.
    • Floats: Covering floating-point numbers and their precision, essential for handling decimal values.
    • Booleans: Examining the boolean type for true/false logic.
    • Characters: Understanding the character type, which represents individual Unicode characters.
  • Constants: Exploring how to define constants in Rust, allowing for immutable values that enhance code clarity and maintainability.

  • Type Conversion: Techniques for converting between different data types, an important aspect of Rust programming that ensures type safety while allowing flexibility.

  • Numeric and Character Operations: Detailed discussion of operations that can be performed on numeric and character data types, including arithmetic and logical operations.

  • Creating Ranges: How to efficiently create and utilize ranges in Rust, providing a powerful tool for iteration and slicing.

Each section of this chapter builds upon the last, providing a comprehensive understanding of Rust's data types. By the end of this chapter, you will have the knowledge necessary to leverage Rust's type system to write more efficient, safe, and expressive code.

Integer Data Types in Rust

Throughout the chapters of this book, we define functions and tools to format console output in a user-friendly manner. At the beginning of each chapter, we introduce a function that will be used throughout the chapter and possibly throughout the entire book.

use std::any::type_name;
// Function to create a formatted banner
pub fn banner(sep: &str, nchar: usize, message: &str) {
    let sep = sep.repeat(nchar);
    let message = format!("{:^width$}", message, width = nchar);
    println!("\n{}\n{}\n{}", sep, message, sep);

// function to display the data type of a variable
fn type_of<T>(_: T) -> &'static str {


In Rust, integer types are fundamental data types used to represent whole numbers. Rust provides several integer types with different sizes and characteristics. This lesson will cover how to declare integer variables with explicit typing, the various integer types available, and some important properties of these types.

Integers Types in Rust

  • Rust's integer types are divided into two categories:
    1. Signed integers: These can represent both positive and negative numbers.
    2. Unsigned integers: These can only represent positive numbers.

Signed Integer Types

An 8-bit signed integer: i8

  • Range: -128 to 127.
  • Usage: i8 is used when you need to store small integer values and want to minimize memory usage. It’s commonly used in applications where memory is limited or for specific algorithms that require small-range integer arithmetic.

A 16-bit signed integer: i16

  • Range: -32,768 to 32,767.
  • Usage: i16 is useful for storing medium-range integer values. It is often used in applications such as signal processing or where you need a larger range than i8 but still want to keep memory usage relatively low.

A 32-bit signed integer: i32

Range: -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
Usage: i32 is one of the most commonly used integer types because it provides a good balance between range and memory usage. It’s suitable for most arithmetic operations and is typically the default integer type in many applications unless there is a specific need for a different size.

A 64-bit signed integer: i64

  • Range: -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.
  • Usage: i64 is used when you need to store very large integer values. It is commonly used in applications involving large datasets, high-precision calculations, or when dealing with timestamps and file sizes.

A 128-bit signed integer: i128

Range: -170,141,183,460,469,231,731,687,303,715,884,105,728 to 170,141,183,460,469,231,731,687,303,715,884,105,727.
Usage: i128 is used for applications that require extremely large integer values beyond the range of i64. It’s suitable for high-precision scientific calculations, cryptographic applications, and financial computations where very large numbers are involved.

Here is the list of signed integer types in Rust:

Type Description Range
i8 8-bit signed integer -128 to 127
i16 16-bit signed integer -32,768 to 32,767
i32 32-bit signed integer -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
i64 64-bit signed integer -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
i128 128-bit signed integer -170,141,183,460,469,231,731,687,303,715,884,105,728 to 170,141,183,460,469,231,731,687,303,715,884,105,727
isize Pointer-sized signed integer (architecture dependent) -2^(N-1) to 2^(N-1) - 1

Unsigned Integer Types

An 8-bit unsigned integer: u8

  • Range: 0 to 255.
  • Usage: u8 is used when you need to store small non-negative integer values and want to minimize memory usage. It’s commonly used in applications such as byte manipulation, image processing, and data serialization where values are guaranteed to be within this range.

A 16-bit unsigned integer: u16

  • Range: 0 to 65,535.
  • Usage: u16 is useful for storing medium-range non-negative integer values. It is often used in applications such as graphics, network protocols, and systems programming where a larger range than u8 is needed but still want to keep memory usage relatively low.

A 32-bit unsigned integer: u32

  • Range: 0 to 4,294,967,295.
  • Usage: u32 is one of the most commonly used unsigned integer types because it provides a good balance between range and memory usage. It’s suitable for most non-negative arithmetic operations and is typically the default unsigned integer type in many applications unless there is a specific need for a different size.

A 64-bit unsigned integer: u64

  • Range: 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.
  • Usage: u64 is used when you need to store very large non-negative integer values. It is commonly used in applications involving large datasets, high-precision calculations, or when dealing with timestamps, large file sizes, and large ranges of IDs.

A 128-bit unsigned integer: u128

  • Range: 0 to 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,455.
  • Usage: u128 is used for applications that require extremely large non-negative integer values beyond the range of u64. It’s suitable for high-precision scientific calculations, cryptographic applications, and financial computations where very large numbers are involved.

Here is a table of unsigned integer Types in Rust:

Type Description Range
u8 8-bit unsigned integer 0 to 255
u16 16-bit unsigned integer 0 to 65,535
u32 32-bit unsigned integer 0 to 4,294,967,295
u64 64-bit unsigned integer 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
u128 128-bit unsigned integer 0 to 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,455
usize Pointer-sized unsigned integer (architecture dependent) 0 to 2^N - 1

Important Properties of Integer Types


The size of each integer type in memory is fixed. For example, i8 and u8 are always 1 byte, while i64 and u64 are always 8 bytes. The isize and usize types are architecture-dependent, meaning they can be either 4 bytes (32-bit) or 8 bytes (64-bit) depending on the target architecture.


Each integer type has a specific range of values it can represent. Signed integers can represent both negative and positive numbers, while unsigned integers can only represent positive numbers.


Rust provides safety checks for integer overflow in debug mode. If an arithmetic operation overflows, Rust will panic in debug builds. In release builds, Rust performs two's complement wrapping.


Integer literals can be written with type suffixes to specify their type explicitly. For example, 42i8, 42u32, or 42isize.

Underscores in Numbers

For readability, underscores can be used in numeric literals. For example, 1_000_000 is the same as 1000000.

Declaring Integer Variables with Explicit Typing

  • In Rust, you can declare variables using the let keyword. To explicitly specify the type of an integer variable, you can use a colon followed by the type after the variable name. Here are some examples:
fn main() {
    let int8: i8 = -42;
    let int16: i16 = -32000;
    let int32: i32 = -2_000_000;
    let int64: i64 = -9_000_000_000;
    let int128: i128 = -9_000_000_000_000;

    banner("=", 62, "Int8 Integer Types in Rust" );
    println!("Decimal int8: {},\nBinary int8: {:b},\nOctal int8: {},\nHexadecimal int8: {:x}",
        int8, int8, int8, int8);

    banner("=", 62, "Int16 Integer Types in Rust" );
    println!("Decimal int16: {},\nBinary int16: {:b},\nOctal int16: {},\nHexadecimal int16: {:x}",
        int16, int16, int16, int16);

    banner("=", 62, "Int32 Integer Types in Rust" );
    println!("Decimal Int32: {},\nBinary int32: {:b},\nOctal int32: {},\nHexadecimal int32: {:x}",
        int32, int32, int32, int32);

    banner("=", 62, "Int64 Integer Types in Rust" );
    println!("Decimal int64: {},\nBinary int64: {:b},\nOctal int64: {},\nHexadecimal int64: {:x}",
        int64, int64, int64, int64);

    banner("=", 62, "Int128 Integer Types in Rust" );
    println!("Decimal int128: {},\nBinary int128: {:b},\nOctal int128: {},\nHexadecimal int128: {:x}",
        int128, int128, int128, int128);
                  Int8 Integer Types in Rust
Decimal int8: -42,
Binary int8: 11010110,
Octal int8: -42,
Hexadecimal int8: d6

                 Int16 Integer Types in Rust
Decimal int16: -32000,
Binary int16: 1000001100000000,
Octal int16: -32000,
Hexadecimal int16: 8300

                 Int32 Integer Types in Rust
Decimal Int32: -2000000,
Binary int32: 11111111111000010111101110000000,
Octal int32: -2000000,
Hexadecimal int32: ffe17b80

                 Int64 Integer Types in Rust
Decimal int64: -9000000000,
Binary int64: 1111111111111111111111111111110111100111100011101110011000000000,
Octal int64: -9000000000,
Hexadecimal int64: fffffffde78ee600

                 Int128 Integer Types in Rust
Decimal int128: -9000000000000,
Binary int128: 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111101000010000110001100100111000000000000,
Octal int128: -9000000000000,
Hexadecimal int128: fffffffffffffffffffff7d086327000
fn main() {
    let int8: i8 = -42;
    let int16: i16 = -32000;
    let int32: i32 = -2_000_000;
    let int64: i64 = -9_000_000_000;
    let int128: i128 = -9_000_000_000_000;

    banner("=", 62, "Integer Types in Rust, Types and Size in Memory" );

    println!("int8:    {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", int8, type_of(int8), std::mem::size_of::<i8>());
    println!("int16:   {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", int16, type_of(int16), std::mem::size_of::<i16>());
    println!("int32:   {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", int32, type_of(int32), std::mem::size_of::<i32>());
    println!("int64:   {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", int64, type_of(int64), std::mem::size_of::<i64>());
    println!("int128:  {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", int128, type_of(int128), std::mem::size_of::<i128>());
       Integer Types in Rust, Types and Size in Memory
int8:    -42            , type: i8        , size: 1 bytes
int16:   -32000         , type: i16       , size: 2 bytes
int32:   -2000000       , type: i32       , size: 4 bytes
int64:   -9000000000    , type: i64       , size: 8 bytes
int128:  -9000000000000 , type: i128      , size: 16 bytes

Minimum and Maximum Values of Integer Types in Rust

fn main() {
    banner("*", 72, "The MIN and Max Values for Each Integer Data Type");
    // Print min and max values for each type
    print_data_type_info::<i8>("i8", i8::MIN, i8::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<i16>("i16", i16::MIN, i16::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<i32>("i32", i32::MIN, i32::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<i64>("i64", i64::MIN, i64::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<i128>("i128", i128::MIN, i128::MAX);

fn print_data_type_info<T>(type_name: &str, min: T, max: T)
    T: std::fmt::Display,
        "Type: {:<8}, Size: {:<8} bytes, Min: {:<25}, Max: {}",
           The MIN and Max Values for Each Integer Data Type
Type: i8      , Size: 1        bytes, Min: -128                     , Max: 127
Type: i16     , Size: 2        bytes, Min: -32768                   , Max: 32767
Type: i32     , Size: 4        bytes, Min: -2147483648              , Max: 2147483647
Type: i64     , Size: 8        bytes, Min: -9223372036854775808     , Max: 9223372036854775807
Type: i128    , Size: 16       bytes, Min: -170141183460469231731687303715884105728, Max: 170141183460469231731687303715884105727

Unsigned Integer Types in Rust

fn main() {
    let uint8: u8 = 42;
    let uint16: u16 = 32000;
    let uint32: u32 = 2_000_000;
    let uint64: u64 = 9_000_000_000;
    let uint128: u128 = 9_000_000_000_000;

    banner("=", 62, "uint8 Integer Types in Rust" );
    println!("Decimal uint8: {},\nBinary uint8: {:b},\nOctal uint8: {},\nHexadecimal: {:x}",
    uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8);

    banner("=", 62, "uint16 Integer Types in Rust" );
    println!("Decimal uint16: {},\nBinary uint16: {:b},\nOctal uint16: {},\nHexadecimal uint16: {:x}",
        uint16, uint16, uint16, uint16);

    banner("=", 62, "uint32 Integer Types in Rust" );
    println!("Decimal uint32: {},\nBinary uint32: {:b},\nOctal uint32: {},\nHexadecimal uint32: {:x}",
        uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32);

    banner("=", 62, "uint64 Integer Types in Rust" );
    println!("Decimal uint64: {},\nBinary uint64: {:b},\nOctal uint64: {},\nHexadecimaluint64: {:x}",
        uint64, uint64, uint64, uint64);

    banner("=", 62, "Int128 Integer Types in Rust" );
    println!("Decimal int128: {},\nBinary uint128: {:b},\nOctal uint128: {},\nHexadecimal uint128: {:x}",
        uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128);
                 uint8 Integer Types in Rust
Decimal uint8: 42,
Binary uint8: 101010,
Octal uint8: 42,
Hexadecimal: 2a

                 uint16 Integer Types in Rust
Decimal uint16: 32000,
Binary uint16: 111110100000000,
Octal uint16: 32000,
Hexadecimal uint16: 7d00

                 uint32 Integer Types in Rust
Decimal uint32: 2000000,
Binary uint32: 111101000010010000000,
Octal uint32: 2000000,
Hexadecimal uint32: 1e8480

                 uint64 Integer Types in Rust
Decimal uint64: 9000000000,
Binary uint64: 1000011000011100010001101000000000,
Octal uint64: 9000000000,
Hexadecimaluint64: 218711a00

                 Int128 Integer Types in Rust
Decimal int128: 9000000000000,
Binary uint128: 10000010111101111001110011011001000000000000,
Octal uint128: 9000000000000,
Hexadecimal uint128: 82f79cd9000

Type and Memory Size of Unsigned Integers

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Unsigned Integer Types in Rust" );
    let uint8: u8 = 42;
    let uint16: u16 = 32000;
    let uint32: u32 = 2_000_000;
    let uint64: u64 = 9_000_000_000;
    let uint128: u128 = 9_000_000_000_000;

    println!("uuint8:    {:<15}, type: u8,    size: {:<10} bytes", uint8, std::mem::size_of::<u8>());
    println!("uuint16:   {:<15}, type: u16,   size: {:<10} bytes", uint16, std::mem::size_of::<u16>());
    println!("uuint32:   {:<15}, type: u32,   size: {:<10} bytes", uint32, std::mem::size_of::<u32>());
    println!("uuint64:   {:<15}, type: u64,   size: {:<10} bytes", uint64, std::mem::size_of::<u64>());
    println!("uint128:   {:<15}, type: u128,  size: {:<10} bytes", uint128, std::mem::size_of::<u128>());
                Unsigned Integer Types in Rust
uuint8:    42             , type: u8,    size: 1          bytes
uuint16:   32000          , type: u16,   size: 2          bytes
uuint32:   2000000        , type: u32,   size: 4          bytes
uuint64:   9000000000     , type: u64,   size: 8          bytes
uint128:   9000000000000  , type: u128,  size: 16         bytes
// Print Data Type Information

fn main() {
    banner("*", 72, "The MIN and Max Values for Each Integer Data Type");
    print_data_type_info::<u8>("u8", u8::MIN, u8::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<u16>("u16", u16::MIN, u16::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<u32>("u32", u32::MIN, u32::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<u64>("u64", u64::MIN, u64::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<u128>("usize", u128::MIN, u128::MAX);
fn print_data_type_info<T>(type_name: &str, min: T, max: T)
    T: std::fmt::Display,
        "Type: {:<8}, Size: {:<8} bytes, Min: {:<5}, Max: {}",
           The MIN and Max Values for Each Integer Data Type
Type: u8      , Size: 1        bytes, Min: 0    , Max: 255
Type: u16     , Size: 2        bytes, Min: 0    , Max: 65535
Type: u32     , Size: 4        bytes, Min: 0    , Max: 4294967295
Type: u64     , Size: 8        bytes, Min: 0    , Max: 18446744073709551615
Type: usize   , Size: 16       bytes, Min: 0    , Max: 340282366920938463463374607431768211455

isize and usize in Rust

  1. isize:

    • Description: A pointer-sized signed integer.
    • Range: The range of isize depends on the architecture of the machine:
      • On a 32-bit system: -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
      • On a 64-bit system: -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
    • Usage: isize is used when you need an integer type that can hold any pointer or array index on the target architecture. It is particularly useful for pointer arithmetic and when working with collections that require indexing, ensuring that the indices are correctly sized for the platform.
  2. usize:

    • Description: A pointer-sized unsigned integer.
    • Range: The range of usize depends on the architecture of the machine:
      • On a 32-bit system: 0 to 4,294,967,295
      • On a 64-bit system: 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
    • Usage: usize is used for indexing and pointer arithmetic. It is the primary type for sizes and indices in collections and memory-related operations. Since it matches the architecture's pointer size, it ensures that operations involving memory addresses and sizes are performed efficiently and correctly.

Example Usage

Here is an example demonstrating how isize and usize can be used in Rust:

fn main() {

    banner("=", 62, "Int Size Integer Types in Rust, Types and Size in Memory" );

    let signed_index: isize = -10;
    println!("signed_index: {}, type: isize, size: {} bytes", signed_index, std::mem::size_of::<isize>());

    // Example of usize
    let unsigned_index: usize = 10;
    println!("unsigned_index: {}, type: usize, size: {} bytes", unsigned_index, std::mem::size_of::<usize>());

    banner("=", 62, "Int Size Integer Types in Rust, Types and Size in Memory" );
    let intsize_1: isize = -9; // Size depends on the architecture (32-bit or 64-bit)
    let intsize_2: isize = -9_000;
    let intsize_3: isize = -9_000_000;
    let intsize_4: isize = -9_000_000_000;
    let intsize_5: isize = -9_000_000_000_000_000_000;

    println!("intsize: {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", intsize_1, type_of(intsize_1), std::mem::size_of::<isize>());
    println!("intsize: {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", intsize_2, type_of(intsize_2), std::mem::size_of::<isize>());
    println!("intsize: {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", intsize_3, type_of(intsize_3), std::mem::size_of::<isize>());
    println!("intsize: {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", intsize_4, type_of(intsize_4), std::mem::size_of::<isize>());
    println!("intsize: {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", intsize_5, type_of(intsize_5), std::mem::size_of::<isize>());

    banner("=", 62, "Int Size Integer Types in Rust, Types and Size in Memory" );
    let untsize_1: usize = 9; // Size depends on the architecture (32-bit or 64-bit)
    let untsize_2: usize = 9_000;
    let untsize_3: usize = 9_000_000;
    let untsize_4: usize = 9_000_000_000;
    let untsize_5: usize = 9_000_000_000_000_000_000;

    println!("intsize: {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", untsize_1, type_of(intsize_1), std::mem::size_of::<usize>());
    println!("intsize: {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", untsize_2, type_of(intsize_2), std::mem::size_of::<usize>());
    println!("intsize: {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", untsize_3, type_of(intsize_3), std::mem::size_of::<usize>());
    println!("intsize: {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", untsize_4, type_of(intsize_4), std::mem::size_of::<usize>());
    println!("intsize: {:<15}, type: {:<10}, size: {} bytes", untsize_5, type_of(intsize_5), std::mem::size_of::<usize>());

    banner("=", 62, "Case usage of Usize Type" );
    // Using usize for array indexing
    let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let index: usize = 2;
    println!("Element at index {}: {}", index, array[index]);
   Int Size Integer Types in Rust, Types and Size in Memory
signed_index: -10, type: isize, size: 8 bytes
unsigned_index: 10, type: usize, size: 8 bytes

   Int Size Integer Types in Rust, Types and Size in Memory
intsize: -9             , type: isize     , size: 8 bytes
intsize: -9000          , type: isize     , size: 8 bytes
intsize: -9000000       , type: isize     , size: 8 bytes
intsize: -9000000000    , type: isize     , size: 8 bytes
intsize: -9000000000000000000, type: isize     , size: 8 bytes

   Int Size Integer Types in Rust, Types and Size in Memory
intsize: 9              , type: isize     , size: 8 bytes
intsize: 9000           , type: isize     , size: 8 bytes
intsize: 9000000        , type: isize     , size: 8 bytes
intsize: 9000000000     , type: isize     , size: 8 bytes
intsize: 9000000000000000000, type: isize     , size: 8 bytes

                   Case usage of Usize Type
Element at index 2: 3

fn main() {
    banner("*", 72, "The MIN and Max Values for Isize and Usize on My machine");
    print_data_type_info::<isize>("isize", isize::MIN, isize::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<usize>("usize", usize::MIN, usize::MAX);

fn print_data_type_info<T>(type_name: &str, min: T, max: T)
    T: std::fmt::Display,
        "Type: {:<8}, Size: {:<8} bytes, Min: {:<25}, Max: {}",
        The MIN and Max Values for Isize and Usize on My machine
Type: isize   , Size: 8        bytes, Min: -9223372036854775808     , Max: 9223372036854775807
Type: usize   , Size: 8        bytes, Min: 0                        , Max: 18446744073709551615

Full Example

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Integer Data Types in Rust" );
    // i8: The 8-bit signed integer type
    let uint8: i8 = -42;
    println!("Value: {:<15}, Type: {:<10}, Size: {} bytes", uint8,
        type_of(uint8), std::mem::size_of::<i8>());

    // i16: The 16-bit signed integer type
    let uint16: i16 = -32000;
    println!("Value: {:<15}, Type: {:<10}, Size: {} bytes", uint16,
        type_of(uint16), std::mem::size_of::<i16>());

    // i32: The 32-bit signed integer type
    let uint32: i32 = -2_000_000;
    println!("Value: {:<15}, Type: {:<10}, Size: {} bytes", uint32,
        type_of(uint32), std::mem::size_of::<i32>());

    // i64: The 64-bit signed integer type
    let uint64: i64 = -9_000_000_000;
    println!("Value: {:<15}, Type: {:<10}, Size: {} bytes", uint64,
        type_of(uint64), std::mem::size_of::<i64>());

    // isize: The pointer-sized signed integer type
    let intsize: isize = -9_000_000;
    println!("Value: {:<15}, Type: {:<10}, Size: {} bytes", intsize,
        type_of(intsize), std::mem::size_of::<isize>());

    // u8: The 8-bit unsigned integer type
    let uuint8: u8 = 42;
    println!("Value: {:<15}, Type: {:<10}, Size: {} bytes", uuint8,
        type_of(uuint8), std::mem::size_of::<u8>());

    // u16: The 16-bit unsigned integer type
    let uuint16: u16 = 32000;
    println!("Value: {:<15}, Type: {:<10}, Size: {} bytes", uuint8,
        type_of(uuint16), std::mem::size_of::<u16>());

    // u32: The 32-bit unsigned integer type
    let uuint32: u32 = 2_000_000;
    println!("Value: {:<15}, Type: {:<10}, Size: {} bytes", uuint32,
        type_of(uuint32), std::mem::size_of::<u32>());

    // u64: The 64-bit unsigned integer type
    let uuint64: u64 = 9_000_000_000;
    println!("Value: {:<15}, Type: {:<10}, Size: {} bytes", uuint64,
        type_of(uuint64), std::mem::size_of::<u64>());

    // usize: The pointer-sized unsigned integer type
    let uintsize: usize = 9_000_000;
    println!("Value: {:<15}, Type: {:<10}, Size: {} bytes", uintsize,
        type_of(uintsize), std::mem::size_of::<usize>());
                  Integer Data Types in Rust
Value: -42            , Type: i8        , Size: 1 bytes
Value: -32000         , Type: i16       , Size: 2 bytes
Value: -2000000       , Type: i32       , Size: 4 bytes
Value: -9000000000    , Type: i64       , Size: 8 bytes
Value: -9000000       , Type: isize     , Size: 8 bytes
Value: 42             , Type: u8        , Size: 1 bytes
Value: 42             , Type: u16       , Size: 2 bytes
Value: 2000000        , Type: u32       , Size: 4 bytes
Value: 9000000000     , Type: u64       , Size: 8 bytes
Value: 9000000        , Type: usize     , Size: 8 bytes
fn main() {
    banner("*", 72, "The MIN and Max Values for Each Integer Data Type");
    // Print min and max values for each type
    print_data_type_info::<i8>("i8", i8::MIN, i8::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<i16>("i16", i16::MIN, i16::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<i32>("i32", i32::MIN, i32::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<i64>("i64", i64::MIN, i64::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<isize>("isize", isize::MIN, isize::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<u8>("u8", u8::MIN, u8::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<u16>("u16", u16::MIN, u16::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<u32>("u32", u32::MIN, u32::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<u64>("u64", u64::MIN, u64::MAX);
    print_data_type_info::<usize>("usize", usize::MIN, usize::MAX);

fn print_data_type_info<T>(type_name: &str, min: T, max: T)
    T: std::fmt::Display,
        "Type: {:<8}, Size: {:<8} bytes, Min: {:<25}, Max: {}",
           The MIN and Max Values for Each Integer Data Type
Type: i8      , Size: 1        bytes, Min: -128                     , Max: 127
Type: i16     , Size: 2        bytes, Min: -32768                   , Max: 32767
Type: i32     , Size: 4        bytes, Min: -2147483648              , Max: 2147483647
Type: i64     , Size: 8        bytes, Min: -9223372036854775808     , Max: 9223372036854775807
Type: isize   , Size: 8        bytes, Min: -9223372036854775808     , Max: 9223372036854775807
Type: u8      , Size: 1        bytes, Min: 0                        , Max: 255
Type: u16     , Size: 2        bytes, Min: 0                        , Max: 65535
Type: u32     , Size: 4        bytes, Min: 0                        , Max: 4294967295
Type: u64     , Size: 8        bytes, Min: 0                        , Max: 18446744073709551615
Type: usize   , Size: 8        bytes, Min: 0                        , Max: 18446744073709551615
Floating Point Data Types in Rust
use std::any::type_name;

// Function to create a formatted banner
pub fn banner(sep: &str, nchar: usize, message: &str) {
    let sep = sep.repeat(nchar);
    let message = format!("{:^width$}", message, width = nchar);
    println!("\n{}\n{}\n{}", sep, message, sep);

fn type_of<T>(_: T) -> &'static str {

Floating point data types in Rust are used to represent numbers that have fractional parts. They are especially useful for scientific computations, graphics programming, and any application where you need to perform calculations with real numbers. Rust provides two primary floating point types:

  • f32: A 32-bit floating point number.
  • f64: A 64-bit floating point number (double precision).

In this lesson, we will cover the basics of floating point types in Rust, how to declare them, their ranges, and some common operations.

The f32: 32-bit Floating Point Number

The f32 type represents a single-precision floating-point number. It occupies 32 bits (4 bytes) of memory and provides a balance between range and precision, suitable for many applications where performance and memory usage are considerations.

Range and Precision:

  • The approximate range is from 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38.
  • It has about 7 decimal digits of precision.


  • Use f32 only if you want to save some space
  • Use f64 for maximum precision generally. (Most APIs in Rust use f64)
/// This program demonstrates the use of the 32-bit floating-point type (`f32`) in Rust.
/// It showcases how to define and print the value, type, and size in memory.

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "32-bit floating-point variable with 4 Decimal Points");
    // Define a 32-bit floating-point variable with a precise value for Pi
    let float32: f32 = 3.1415927;
        "Value: {:.4}, Type: {}, Size: {} bytes",

     32-bit floating-point variable with 4 Decimal Points     
Value: 3.1416, Type: f32, Size: 4 bytes

The f64: 64-bit Floating Point Number

The f64 type represents a double-precision floating-point number. It occupies 64 bits (8 bytes) of memory and offers higher precision and range compared to f32, making it suitable for more precise scientific computations.

Range and Precision:

  • The approximate range is from 2.2E-308 to 1.8E+308.
  • It has about 15 decimal digits of precision.
/// This program demonstrates the use of the 64-bit floating-point type (`f64`) in Rust.
/// It showcases how to define and print the value, type, and size in memory.

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "64-bit floating-point variable with 7 Decimal Points");
    // Define a 64-bit floating-point variable with a precise value for Pi
    let float64: f64 = 3.141592653589793;
        "Value: {:.7}, Type: {}, Size: {} bytes",

     64-bit floating-point variable with 7 Decimal Points     
Value: 3.1415927, Type: f64, Size: 8 bytes

Floats in Details

The following example will show some details about the floating point number, such as the memory size, and the precision. The f64 is really a big number, you'll see!

// program demonstrating the float data types in rust
fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "The 32-bit floating point type");

    // f32: The 32-bit floating point type
    let float32: f32 = 3.14;
    println!("Value: {:<15} \nType: {:<10} \nSize: {} bytes \nMin: {},\nMax: {}", 

     banner("=", 62, "The 64-bit floating point t");
    // f64: The 64-bit floating point type
    let float64: f64 = 3.14;
    println!("Value: {:<15} \nType: {:<10}\nSize: {} bytes \nMin: {} \nMax: {}", 
                The 32-bit floating point type                
Value: 3.14            
Type: f32        
Size: 4 bytes 
Min: -340282350000000000000000000000000000000,
Max: 340282350000000000000000000000000000000

                 The 64-bit floating point t                  
Value: 3.14            
Type: f64       
Size: 8 bytes 
Min: -179769313486231570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 
Max: 179769313486231570000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Special Values

Floating point numbers can represent several special values, including:

  1. Infinity: Positive and negative infinity.
  2. NaN: Not a Number, used to represent undefined or unrepresentable values.


fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Special Values");
    let positive_infinity = f32::INFINITY;
    let negative_infinity = f32::NEG_INFINITY;
    let nan = f32::NAN;

    println!("Positive Infinity: {}", positive_infinity);
    println!("Negative Infinity: {}", negative_infinity);
    println!("NaN: {}", nan);

                        Special Values                        
Positive Infinity: inf
Negative Infinity: -inf
NaN: NaN

Formatting Float Variable

The {..} of println! macro can used to format float variables along with other data types.

Specifying the Field Width

The println! macro can be used to format strings in various ways. One common formatting need is to specify the field width for printed values. This can be done using the format specifications within the placeholder {}. This section explains how to specify the field width and how to use fill characters in formatted output.

Specifying the Field Width

To specify the field width in the println! macro, you can use the format specifications inside the curly braces {}. The general syntax is {:width}, where width is the minimum number of characters to be printed. If the value to be printed is shorter than the specified width, it will be padded with spaces by default.

The println! formatting Behavior

By default, the println! macro right-aligns integers and left-aligns strings when a field width is specified. Here

  • Right Alignment for Integers: When formatting integers with a specified field width, Rust pads the output with spaces to the left, effectively right-aligning the integer within the specified width.
  • Left Alignment for Strings: When formatting strings with a specified field width, Rust pads the output with spaces to the right, effectively left-aligning the string within the specified width.
fn main() {
    // Right-aligned integer with a field width of 5
    println!("{:5}", 42); // Prints "   42"

    // Left-aligned string with a field width of 5
    println!("{:5}", "Hi"); // Prints "Hi   "

    // Additional examples for clarity
    println!("{:5}", 7); // Prints "    7"
    println!("{:5}", "Rust"); // Prints "Rust "


In this example, the number 42 and 7 are right-aligned with spaces added to the left, while the string "Hi" and "Rust" are left-aligned within a field of width 5, padded with spaces to the right.

Specifying Alignment

  • By default, values are right-aligned. You can change the alignment using:
    • < for left alignment
    • > for right alignment (the default)
    • ^ for center alignment.
fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Formatting Alignment");
    // Right-aligned integer with a field width of 5 (default)
    println!("{:>7}", 42); // Prints "   42"

    // Left-aligned integer with a field width of 7
    println!("{:<7}", 42); // Prints "42   "

    // Center-aligned integer with a field width of 7
    println!("{:^7}", 42); // Prints " 42  "

    // Right-aligned string with a field width of 7
    println!("{:>7}", "Rust"); // Prints "   Rust"

    // Left-aligned string with a field width of 7 (default)
    println!("{:<7}", "Rust"); // Prints "Rust   "

    // Center-aligned string with a field width of 7
    println!("{:^7}", "Rust"); // Prints " Rust  "

                     Formatting Alignment                     

Specifying the Fill Character

  • You can specify a fill character to pad the output instead of spaces. This is done by placing the fill character and the alignment specifier before the width:
fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Example of right-alignment with zero padding");
    // Prints "0000042" with zeros as the fill character to make the total width 7
    println!("{:0>7}", 42); 
    // Example of left-alignment with asterisks as the fill character
    // Prints "Hi*****" with asterisks added to the right to make the total width 7
    println!("{:*<7}", "Hi"); 
    // Example of center-alignment within a field width of 10
    // Prints "   Rust   " with spaces added to both sides to center the text
    println!("{:^10}", "Rust"); 

// Call the main function to execute the program

         Example of right-alignment with zero padding         

Specifying Precision for Floating-Point Numbers

You can control the number of decimal places displayed for floating-point numbers by specifying the precision after a period (.) within the formatting string. This feature is particularly useful when you need to format numbers for display purposes, such as in scientific calculations, financial applications, or any context where the precision of floating-point representation matters.

Example: Formatting Floating-Point Numbers with Precision

The following example demonstrates how to specify the number of decimal places for a floating-point number:

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Formatting Floating-Point Numbers with Precision");
    let pi = 3.141592653589793;

    // Print with 2 decimal places
    println!("{:.2}", pi); // Prints "3.14"

    // Print with 4 decimal places
    println!("{:.4}", pi); // Prints "3.1416"

       Formatting Floating-Point Numbers with Precision       

Here is another example showing how to format floats:

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Extended example of formatting floats");
    let e = 2.718281828459045;

    // Print with no decimal places
    println!("{:.0}", e); // Prints "3"

    // Print with 1 decimal place
    println!("{:.1}", e); // Prints "2.7"

    // Print with 5 decimal places
    println!("{:.5}", e); // Prints "2.71828"

    // Print with 10 decimal places
    println!("{:.10}", e); // Prints "2.7182818285"

            Extended example of formatting floats             

Combining Width, Alignment, and Precision

  • You can combine field width, alignment, fill character, and precision for more complex formatting:
fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Combining different alignment operators");
    // Right-align with custom width and padding character
    println!("{:*>10}", 123); // Prints "*******123"

    // Left-align with custom width and padding character
    println!("{:-<10}", "Hello"); // Prints "Hello-----"

    // Center-align with custom width and padding character
    println!("{:=^12}", "World"); // Prints "===World==="

    // Default right-align for integers
    println!("{:>8}", 45); // Prints "      45"

    // Default left-align for strings
    println!("{:<8}", "Hi"); // Prints "Hi      "
    let pi = 3.141592653589793;
    println!("{:>10.2}", pi); // Prints "      3.14" with right alignment, width 10, and 2 decimal places
    println!("{:*^10.4}", pi); /*
                    Prints "**3.1416**" with center alignment, width 10, 4 decimal places, 
                    and asterisks as the fill character
    let float64: f64 = 3.141592653589793;
    println!("L-aligned: {:~<10.4}", float64);
    println!("R-aligned: {:~>10.4}", float64);

           Combining different alignment operators            
L-aligned: 3.1416~~~~
R-aligned: ~~~~3.1416

Formatting with Named Arguments

You can use named arguments in the println! macro for clearer formatting:

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Formatting Named Arguments");
    let name = "Alice";
    let age = 30;

    // Use named arguments in the println! macro to print a formatted string
    println!("{name} is {age} years old", name = name, age = age);

                  Formatting Named Arguments                  
Alice is 30 years old

Formatting Numbers with Thousands Separator

To include a thousands separator in numeric values, you can use the num.to_formatted_string(&Locale::en) from the num-format crate.

:dep num-format

use num_format::{Locale, ToFormattedString};

fn main() {
    let num = 1000000;
    println!("{}", num.to_formatted_string(&Locale::en));

Here is a customized function to do that;

fn format_with_commas(num: u64) -> String {
    let num_str = num.to_string();
    let mut result = String::new();
    let mut count = 0;

    for (i, c) in num_str.chars().rev().enumerate() {
        if i != 0 && i % 3 == 0 {


fn main() {
    let num = 1_000_000;                     // Using underscores for readability in the code
    println!("{}", format_with_commas(num)); // Prints "1,000,000"

Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is a way of representing numbers that are too large or too small to be conveniently written in decimal form. Rust's println! macro allows you to format numbers in scientific notation using either lowercase e or uppercase E.

The Lowercase e

Using the lowercase e in the format specifier will output the number in scientific notation with a lowercase e to denote the exponent.


fn main() {
    let num = 12345.6789;
    println!("{:e}", num); // Prints "1.234568e4"

The Uppercase E

  • Using the uppercase E in the format specifier will output the number in scientific notation with an uppercase E to denote the exponent.


fn main() {
    let num = 12345.6789;
    println!("{:E}", num); // Prints "1.234568E4"
fn main() {
    let num = 0.00012345;
    println!("{:e}", num); // Prints "1.234500e-4"
    println!("{:E}", num); // Prints "1.234500e-4"

Here is a practical example where to format float in scientific notation:

fn main() {
    let pi = 3.141592653589793;
    let euler_number = 2.718281828459045;
    let golden_ratio = 1.618033988749895;
    let avogadro_number = 6.02214076e23;
    let speed_of_light = 299792458.0;
    let gravitational_constant = 6.67430e-11;

    println!("Pi (π) in scientific notation (e):                     {:e}", pi);
    println!("Pi (π) in scientific notation (E):                     {:E}", pi);

    println!("Euler's Number (e) in scientific notation (e):         {:e}", euler_number);
    println!("Euler's Number (e) in scientific notation (E):         {:E}", euler_number);

    println!("Golden Ratio (φ) in scientific notation (e):           {:e}", golden_ratio);
    println!("Golden Ratio (φ) in scientific notation (E):           {:E}", golden_ratio);

    println!("Avogadro's Number in scientific notation (e):          {:e}", avogadro_number);
    println!("Avogadro's Number in scientific notation (E):          {:E}", avogadro_number);

    println!("Speed of Light (c) in scientific notation (e):         {:e}", speed_of_light);
    println!("Speed of Light (c) in scientific notation (E):         {:E}", speed_of_light);

    println!("Gravitational Constant (G) in scientific notation (e): {:e}", gravitational_constant);
    println!("Gravitational Constant (G) in scientific notation (E): {:E}", gravitational_constant);

Pi (π) in scientific notation (e):                     3.141592653589793e0
Pi (π) in scientific notation (E):                     3.141592653589793E0
Euler's Number (e) in scientific notation (e):         2.718281828459045e0
Euler's Number (e) in scientific notation (E):         2.718281828459045E0
Golden Ratio (φ) in scientific notation (e):           1.618033988749895e0
Golden Ratio (φ) in scientific notation (E):           1.618033988749895E0
Avogadro's Number in scientific notation (e):          6.02214076e23
Avogadro's Number in scientific notation (E):          6.02214076E23
Speed of Light (c) in scientific notation (e):         2.99792458e8
Speed of Light (c) in scientific notation (E):         2.99792458E8
Gravitational Constant (G) in scientific notation (e): 6.6743e-11
Gravitational Constant (G) in scientific notation (E): 6.6743E-11

Common Operations

  • Floating point numbers support a variety of operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more.

Example of Basic Operations:

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Basic Arithmetic operations with Floats");

    let a: f32 = 5.5;
    let b: f32 = 2.2;

    // Perform basic arithmetic operations
    let sum = a + b;
    let difference = a - b;
    let product = a * b;
    let quotient = a / b;

    // Print the results of the arithmetic operations
    println!("Sum: {}", sum);
    println!("Difference: {}", difference);
    println!("Product: {}", product);
    println!("Quotient: {}", quotient);

// Call the main function to execute the program

           Basic Arithmetic operations with Floats            
Sum: 7.7
Difference: 3.3
Product: 12.1
Quotient: 2.5

Methods on Floating Point Types

  • Rust provides several useful methods for floating point types. Here are some common ones:

    • abs(): Returns the absolute value.
    • sqrt(): Returns the square root.
    • powi(): Raises the number to an integer power.
    • sin(), cos(), tan(): Trigonometric functions.


fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Few Methods of float types");
    let x: f64 = -3.14;
    let y: f64 = 2.0;

    println!("Absolute value of {}: {}", x, x.abs());
    println!("Square root of {}: {}", y, y.sqrt());
    println!("{} raised to the power 3: {}", y, y.powi(3));
    println!("Sine of {}: {}", x, x.sin());

                  Few Methods of float types                  
Absolute value of -3.14: 3.14
Square root of 2: 1.4142135623730951
2 raised to the power 3: 8
Sine of -3.14: -0.0015926529164868282


  • Rust provides two floating point types: f32 (32-bit) and f64 (64-bit).
  • f32 is single-precision, suitable for applications where memory is constrained.
  • f64 is double-precision, suitable for applications requiring higher precision.
  • Floating point types support a wide range of mathematical operations and special values.
  • Rust’s standard library provides many useful methods for working with floating point numbers.
Booleans (Logical Values): bool type in Rust

This next code is used format the code output and the variables type:

use std::any::type_name;

// Function to create a formatted banner
pub fn banner(sep: &str, nchar: usize, message: &str) {
    let sep = sep.repeat(nchar);
    let message = format!("{:^width$}", message, width = nchar);
    println!("\n{}\n{}\n{}", sep, message, sep);

fn type_of<T>(_: T) -> &'static str {

If you want to learn from the example, you may check the comprehensive example


  • Booleans are fundamental data types in Rust that represent truth values: true or false.
  • The bool type is essential for controlling flow in programs through conditional statements and logical operations.

Declaring and Using bool

  • Using booleans in Rust is simple. You can directly assign true or false (all lowercase)to a variable of type bool.
  • We can use bool explicitly to declare a boolean variable.
fn main() {
let b1: bool = true;
let b2: bool = false;


fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Boolean Types in Rust" );
    let is_tall: bool = true;
    let is_short: bool = false;

    println!("Is Rust awesome? {}", is_tall);
    println!("Is it raining? {}", is_short);
                    Boolean Types in Rust                     
Is Rust awesome? true
Is it raining? false
  • Let us enhance upon the previous example, so we can check the type and memory size of boolean variables:
fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Boolean Types in Rust, Types and Size in Memory" );
    let is_tall: bool = true;
    let is_short: bool = false;

    println!("int8: {:<15} type: {:<10} size: {} bytes",
        is_tall, type_of(is_tall), std::mem::size_of::<bool>());
Boolean Types in Rust, Types and Size in Memory
int8: true            type: bool       size: 1 bytes
  • Booleans has only one byte.

Common Operations with bool

  • Booleans support standard logical operations that allow you to perform logical comparisons and control the flow of your program. These operations include:

    • AND (&&) (double ampersand characters),
    • OR (||) (double pipe characters).
    • and NOT (!) (Exclamation point).
  • Below are descriptions and examples of these operations:

Logical AND (&&)

  • The AND operation returns true only if both operands are true. It is represented by the double ampersand characters (&&).

Logical OR (||)

  • The OR operation returns true if at least one of the operands is true. It is represented by the double pipe characters (||).

Logical NOT (!)

  • The NOT operation inverts the boolean value. It is represented by the exclamation point (!).


fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Boolean Operations");
    let a = true;
    let b = false;

    // Demonstrating boolean operations
    let are_both_true: bool = a && b; // AND operation
    let is_either_true: bool = a || b; // OR operation
    let is_not_a: bool = !a; // NOT operation
    let is_not_b: bool = !b;
    // Logical AND
    println!("a AND a is: {:<10} {}", "", a && a);
    println!("a AND b is: {:<10} {}", "", a && b);
    println!("b AND a is: {:<10} {}", "", b && a);
    println!("b AND b is: {:<10} {}", "", b && b);

    // Logical OR
    println!("a OR a is:  {:<10} {}", "", a || a);
    println!("a OR b is:  {:<10} {}", "", a || b);
    println!("b OR a is:  {:<10} {}", "", b || a);
    println!("b OR b is:  {:<10} {}", "", b || b);

    // Logical NOT
    println!("NOT a is :  {:<10} {}", "", !a);
    println!("NOT b is :  {:<10} {}", "", !b);
                      Boolean Operations                      
a AND a is:            true
a AND b is:            false
b AND a is:            false
b AND b is:            false
a OR a is:             true
a OR b is:             true
b OR a is:             true
b OR b is:             false
NOT a is :             false
NOT b is :             true

Combining Logical Operations

  • You can combine these logical operations to form more complex expressions. Here's an example that combines AND, OR, and NOT operations:
fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Combining Logical Operations");
    let has_umbrella = true;
    let is_raining = false;
    let is_sunny = true;

    // Complex expression combining AND, OR, and NOT
    let is_prepared = (is_raining && has_umbrella) || (!is_raining && is_sunny);

    println!("Am I prepared for the weather? {}", is_prepared); // Prints: true
                 Combining Logical Operations                 
Am I prepared for the weather? true
  • In the previous example we used complex combination of booleans. The parentheses in this case are essential, so understanding the context of the project determines the place where to put them; misplacement of parentheses will lead to erroneous results:

    • (is_raining && has_umbrella): Checks if it is raining and you have an umbrella.
    • (!is_raining && is_sunny): Checks if it is not raining and it is sunny.
    • The overall expression (is_raining && has_umbrella) || (!is_raining && is_sunny): Checks if either condition is true, meaning you are prepared for the weather.

Casting Booleans in Rust

  • Booleans (bool) represent truth values and can only be true or false. Rust provides strong type safety, and explicit conversions between types are encouraged to avoid unintended behavior. While you cannot directly cast booleans to integers using the as keyword, Rust allows for casting a bool to an integer type with specific semantics:

    • true is cast to 1.
    • false is cast to 0.
  • This is useful in scenarios where you need to convert logical conditions into numeric representations, such as for use in arithmetic operations or when interfacing with systems that expect numeric values.

fn main(){
    banner("=", 62, "Casting Booleans");
    let b1: bool = true;
    let b2: bool = false;

    // Casting booleans to integers using the `as` keyword
    let b1_as_int: i32 = b1 as i32;
    let b2_as_int: i32 = b2 as i32;

    println!("b1 (true) as integer: {}", b1_as_int); // Expected output: 1
    println!("b2 (false) as integer: {}", b2_as_int); // Expected output: 0
                       Casting Booleans                       
b1 (true) as integer: 1
b2 (false) as integer: 0

Control Flow with bool

  • Booleans are often used in control flow statements like if, else if, and else. Control flow will be discussed in a later chapter.


fn main() {
    let is_sunny = true;

    if is_sunny {
        println!("It's sunny outside!");
    } else {
        println!("It's not sunny outside.");
It's sunny outside!
fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Boolean in Flow-control");
    let is_rust_fun: bool = true;
    let is_learning_easy: bool = false;
    if is_rust_fun {
        println!("Rust is fun!");
    } else {
        println!("Rust is not fun.");
    if !is_learning_easy {
        println!("Learning can be challenging, but it's worth it!");
                   Boolean in Flow-control                    
Rust is fun!
Learning can be challenging, but it's worth it!

Comparison Operations

  • Booleans are the result of comparison operations. Rust provides several comparison operators such as
    • ==, !=: Equality and not equality operators
    • <, >, <=, and >=: Less than, greater than, less than or equal, greater than or equal operators respectively.


fn main() {
    banner("=", 32, "Comparison Operators");
    let x = 5;
    let y = 10;

    println!("x == y: {}", x == y);
    println!("x != y: {}", x != y);
    println!("x < y : {}", x < y);
    println!("x > y : {}", x > y);
    println!("x <= y: {}", x <= y);
    println!("x >= y: {}", x >= y);
      Comparison Operators      
x == y: false
x != y: true
x < y : true
x > y : false
x <= y: true
x >= y: false

Boolean Methods

  • Rust provides a few useful methods for the bool type that can help you perform conditional operations and handle optional boolean values. Two notable methods are then and unwrap_or.

then Method

  • The then method is used for conditional execution. It allows you to execute a specific action if the boolean value is true. Essentially, it helps in running code conditionally based on the boolean value.

  • Syntax:

fn main() {
bool_value.then(|| some_expression)
  • If bool_value is true, some_expression is executed and returned as an Option.
  • If bool_value is false, None is returned.
fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Understandin then method");
    let is_sunny = true;
    let enjoy_outdoor = is_sunny.then(|| 
            "Let's go for a walk!"
    match enjoy_outdoor {
        Some(activity) => println!("{}", activity),
        None => println!("Stay indoors."),
                   Understandin then method                   
Let's go for a walk!
  • The is_sunny.then(|| "Let's go for a walk!"):

    • If is_sunny is true, the string "Let's go for a walk!" is returned wrapped in Some.
    • If is_sunny were false, it would return None.
  • The match statement prints the activity if it's a Some, otherwise it prints "Stay indoors."

  • Extra Example by assigning a value to the then method

fn main() {
    let cond1 = true;
    let cond2 = false;

    // Using `then` method to conditionally execute a closure
    let result = cond1.then(|| {
        println!("Condition is true");
        42 // Returning a value from the closure

    // Checking and printing the result of `then`
    match result {
        Some(value) => println!("`then` returned Some({})", value),
        None => println!("`then` returned None"),
    // Using `then` method to conditionally execute a closure
    let result = cond2.then(|| {
        println!("Condition is false");

    // Checking and printing the result of `then`
    match result {
        Some(value) => println!("`then` returned Some({})", value),
        None => println!("`then` returned None"),

Condition is true
`then` returned Some(42)
`then` returned None

The unwrap_or Method

  • The unwrap_or method is used to handle optional boolean values (Option<bool>). It returns the boolean value if it exists (Some), or a default value if it is None.

  • Syntax:

fn main() {
  • If option_bool_value is Some(true) or Some(false), the contained boolean value is returned.
  • If option_bool_value is None, default_value is returned.


fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "The unwrap_or method");
    let is_sunny: Option<bool> = Some(true);
    let is_raining: Option<bool> = None;
    let sunny_day = is_sunny.unwrap_or(false);
    let raining_day = is_raining.unwrap_or(false);
    println!("Is it sunny? {}", sunny_day); 
    println!("Is it raining? {}", raining_day); 
                     The unwrap_or method                     
Is it sunny? true
Is it raining? false
  • In this example:
    • is_sunny.unwrap_or(false): Since is_sunny is Some(true), it unwraps and returns true.
    • is_raining.unwrap_or(false): Since is_raining is None, it returns the default value false.

Combining then and unwrap_or

  • You can combine these methods to perform more complex operations. For example, you can conditionally execute a task and provide a default outcome if the condition isn't met.

  • Example:

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Combing then and unwrap_or methods");
    let is_sunny: Option<bool> = Some(true);
    let go_for_walk = is_sunny.unwrap_or(false).then(|| "Let's go for a walk!");
    match go_for_walk {
        Some(activity) => println!("{}", activity),
        None => println!("Stay indoors."),
              Combing then and unwrap_or methods              
Let's go for a walk!
  • In this example:
    • is_sunny.unwrap_or(false): Unwraps is_sunny, returning true.
    • .then(|| "Let's go for a walk!"): Executes the closure and returns Some("Let's go for a walk!") if the unwrapped value is true, otherwise returns None.

The then and unwrap_or_else Methods

  • The unwrap_or_else method is called on the result of the then method.

  • This method takes a closure, closures will be discussed in a later chapter, as an argument like this: || expression

    • If the value on which unwrap_or_else is called is Some, it unwraps the value and does nothing with the closure.
    • If the value on which unwrap_or_else is called is None, it executes the closure.
  • we can combine the two methods to achieve a certain result.

fn main() {
    let condition = true;

    condition.then(|| println!("Condition is true")).unwrap_or_else(|| println!("Condition is false"));

Condition is true
fn main() {
    let condition = false;

    condition.then(|| println!("Condition is true")).unwrap_or_else(|| println!("Condition is false"));
Condition is false

Comprehensive Example

fn main() {
    // Print a banner for the section
    banner("=", 62, "Boolean Types in Rust");

    // Declaring boolean variables
    let is_rust_awesome: bool = true;
    let is_raining: bool = false;

    // Print the values of the boolean variables
    println!("Is Rust awesome? {}", is_rust_awesome);
    println!("Is it raining? {}", is_raining);

    // Demonstrating boolean operations
    let are_both_true: bool = is_rust_awesome && is_raining; // AND operation
    let is_either_true: bool = is_rust_awesome || is_raining; // OR operation
    let is_not_rust_awesome: bool = !is_rust_awesome; // NOT operation

    // Print the results of boolean operations
    println!("Are both 'is_rust_awesome' and 'is_raining' true? {}", are_both_true);
    println!("Is either 'is_rust_awesome' or 'is_raining' true? {}", is_either_true);
    println!("Is 'is_rust_awesome' not true? {}", is_not_rust_awesome);

    // Using booleans in conditional statements
    if is_rust_awesome {
        println!("Rust is indeed awesome!");
    } else {
        println!("Rust is not awesome? That's surprising!");

    if is_raining {
        println!("Don't forget to take an umbrella!");
    } else {
        println!("It's a nice day outside!");
        banner("=", 62, "Comparison Operators");
    let x = 5;
    let y = 10;

    println!("x: {}, y: {}, x == y: {:<10} {}",  x, y, "", x == y);
    println!("x: {}, y: {}, x != y: {:<10} {}",  x, y, "", x != y);
    println!("x: {}, y: {}, x < y : {:<10} {}",  x, y, "", x < y);
    println!("x: {}, y: {}, x > y : {:<10} {}",  x, y, "", x > y);
    println!("x: {}, y: {}, x <= y: {:<10} {}",  x, y, "", x <= y);
    println!("x: {}, y: {}, x >= y: {:<10} {}",  x, y, "", x >= y);

// Call the main function to run the program
                    Boolean Types in Rust                     
Is Rust awesome? true
Is it raining? false
Are both 'is_rust_awesome' and 'is_raining' true? false
Is either 'is_rust_awesome' or 'is_raining' true? true
Is 'is_rust_awesome' not true? false
Rust is indeed awesome!
It's a nice day outside!

                     Comparison Operators                     
x: 5, y: 10, x == y:            false
x: 5, y: 10, x != y:            true
x: 5, y: 10, x < y :            true
x: 5, y: 10, x > y :            false
x: 5, y: 10, x <= y:            true
x: 5, y: 10, x >= y:            false

Practical Example: Validating User Input

  • Let's put booleans into a more practical context with an example of validating user input.
fn main() {
    let username: &'static str = "user123";
    let password: &'static str = "password";

    let is_valid_username = username.len() >= 3;
    let is_valid_password = password.len() >= 8;

    if is_valid_username && is_valid_password {
        println!("Username and password are valid.");
    } else {
        if !is_valid_username {
            println!("Username is too short.");
        if !is_valid_password {
            println!("Password is too short.");
Username and password are valid.


  • The bool type in Rust is used to represent true or false values.
  • Booleans are essential for controlling the flow of programs using conditional statements and logical operations.
  • Comparison operations yield boolean values.
  • Booleans support logical operations such as AND, OR, and NOT.
  • Booleans are commonly used in control flow statements and can be used to validate conditions in practical scenarios.
Char Type in Rust
use std::any::type_name;

// Function to create a formatted banner
pub fn banner(sep: &str, nchar: usize, message: &str) {
    let sep = sep.repeat(nchar);
    let message = format!("{:^width$}", message, width = nchar);
    println!("\n{}\n{}\n{}", sep, message, sep);

fn type_of<T>(_: T) -> &'static str {

The char type represents a single character. Unlike some other languages where characters are limited to ASCII, Rust's char type is a 32-bit value, allowing it to represent any Unicode character. This makes it a powerful type for handling text in a globalized context.

Declaring and Using char

  • A char in Rust is denoted with single quotes '' and can store any valid Unicode scalar value.
fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Char Type in Rust");
    let c1: char = 'a';                   // ASCII character
    let c2: char = '中';                  // Chinese character
    let c3: char = '🎛';                  // Emoji
    let c4: char = '⍵';

    println!("c1: {}, c2: {}, c3: {}, c4: {}", c1, c2, c3, c4);
                      Char Type in Rust                       
c1: a, c2: 中, c3: 🎛, c4: ⍵
  • The char type allows only one character, if you try to pass more than one character, you will get a compile error:
fn main() {
let cc: char = 'ab';                // This will issue an error
  • Here is the error:
let cc: char = 'ab';
                   ^^^^ error: character literal may only contain one codepoint
character literal may only contain one codepoint
help: if you meant to write a `str` literal, use double quotes


Properties of char

  • 32-bit Unicode: The char type in Rust is capable of holding any valid Unicode scalar value, which means it can represent characters from many different languages and symbol sets.
  • Size: A char is always 4 bytes (32 bits) in size, regardless of the character it represents.


fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Char Type Properties");
    let c1: char = 'a';
    let c2: char = '中';                  // Chinese character
    let c3: char = '🎛';                  // Emoji
    let c4: char = '⍵';
    println!("Character: {}, Size: {} bytes", c1, std::mem::size_of_val(&c1));
    println!("Character: {}, Size: {} bytes", c2, std::mem::size_of_val(&c2));
    println!("Character: {}, Size: {} bytes", c3, std::mem::size_of_val(&c3));
    println!("Character: {}, Size: {} bytes", c4, std::mem::size_of_val(&c4));
                     Char Type Properties                     
Character: a, Size: 4 bytes
Character: 中, Size: 4 bytes
Character: 🎛, Size: 4 bytes
Character: ⍵, Size: 4 bytes

Conversion to ASCII Codes of Characters

To convert a char to its numeric representation, the ASCII codes (or Unicode scalar values), you can cast each char to a u32 using the as keyword (since char in Rust is a Unicode scalar value and u32 can represent these values).

Here is an example demonstrating this:

fn main() {
    // Print a banner for the example
    banner("=", 62, "Example of Chars ASCII Codes");

    // Vector of various characters, including letters, a special character, a space
    let vec_char: Vec<char> = vec!['a', 'A', 'b', '#', ' ', '1', '{'];

    // Iterate over the characters and print each character along with its Unicode scalar value
    for c in vec_char.iter() {
        // Print the character and its corresponding Unicode value (ASCII value for ASCII characters)
        println!("Character '{}' has Unicode scalar value: {}", c, *c as u32);

// Call the main function to execute the program
                 Example of Chars ASCII Codes                 
Character 'a' has Unicode scalar value: 97
Character 'A' has Unicode scalar value: 65
Character 'b' has Unicode scalar value: 98
Character '#' has Unicode scalar value: 35
Character ' ' has Unicode scalar value: 32
Character '1' has Unicode scalar value: 49
Character '{' has Unicode scalar value: 123
  • In this example, we use a vector of characters and print the Unicode scalar value (ASCII code for ASCII characters) for each character in the vector. Vectors and loops will be covered in detail in a later chapter.

  • Here is the code explained:

    • vec_char: Vec<char>: A vector containing characters:
      • Lowercase and uppercase letters
      • Special characters
      • Space
    • for c in vec_char.iter(): Iterates over each character in the vector.
    • println!("{} ==> {}", c, *c as u32): Prints the character and its Unicode scalar value.
      • *c: The dereference operator, used here to access the value of the character.
      • as: Used to perform the cast.
      • u32: The type representing the Unicode scalar value.
Converting back from ASCII code to characters is possible, here is an example showing that:
fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "converting an ASCII code to a character");

    let ascii_code = 65;                       // ASCII code for 'A'
    let character = ascii_code as u8 as char; // Convert ASCII code to char

    println!("The character for ASCII code {} is '{}'", ascii_code, character);

    // Additional example with a range of ASCII codes
    let ascii_codes = vec![97, 98, 99, 100, 101]; 
    for code in ascii_codes.iter() {
        let char = *code as u8 as char;         // Convert ASCII code to char
        println!("The character for ASCII code {} is '{}'", code, char);

           converting an ASCII code to a character            
The character for ASCII code 65 is 'A'
The character for ASCII code 97 is 'a'
The character for ASCII code 98 is 'b'
The character for ASCII code 99 is 'c'
The character for ASCII code 100 is 'd'
The character for ASCII code 101 is 'e'

Working with Unicode Characters

  • Because Rust's char type is Unicode, you can work with a wide range of characters beyond the basic ASCII set.
fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Working with Unicode chars");
    let chars = vec!['ß', '中', '📚'];

    for ch in chars {
        println!("Character: '{}', Unicode: U+{:04X}", ch, ch as u32);
Character: 'ß', Unicode: U+00DF
Character: '中', Unicode: U+4E2D
Character: '📚', Unicode: U+1F4DA

Converting from unicode to chars is also possible:

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "converting unicode to a character");
    let num =  0x1F4DA;                             
    let book = std::char::from_u32(num).unwrap();
    println!("The character for code point {} is '{}'", num, book);
              converting unicode to a character               
The character for code point 128218 is '📚'

Char Type Operations


Characters can be compared using standard comparison operators (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=). This allows for checking equality, ordering, and range operations.

Characters in Rust are represented by their Unicode scalar values (u32), therefoere the comparison is done based on these numeric values.

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Character Comparisons in Rust");

    // Declare two characters
    let ch1: char = 'A';
    let ch2: char = 'a';

    // print the unicode of character
        "'{}' has Unicode scalar value {}",
        ch1 as u32
        "'{}' has Unicode scalar value {}",
        ch2 as u32
    // Compare the characters using standard comparison operators
    if ch1 < ch2 {
        println!("'{}' is less than '{}' because: {} is less than {} ", 
            ch1, ch2, ch1 as u32, ch2 as u32);
    } else {
        println!("'{}' is not less than '{}'", ch1, ch2);

    // Additional comparisons
    if ch1 == ch2 {
        println!("'{}' is equal to '{}'", ch1, ch2);
    } else {
        println!("'{}' is not equal to '{}'", ch1, ch2);

    if ch1 > ch2 {
        println!("'{}' is greater than '{}'", ch1, ch2);
    } else {
        println!("'{}' is not greater than '{}'", ch1, ch2);

                Character Comparisons in Rust                 
'A' has Unicode scalar value 65
'a' has Unicode scalar value 97
'A' is less than 'a' because: 65 is less than 97 
'A' is not equal to 'a'
'A' is not greater than 'a'

Char Type Methods:

The char type in Rust has several useful methods, such as:

  • is_alphabetic(): Checks if the character is alphabetic letter.
  • is_numeric(): Checks if the character is numeric.
  • to_uppercase(): Converts the character to uppercase.
  • to_lowercase(): Converts the character to lowercase.

Here is an example

fn main() {
    let ch: char = 'a';

    // Check if the character is alphabetic
    if ch.is_alphabetic() {
        println!("'{}' is an alphabetic character", ch);

    // Check if the character is numeric
    if !ch.is_numeric() {
        println!("'{}' is not a numeric character", ch);

    // Convert to uppercase
    let upper_ch = ch.to_uppercase().next().unwrap();
    println!("Uppercase of '{}' is '{}'", ch, upper_ch);

    // Convert to lowercase
    let lower_ch = upper_ch.to_lowercase().next().unwrap();
    println!("Lowercase of '{}' is '{}'", upper_ch, lower_ch);
'a' is an alphabetic character
'a' is not a numeric character
Uppercase of 'a' is 'A'
Lowercase of 'A' is 'a'


  • The char type in Rust is a 32-bit value that can represent any Unicode scalar value.
  • A char is always 4 bytes in size.
  • Rust provides many useful methods for working with characters, including checking character properties and converting between cases.
  • You can compare characters, convert them to their numeric Unicode code points, and vice versa.
  • Rust’s char type allows for handling a wide variety of characters from different languages and symbol sets, making it very versatile for text processing.
Constant Variables in Rust
use std::any::type_name;

pub fn banner(sep: &str, nchar: usize, message: &str) {
    let sep = sep.repeat(nchar);
    let message = format!("{:^width$}", message, width = nchar);
    println!("\n{}\n{}\n{}", sep, message, sep);

fn type_of<T>(_: T) -> &'static str {

Constants are immutable values that are known at compile time and do not change throughout the execution of a program. They are a fundamental part of many programming languages, and Rust provides robust support for them. This chapter will cover the details of using constants in Rust, including their syntax, scope, and some practical examples.

What are Constants?

Constants in Rust are values that are bound to a name and are not allowed to change. They are similar to variables, but with some key differences:

  1. Immutability: Constants are always immutable. Once a value is assigned to a constant, it cannot be changed.
  2. Type Annotation: Unlike variables, constants require an explicit type annotation.
  3. Scope: Constants can be declared in any scope, including the global scope, and are accessible from anywhere within their scope.
  4. Compile-Time Evaluation: Constants must be evaluated at compile time, meaning the value of a constant must be known and fixed during compilation.

Naming Conventions

  • By convention, constant names in Rust are written in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, meaning all uppercase letters with underscores separating words.

Declaring Constants

  • To declare a constant in Rust, use:
    • The const keyword, followed by the name of the constant, a colon, the type of the constant
    • Assign a value to this constant using the equals sign.
fn main() {
const MAX_POINTS: u32 = 100_000;
fn main(){
    banner("=", 62, "Contant Variable in Rust");
    const MAX_POINTS: u32 = 100_000;
    println!("The constant variable is: {}", MAX_POINTS);
    // Check the type of the constant
    println!("The constant variable is: {}", type_of(MAX_POINTS));

                   Contant Variable in Rust                   
The constant variable is: 100000
The constant variable is: u32

In this example:

  • const is the keyword used to declare a constant.
  • MAX_POINTS is the name of the constant.
  • u32 is the type of the constant.
  • 100_000 is the value assigned to the constant.

Canstants are Immutable

If you attempt to modify a constant you will ge a compilation error;

fn main() {
    const MAX_POINTS: u32 = 100_000;
    // Attempting to modify a constant will result in a compilation error
    // Uncommenting the next line will cause an error
    // MAX_POINTS = 200_000;

The error will look similar to this:

[E0070] Error: invalid left-hand side of assignment
 5 │     MAX_POINTS = 200_000;
   │     ─────┬──── ┬  
   │          ╰──────── cannot assign to this expression
   │                │  
   │                ╰── error: invalid left-hand side of assignment

Constants vs. Immutable Variables

  • It's important to understand the difference between constants and immutable variables in Rust:
    • Constants: Declared with const, must have a type annotation, and are evaluated at compile time.
    • Immutable Variables: Declared with let, type annotation is optional (inferred by default), and are evaluated at runtime.
fn main() {
    const CONSTANT_VALUE: i32 = 10;
    let variable_value = 20;

    println!("Constant: {}", CONSTANT_VALUE);
    println!("Variable: {}", variable_value);
Constant: 10
Variable: 20
  • In this example, CONSTANT_VALUE is a compile-time constant, whereas variable_value is a runtime variable.

Reassignment of constants is not Allowed

Once a constant is defined, it cannot be reassigned or redefined within the same scope. Attempting to do so will result in a compilation error. Constants are designed to represent values that are fixed for the duration of the program, and their immutability is enforced by the compiler.

Here is an example:

fn main() {
    const MAX_POINTS: u32 = 100_000;
    // reassigning a const variable
    const MAX_POINTS: u32 = 200_000;

will raise this error:

[[E0428] Error: the name `MAX_POINTS` is defined multiple times
 2 │     const MAX_POINTS: u32 = 100_000;
   │     ────────────────┬───────────────  
   │                     ╰───────────────── previous definition of the value `MAX_POINTS` here
 4 │     const MAX_POINTS: u32 = 200_000;
   │     ────────────────┬───────────────  
   │                     ╰───────────────── `MAX_POINTS` redefined here

While it is permissible to shadow variables of other data types. Variable shadowing, this will be discussed in a later chapter, allows you to declare a new variable with the same name as a previous variable, effectively creating a new binding. This is commonly used to update the value of a variable without mutating it directly.

Here is an example demonstrating the concept:

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Reassigning Integer Variable");

    // Initial declaration of an integer variable
    let x: i32 = 10;
    println!("x: {}", x);

    // Reassign x by shadowing the previous variable
    let x: i32 = 20;
    println!("x now is: {}", x);

// Call the main function to execute the program
                 Reassigning Integer Variable                 
x: 10
x now is: 20

Scope and Accessibility

Constants can be declared in various scopes, including:

  • Global Scope: Accessible from anywhere in the code.
  • Function Scope: Accessible only within the function where they are declared.

Example of Global Scope Constant

// Declare a global constant
const GLOBAL_CONST: &str = "I am accessible everywhere";

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Print the global constant from the main function");
    println!("From main: {}", GLOBAL_CONST);
    // Call another function that also accesses the global constant

// Define another function that accesses the global constant
fn another_function() {
    banner("=", 62, "Print the global constant from from another function");
    println!("From another_function: {}", GLOBAL_CONST);

       Print the global constant from the main function       
From main: I am accessible everywhere

     Print the global constant from from another function     
From another_function: I am accessible everywhere

Example of Function Scope Constant

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Local Constant Example in Rust");

    // Declare a local constant
    const LOCAL_CONST: i32 = 42;
    println!("The value of the local constant is: {}", LOCAL_CONST);

                Local Constant Example in Rust                
The value of the local constant is: 42

Constants and Functions

  • Constants in Rust cannot be the result of a function call or any runtime computation. They must be simple values or expressions that the compiler can evaluate at compile time.

Invalid Example

fn main() {
const INVALID_CONST: i32 = calculate_value(); // This will cause a compile-time error

fn calculate_value() -> i32 {

Valid Example

fn main() {
const VALID_CONST: i32 = 42 * 2; // This is allowed because it's a compile-time expression

Practical Use Cases

Constants are particularly useful for values that are used throughout your program and do not change, such as mathematical constants, configuration values, or any fixed data that needs to be globally accessible.

Example with Configuration Values

// Declare global constants for server configuration
const SERVER_ADDRESS: &str = "";
const SERVER_PORT: u16 = 8080;

fn main() {
    banner("=", 62, "Server Configuration Example in Rust");

    // Print the server address and port
    println!("Server running at {}:{}", SERVER_ADDRESS, SERVER_PORT);

             Server Configuration Example in Rust             
Server running at


  • Constants in Rust provide a way to define immutable values that are known at compile time.
  • They are essential for creating safe and predictable programs, as they ensure certain values remain constant throughout the program's execution.

Type conversion

numeric operations

character operations

Ranges in Rust

Ranges in Rust

In Rust, ranges help represent sequences of values, making it easy to loop over numbers or define slices of arrays. They offer a clear and straightforward way to specify both the start and end points of a sequence, as well as the steps between values. Ranges are commonly used in loops, iteration, and pattern matching. This feature is essential in Rust, allowing developers to write cleaner and more efficient code.

Types of Ranges in Rust

In Rust, ranges can be categorized into three distinct types:

  1. Exclusive Ranges
  2. Inclusive Ranges
  3. Ranges with Step Values

Exclusive Range

An exclusive range includes the start value but excludes the end value, making it ideal for iterating up to, but not including, a specific endpoint. You can create an exclusive range using the .. syntax.

fn main() {
for i in 0..5 {
    println!("{}", i);

Here is an example:

fn main(){
    for i in 0..5 {
        println!("{}", i)

Inclusive Range

An inclusive range includes both the start and end values. It is created using the ..= syntax.

fn main() {
for i in 0..=5 {
    println!("{}", i)

Here is an example:

fn main(){
    for i in 0..=5 {
    println!("{}", i);

Range with a Step Value

You can create a range with a specific step value using the step_by method. This allows you to define the increment between each value in the range, providing greater control over iteration.

fn main() {
for i in (0..5).step_by(2) {
    println!("{}", i);


fn main(){
    for i in (0..5).step_by(2) {
        println!("{}", i)
    // another example
    println!("{}", "=".repeat(10));
    for j in (0..10).step_by(3){
        println!("{}", j)

Range of Characters in Rust

In Rust, you can create ranges of characters just like numerical ranges. This is useful for iterating over sequences of characters in the ASCII or Unicode ranges.

Example of Character Range

You can use the .. and ..= syntax to create ranges of characters:

fn main() {
for c in 'a'..='e' {
    println!("{}", c);
fn main(){
    for c in 'a'..='e' { // inclusive the `e` character
        println!("{}", c)

This example iterates over the characters from 'a' to 'e', inclusive.

Using Ranges in Patterns

Character ranges can also be used in pattern matching:

rust Copy code

fn main(){
    let ch = 'c';

    match ch {
        'a'..='z' => println!("Lowercase letter"),
        'A'..='Z' => println!("Uppercase letter"),
        _ => println!("Other character"),

Lowercase letter

This match statement checks if the character falls within a range of lowercase or uppercase letters.

Creating a Range from an Array, Vector or Slice:

  • You can create a range from an array, vector or slice using the iter method.
fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
for i in v.iter() {
    println!("{}", i);


fn main(){
    let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    for i in v.iter() {
        println!("{}", i);

Range of Reversed Values Using the rev method

  • The rev method can be used to create a range that iterates in reverse order:
fn main() {
for i in (0..5).rev() {
    println!("{}", i);


// Example of using .rev method
fn main(){
    for i in (0..5).rev() {
    println!("{}", i);

Creating a Range from an Array or a Vector:

You can create a range from an array or a vector using the iter method.

fn main(){
    let vec = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    for i in vec.iter() {
        println!("{}", i);

Using the enumerate method:

  • The enumerate method can be used to create a range that also includes the index of each item:
fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
for (i, item) in v.iter().enumerate() {
    println!("{}: {}", i, item);


// Example of using iter
fn main(){
    let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    for (i, item) in v.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("{}: {}", i, item);
0: 1
1: 2
2: 3
3: 4
4: 5

Using the filter method:

The filter method can be used to create a range that only includes items that meet a certain condition.

fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
for item in v.iter().filter(|&x| x % 2 == 0) {
    println!("{}", item);
fn main(){
    let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
    for item in v.iter().filter(|&x| x % 2 == 0) {
        println!("{}", item);

Using the map method:

The map method can be used to create a range that includes the results of applying a function to each item.

fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let v2: Vec<_> = v.iter().map(|x| x + 1).collect();
println!("{:?}", v2);
fn main(){
    let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let v2: Vec<_> = v.iter().map(|x| x + 1).collect();
    println!("{:?}", v2);
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Infinite Range:

You can create an infinite range using the std::iter::repeat function or the cycle method:

// Using std::iter::repeat

fn main(){
    for i in std::iter::repeat(1).take(5) {
    println!("{}", i);
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(7));
    // Using cycle
    let vec = vec![1, 2];
    let mut iter = vec.iter().cycle();
    for _ in 0..5 {

Range of Floating Point Numbers:

Rust does not support creating a range of floating point numbers directly. However, you can use the std::iter::successors function to achieve this:

fn main(){
    let f64_iter = std::iter::successors(Some(0.0), |x| Some(x + 0.1));
    for i in f64_iter.take(5) {
        println!("{}", i);


  • In Rust, ranges provide a powerful and flexible way to work with sequences of values. Whether iterating over numbers, characters, or applying complex operations with methods like step_by, rev, enumerate, filter, and map, ranges make the code more readable and efficient.
  • Understanding and utilizing these different types of ranges will enhance the ability to write robust and concise Rust programs.

Chapter Introduction: Control Flow in Rust

Control flow is a fundamental concept in programming, dictating the order in which statements and instructions are executed. Understanding control flow is essential for writing efficient and effective code. In Rust, control flow constructs allow you to manage the execution path of your programs based on conditions, loops, and pattern matching.

What We Will Cover in This Chapter

In this chapter, we will delve into the various control flow mechanisms provided by Rust. We will explore:

  1. Conditional Statements:

    • if and else: Learn how to make decisions in your code based on boolean conditions.
    • else if: Handle multiple conditions and branching logic.
  2. Loops:

    • loop: Create infinite loops and learn how to break out of them.
    • while: Execute a block of code repeatedly while a condition holds true.
    • for: Iterate over collections and ranges in a concise and readable manner.
  3. Pattern Matching:

    • match: A powerful control flow construct that allows you to branch code based on the value of a variable, enabling more readable and maintainable code.
    • if let and while let: Simplify complex conditional and looping constructs with pattern matching.
  4. Error Handling:

    • Result and Option: Handle potential errors and optional values gracefully using Rust's type system and pattern matching.

By the end of this chapter, you will have a solid understanding of Rust's control flow constructs and how to use them to write clear, concise, and efficient code. These tools will enable you to manage the execution of your programs effectively, handle different scenarios, and build robust applications.

Control Flow in Rust: Conditionals in Rust

Control flow is an essential part of programming that allows you to make decisions and execute different code paths based on certain conditions. In Rust, the primary control flow structures for making decisions are if, else, and else if.

The if statements

The if statement allows you to execute a block of code only if a specified condition is true.


fn main() {
if condition {
    // code to execute if condition is true

Note that the curly braces {} are required even if there is only one statement.


Here is a simple example:

fn main() {
    let number = 5;

    if number > 0 {
        println!("The number is positive.");
The number is positive.

In this example, the condition number > 0 is true, so the code inside the if block is executed, printing "The number is positive."

Using Curly Braces in Rust if Statements

The syntax for if statement always requires curly braces { } around the block of code that follows the condition. This rule applies to all if statements, regardless of the number of statements in the block. In other words, even if the block contains only one statement or expression, the curly braces are still mandatory. This requirement helps maintain consistency and readability in the code.

The reason this requirement is to avoid ambiguity and potential errors. By enforcing the use of curly braces, Rust ensures that the code is explicit and clear, which can help prevent mistakes that could arise from misunderstanding the scope of the if statement. In fact, I am in favor of this approach, even with languages that do not enforce this rule, I see that it is best practice to add the curly braces in case of adding new statements.

Example Without Curly Braces

Consider the following example where we try to omit the curly braces for an if statement with a single expression:

// Trying to remove the curly braces
fn main() {
    let number = 5;

    if number > 0 
        println!("The number is positive.");
  • This will produce an error:
Error: expected `{`, found `println`
 5 │     if number > 0
   │        ─────┬────  
   │             ╰────── note: the `if` expression is missing a block after this condition
 6 │         println!("The number is positive.");
   │         ───┬───  
   │            ╰───── expected `{`

In order for the previous example to compile, you must add the curly braces, even if it contains only one statement. This is different than other programming languages.

Parentheses in Rust if Statements

Parentheses around the condition in an if statement are optional and typically omitted. Unlike some other programming languages where parentheses are required, Rust allows you to write cleaner and more concise conditional expressions without them. Using parentheses is not necessary and may trigger compiler warnings for unnecessary syntax. Even the conditions do not need to be enclosed in parentheses, although you can use them for clarity if desired but you should use the #[allow(unused_parens)] attribute.

Example Without Parentheses (Preferred)

fn main() {
    let number = 5;

    if number > 0 {
        println!("The number is positive.");
The number is positive.

Example With Parentheses (Discouraged)

While the following code is syntactically correct, it is not idiomatic Rust and may produce compiler warnings:

// adding parentheses
fn main() {
    let number = 5;

    if (number > 0) {
        println!("The number is positive.");
The number is positive.

In Jupyter Notebook, no warnings are displayed when using parentheses around conditions in if statements. This behavior is likely due to differences in how the Rust kernel in Jupyter handles linting and warnings. Jupyter Notebook may suppress warnings by default to provide a cleaner and more user-friendly experience, especially for educational purposes. However, if you run the same code in a traditional text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) that supports Rust, you will receive warnings about the unnecessary use of parentheses. This discrepancy highlights how different development environments handle compiler messages.

Conditions Must Be Boolean

In Rust, conditions in if statements must explicitly evaluate to a boolean value (true or false). Unlike some other programming languages, Rust does not implicitly convert non-boolean types such as integers or strings to boolean values. This design decision ensures that conditions are always clear and unambiguous.

Example of Invalid Conditions

The following examples will produce errors because the conditions are not explicitly boolean:

fn main() {
    let number = 5;

    // Error: expected `bool`, found integer
    if number {
        println!("This will not compile.");

    let text = "";

    // Error: expected `bool`, found `&str`
    if text {
        println!("This will not compile either.");

Here is the error

[E0308] Error: mismatched types
 5 │     if number {
   │        ───┬──  
   │           ╰──── expected `bool`, found integer
[E0308] Error: mismatched types
 12 │     if text {
    │        ──┬─  
    │          ╰─── expected `bool`, found `&str`

To correct these errors, you need to explicitly compare the values to obtain a boolean expression:

fn main() {
    let number = 5;

    if number != 0 {
        println!("The number is not zero.");
The number is not zero.


  • number != 0 explicitly checks if number is not zero, resulting in a boolean value.

By using explicit comparisons, you ensure that the conditions in your if statements are always boolean expressions, making your code clear and preventing potential errors.

Implicit Checking Against 0

You cannot implicitly check if a number is zero in an if statement without an explicit comparison. Attempting to do so will result in a compilation error because Rust expects a boolean expression in the condition.

Here is an example that demonstrates this error:

fn main() {
    let num = 0; 
    if num {
  • If you run this code, you will get the following error:
[E0308] Error: mismatched types
 3 │     if num {
   │        ─┬─  
   │         ╰─── expected `bool`, found integer

This error occurs because if statements in Rust require a boolean expression. The variable num is an integer, and Rust does not implicitly convert integers to booleans.

To correctly check if a number is zero, you need to explicitly compare it to 0:

// Here is the correct version
fn main() {
    let num = 0; 
    if num == 0 {
        println!("The number is zero.");
The number is zero.

Checking Against Empty Strings

In Rust, you cannot directly use a string as a condition in an if statement because the condition must be a boolean expression. Instead, you need to explicitly check whether the string is empty or not. Rust provides methods like is_empty to perform this check.

Example of Invalid Condition

Attempting to use a string directly in an if statement will result in an error:

fn main() {
    let text = "";

    // Error: expected `bool`, found `&str`
    if text {
        println!("This will not compile.");

Here is the error from the previous code:

[E0308] Error: mismatched types
 5  │     if text {
    │        ──┬─  
    │          ╰─── expected `bool`, found `&str`

To properly check if a string is empty, you can use the is_empty method, which returns true if the string is empty and false otherwise:

// correct code
fn main() {
    let text = "";

    if text.is_empty() {
        println!("The text is empty.");
    } else {
        println!("The text is not empty.");
The text is empty.

In this example, text.is_empty() checks if text is empty and returns a boolean value that can be used in the if statement.

Correct Example: Checking if a String is Not Empty

If you want to check if a string is not empty, you can use the ! operator with the is_empty method:

fn main() {
    let text = "Hello, world!";

    if !text.is_empty() {
        println!("The text is not empty.");
    } else {
        println!("The text is empty.");
The text is not empty.

In this example, !text.is_empty() checks if text is not empty and returns a boolean value that can be used in the if statement.

The else Statements

The else statement in Rust provides a way to specify a block of code that will execute if the condition in the preceding if statement evaluates to false. This allows your program to handle alternative cases and execute different code paths based on the evaluation of conditions.

Basic Syntax The basic syntax for using an else statement is as follows:

fn main() {
if condition {
    // Code to execute if condition is true
} else {
    // Code to execute if condition is false

Example Here's a simple example to demonstrate the usage of else:

fn main() {
    let number = -42;

    if number > 0 {
        println!("The number is positive.");
    } else {
        println!("The number is zero or negative.");
The number is zero or negative.

In this example:

  • The if statement checks if number is greater than 0.
  • If the condition is false, so the condition is not executed
  • The second condition is true, so the else block executes and prints "The number is zero or negative."


  • if Statement: Executes a block of code if a specified condition is true.
  • The curly braces are required regardless of the number of statements in the if code block.
  • The parentheses are optional and not preferred around the conditions.
  • else Statement: Specifies a block of code to execute if the if condition is false.
The `else if` Statements

The else if statement allows you to specify a new condition to check if the previous if condition is false. This helps in checking multiple conditions sequentially.

  • Syntax
fn main() {
if condition1 {
    // code to execute if condition1 is true
} else if condition2 {
    // code to execute if condition2 is true
} else {
    // code to execute if none of the above conditions are true


Here is a simple example on how to use the else-if branch to check another condition:

fn main() {
    let number = 0;

    if number > 0 {
        println!("The number is positive.");
    } else if number < 0 {
        println!("The number is negative.");
    } else {
        println!("The number is zero.");
The number is zero.

Code in details: In the previous example: - The first condition number > 0 is false. - The second condition number < 0 is also false. - Since both conditions are false, the code inside the else block is executed, printing "The number is zero."

Using Conditions with let Bindings

Rust allows you to use if, else, and else if conditions in combination with let bindings for more concise and expressive code. This section will be explained in more details in the next section.

Here is the general syntax of this concept in Rust:

fn main() {
let my_var = if cond {result} else {the_other_result} 


fn main() {
    let number = 5;
    let is_positive = if number > 0 {
    } else {

    println!("Is the number positive? {}", is_positive);
Is the number positive? true

The variable is_positive is assigned the value true if number > 0 and falseotherwise. This is a concise way to handle simple conditions and bindings.

we can extend the previous example to check for multiple conditions where needed by introducing an else-if branch. This is will be discussed in the next section.

Example Combining All Concepts

This is a comprehensive example that shows how to use conditionals in Rust:

fn main() {
    let number = 10;

    let description = if number > 0 {
    } else if number < 0 {
    } else {

    println!("The number is {} and it is {}.", number, description);
The number is 10 and it is positive.

In this comprehensive example, the description variable is assigned a string based on the value of number, and the final message prints out the number and its description. This demonstrates the flexibility and power of Rust's control flow structures.


  • else if Statement: Allows for checking multiple conditions sequentially.
  • Using Conditions with let Bindings: Enables concise and expressive code by combining conditions with variable bindings.
Control Flow in Rust: If-Else Expression Rust

Introduction to Statements and Expressions

In Rust, understanding the distinction between statements and expressions is crucial for mastering the language's control flow constructs.

Statements vs Expressions

  • Expressions evaluate to a value and can be used wherever a value is expected.
  • Statements perform actions but do not return values.


  • Expression: 5 + 3
  • Statement: let x = 5;

Rust's Approach to Conditionals

Rust's handling of conditionals emphasizes its expression-oriented nature. Unlike some languages where if constructs are purely statements, in Rust, they are expressions and can be used in places where a value is expected.


fn main() {
let x = if true { 1 } else { 0 };
println!("{}", x); // Outputs: 1

Similarity to LISP

Rust’s treatment of conditionals as expressions is similar to LISP, where almost everything is an expression and can return a value.

Example in LISP:

(setq x (if (> 3 2) 1 0))
(print x) ; Outputs: 1

In both Rust and LISP, if constructs return values, allowing them to be used in variable assignments and other expressions.

Difference Between Rust and C

In contrast, C treats conditionals as statements. The if construct in C does not return a value, and thus, cannot be used directly in assignments.

Example in C:

int x;
if (true) {
    x = 1;
} else {
    x = 0;
printf("%d\n", x); // Outputs: 1

In C, the conditional logic requires separate assignment statements within the if and else blocks, unlike Rust, where the if-else construct itself returns a value.

If Else Expression in Rust

In Rust, if-else expressions provide a powerful mechanism for implementing conditional logic in a concise and expressive manner. Unlike many other programming languages where if constructs are solely statements that do not return values, Rust treats them as expressions that evaluate to a value. This unique feature allows if-else constructs to be seamlessly integrated into variable assignments and other expressions, leading to cleaner and more readable code.

When the if-else is used in assignments, these are sometimes referred to as "let bindings."

By leveraging if-else expressions, developers can perform conditional checks and immediately use the results within their code. This not only reduces the need for additional variable assignments but also makes the code flow more intuitive and easy to follow. The ability to combine if, else if, and else branches within a single expression further enhances the flexibility and power of Rust's conditional logic capabilities.

The following sections will explore how to effectively use if-else expressions in Rust, highlighting their syntax and demonstrating their practical applications. Through these examples, you will gain a deeper understanding of how to use Rust's conditional expressions to write robust and efficient code.

General Syntax of If-Else Expressions

Here is the general syntax of if-else expression in Rust:

fn main() {
let var = if condition {
        // code to execute if condition is true
    } else {
        // code to execute if condition is false

and the extended syntax with else-if branch:

fn main() {
let var = if condition1 {
        // code to execute if condition1 is true
    } else if condition2 {
        // code to execute if condition2 is true
    } else {
        // code to execute if none of the above conditions are true

Using Conditions with let Bindings

Rust allows you to use if, else, and else if conditions in combination with let bindings for more concise and expressive code.

fn main() {
let my_var = if cond {result} else {the_other_result} 

Example of Using If-Else Expression

Here is a simple example demonstrating the use of an if-else expression in Rust:

fn main() {
    let cond = true;

    let my_var = if cond { 
        "Condition is true" 
    } else { 
        "Condition is false" 

    println!("{}", my_var);
Condition is true

This example shows how you can directly assign the result of an if-else expression to a variable using let bindings. This approach makes the code more concise and readable.

Here is another example showing how to use condition with let bindings:

fn main() {
    let temperature = 30;

    let status = if temperature > 25 {
    } else {

    println!("The weather is {}", status); 
The weather is Hot

The if-else expression evaluates whether the temperature is greater than 25. If the condition is true, the expression evaluates to "Hot". Otherwise, it evaluates to "Cold". The result of this expression is then assigned to the variable status, which is printed out to display the weather status.

Advanced Example with let Binding

The entire code block of a conditional expression, including various types of if condition arms such as if, else, and else if, can be used within a let binding. This allows for more concise and expressive code by directly assigning the result of the conditional expression to a variable.

Here's an example to illustrate how to use this full syntax within a let binding:

fn main() {
    let temperature = 10;

    let weather_status = if temperature > 30 {
    } else if temperature >= 20 {
    } else if temperature >= 10 {
    } else {

    println!("The weather is {}", weather_status); 
The weather is Cool

This example demonstrates how you can use if, else if, and else conditions within a let binding to handle multiple conditions concisely and expressively.

The example is self-explanatory, however, here is the details of how it works

  • Condition: The if expression checks if temperature is greater than 30. If true, it assigns "Hot" to weather_status. This condition is not true, so it will not execute
  • Else If: If the first condition is false, it checks if temperature is greater than or equal to 20. If true, it assigns "Warm" to weather_status. The first condition was indeed false, but this condition is also false, so it won't execute.
  • Another Else If: If the previous conditions are false, it checks if temperature is greater than or equal to 10. If true, it assigns "Cool" to weather_status. All previous conditions were false but this one is true, so the value will be assigned to weather_status variable and the next conditions won't be checked.
  • Else: If none of the above conditions are true, it assigns "Cold" to weather_status. This condition is not checked since the previous condition was true and program won't reach this point.

The program prints the values and terminates.


  • Statements: Perform actions, do not return values.
  • Expressions: Evaluate to values and can be used wherever values are expected.
  • Rust's if-else constructs are expressions, allowing them to return values and be used in assignments, similar to LISP.
  • This differs from C, where conditionals are statements and do not return values.
  • Using conditions with let bindings in Rust allows for more concise and expressive code, enhancing readability and maintainability.
Looping in Rust

Loops are fundamental control flow constructs in Rust that facilitate the repeated execution of a block of code. They are essential in performing repetitive tasks efficiently and are pivotal in many algorithms and system operations. Rust, as a systems programming language, provides robust loop constructs that offer control, efficiency, and safety. This introduction will delve into the types of loops available in Rust: loop, while, and for. Each type of loop caters to different scenarios and requirements, providing Rust programmers with flexible tools for iteration.

Types of Loops

  1. Looping with loop

    The loop keyword creates an infinite loop. This type of loop will continue executing indefinitely unless explicitly terminated using control flow mechanisms like break. The loop construct is useful for situations where the number of iterations is not known beforehand or when the loop needs to run until a certain condition is met, which is checked inside the loop body.

  2. The while Loop

    The while loop executes a block of code as long as a specified condition evaluates to true. This type of loop is ideal for scenarios where the condition must be evaluated before each iteration, and the loop should terminate when the condition is no longer met. It is particularly useful for loops that depend on dynamic conditions, such as user input or data from external sources.

  3. The for Loop

    The for loop is used to iterate over a collection of elements, such as arrays, vectors, or ranges. This loop type is preferred when the number of iterations is known or when iterating over a sequence of values. The for loop in Rust is concise and powerful, leveraging Rust’s iterator traits to provide efficient and readable iteration over collections.

In the following sections, we will explore each type of loop in detail, providing examples and discussing their appropriate use cases in Rust programming.

Looping with `loop`

Infinite Loop with loop

The loop keyword in Rust creates an infinite loop, which repeatedly executes a block of code indefinitely. This type of loop is particularly useful in scenarios where continuous execution is required until a certain condition is met internally, at which point the break statement can be used to exit the loop.


fn main() {
loop {
    // code to execute repeatedly
    // use break to exit the loop


Here is an example of an infinite loop that continuously prints a message. The loop is exited when a specific condition is met:

fn main() {
    let mut count = 0;

    loop {
        count += 1;
        println!("Count: {}", count);
        // This to break out of the infinite loop
        if count >= 5 {
Count: 1
Count: 2
Count: 3
Count: 4
Count: 5

The previous loop prints the iteration count and increments it by 1 in each cycle. The loop is terminated when count reaches 5, using the break statement. The break statement will be discussed in a later section.

Note that without the if ... break, the loop will run forever. You may comment those lines to test that out.

Stopping the Infinite Loop

If an infinite loop is running without a break condition, you may need to stop it manually depending on the platform you are using:

  1. Linux and macOS: Press Ctrl + C in the terminal where the program is running to terminate the loop.

  2. Windows: Press Ctrl + C in the Command Prompt or PowerShell where the program is running to terminate the loop.

Usage Examples of Infinite Loops

Server Listening for Connections

Infinite loops are commonly used in server applications that need to continuously listen for incoming connections:

use std::net::TcpListener;

fn main() {
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();

    loop {
        match listener.accept() {
            Ok((_socket, addr)) => println!("New connection: {}", addr),
            Err(e) => println!("Error accepting connection: {}", e),

The server continuously listens for incoming TCP connections on port 8080.

Reading from a Stream

Infinite loops can be used to continuously read from a data stream, such as reading sensor data:

fn main() {
    let mut sensor_data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5].into_iter();

    loop {
        match {
            Some(data) => println!("Sensor data: {}", data),
            None => break,

Here, the loop reads sensor data until the data source is exhausted.

Game Loop

Many video games use an infinite loop to keep the game running and updating frames:

fn main() {
    loop {
        // Process user input
        // Update game state
        // Render frame

        // Example of a break condition
        if should_exit() {

fn should_exit() -> bool {
    // Replace with actual exit condition

The game loop processes user input, updates the game state, and renders frames continuously until an exit condition is met.

Conditional Loop with `while`

The following function will be used to format the output using nice banner.

// Function to create a formatted banner
fn banner(sep: &str, nchar: usize, message: &str) {
    let sep = sep.repeat(nchar); 
    let message = format!("{:^width$}", message, width = nchar); 
    println!("\n{}\n{}\n{}", sep, message, sep);

The while loop in Rust is one of the simplest and most straightforward looping constructs available. It repeatedly executes a block of code as long as a specified condition evaluates to true. This type of loop is especially useful when the number of iterations is not known beforehand and the loop's continuation depends on a dynamic condition that changes within the loop.

The while loop ensures that the block of code is executed only when necessary by evaluating the condition at the start of each iteration. However, it is crucial to include a condition control within the loop body that modifies the loop condition; otherwise, the loop will run indefinitely, creating an infinite loop. Properly managing this stopping condition is essential to avoid unintentional infinite loops and to ensure that the program executes as intended.


fn main() {
while condition {
    // code to execute while the condition is true
    // ensure the condition is modified to eventually become false

In this syntax, condition is a boolean expression. The loop continues to execute as long as condition evaluates to true. It is important to ensure that the condition is influenced by the code inside the loop so that the loop can eventually terminate. This prevents the loop from running forever and potentially causing the program to hang.

The While Loop Flow Execution

  1. Initialization:

    • The variable is initialized to a specific value.
  2. Condition Check:

    • Before each iteration, the given condition is evaluated.
  3. Loop Body:

    • If the condition is true, the current value of a variable is used such as printing it, increment it of decrement it.
  4. Termination:

    • The loop continues until the condition becomes false, at which point the condition count > 0 evaluates to false, and the loop terminates


Let us consider a while loop that decrements a counter until it reaches zero. This ensures that the loop has a clear stopping condition.

Note: The counter must be mutable variable otherwise you will get a compile error, thus we need to declare it so using the mut keyword.

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "While loop in Rust");
    // Initialize a mutable variable `count` with a value of 5
    // This must be mutable variable
    let mut count = 5;

    // Begin a while loop that continues as long as `count` is greater than 0
    while count > 0 {
        // Print the current value of `count`
        println!("Count: {}", count);
        // Decrement `count` by 1
        count -= 1;              // the short and common way of decrementing
        // The previous can be written like this
        count = count - 1;     // 

    // Print a message indicating the loop has ended
    println!("Loop has ended.");
                 While loop in Rust                 
Count: 5
Count: 3
Count: 1
Loop has ended.

Code in Details


The loop starts with the variable count initialized to 5.

Condition Check

Before each iteration, the loop checks if the condition count > 0 is true. If the condition is true, the loop body executes. If the condition is false, the loop terminates.

Loop Body

Inside the loop body, the current value of count is printed. Then, the count variable is decremented by 1 using the -= 1 operation.

Condition Control

The decrement operation ensures that the value of count changes with each iteration, moving closer to the stopping condition where count equals 0. Without this operation, if the condition relies solely on the value of count, the loop could potentially run indefinitely.


When count becomes 0, the condition count > 0 evaluates to false, causing the loop to terminate. The program then proceeds to execute the code following the loop, which in this case is printing "Loop has ended."

Flow of Execution

First Iteration

  • count is 5, the condition count > 0 is true.
  • "Count: 5" is printed.
  • count is decremented to 4.

Second Iteration

  • count is 4, the condition count > 0 is true.
  • "Count: 4" is printed.
  • count is decremented to 3.

Third Iteration

  • count is 3, the condition count > 0 is true.
  • "Count: 3" is printed.
  • count is decremented to 2.

Fourth Iteration

  • count is 2, the condition count > 0 is true.
  • "Count: 2" is printed.
  • count is decremented to 1.

Fifth Iteration

  • count is 1, the condition count > 0 is true.
  • "Count: 1" is printed.
  • count is decremented to 0.


  • count is 0, the condition count > 0 is false.
  • The loop terminates, and "Loop has ended." is printed.


Here is another example where we a counter is incremented.

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Another while loop example");
    let mut num = 0;

    while num <= 5 {
        println!(" {}", num);
        num += 1;

    println!(" End of while loop!!!");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52))
             Another while loop example             
 End of while loop!!!

Complex Conditions

The while loop is a versatile construct that excels in handling complex conditions involving multiple variables and logical operations. This capability allows programmers to create more sophisticated and dynamic control flows that can adapt to a wide range of scenarios. By leveraging the power of logical operators and multi-variable conditions, while loops can manage intricate tasks with precision and efficiency.

Consider the following example where we have two variables:

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Complex while loop");
    let mut x = 5;
    let mut y = 10;

    while x < y && y < 20 {
        println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y);
        x += 1;
        y += 2;

    println!("Loop has ended.");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52))
                 Complex while loop                 
x: 5, y: 10
x: 6, y: 12
x: 7, y: 14
x: 8, y: 16
x: 9, y: 18
Loop has ended.

Notice that the while loop continues to execute as long as both conditions x < y and y < 20 are true. The loop’s body prints the current values of x and y, then increments x by 1 and y by 2 in each iteration. The loop will terminate once either of the conditions becomes false.

Nested while Loops

while loops in Rust can be nested within each other, providing a powerful mechanism for managing more complex iteration patterns. Nested loops enable the execution of a loop inside another loop, which is particularly useful in scenarios where multiple dimensions of iteration are required, such as traversing multi-dimensional data structures or performing repeated operations within repeated operations.

Consider the following example where we have two nested while loops:

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Nested while loop");
    let mut i = 0;

    while i < 3 {
        let mut j = 0;
        while j < 3 {
            println!("i: {}, j: {}", i, j);
            j += 1;

        i += 1;
    println!("End of loop");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52))
                 Nested while loop                  
i: 0, j: 0
i: 0, j: 1
i: 0, j: 2
i: 1, j: 0
i: 1, j: 1
i: 1, j: 2
i: 2, j: 0
i: 2, j: 1
i: 2, j: 2
End of loop

The outer loop runs three times, and for each iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop also runs three times. The nested structure allows the program to iterate over a combination of i and j values, printing each pair of indices.

Handling Infinite Loops Safely

When using while loops that may potentially run indefinitely, it is crucial to implement safe exit conditions or timeouts to prevent the program from hanging or consuming resources indefinitely. Properly handling these scenarios ensures that your program remains responsive and efficient.

Safe Exit Conditions

A safe exit condition is a condition that guarantees the termination of the loop after a certain number of iterations or upon meeting a specific criterion. This is essential in preventing infinite loops that could otherwise cause the program to freeze or crash.


Consider the following example where a while loop runs until a maximum number of iterations is reached:

fn main() {
    let mut count = 0;
    let max_iterations = 100;

    while count < max_iterations {
        // Perform some task
        println!("Iteration: {}", count);

        count += 1;

        // Safe exit condition
        if count == max_iterations {
            println!("Reached maximum iterations, exiting loop.");
// main();  // Uncoment this line to execute the program

Code in Details


  • The variable count is initialized to 0.
  • The variable max_iterations is set to 100, defining the maximum number of loop iterations.

Condition Check:

  • The loop condition count < max_iterations ensures that the loop will execute as long as count is less than 100.

Loop Body:

  • Inside the loop, the current iteration number is printed.
  • The count variable is incremented by 1 on each iteration.

Safe Exit Condition:

  • An additional check within the loop body ensures that if count reaches max_iterations, a message is printed, and the break statement exits the loop.

Benefits of Safe Exit Conditions

Preventing Infinite Loops:

  • Safe exit conditions ensure that loops terminate after a finite number of iterations, preventing the program from running indefinitely.

Resource Management:

  • By guaranteeing loop termination, safe exit conditions help manage system resources efficiently, preventing excessive CPU usage and memory consumption.

Program Stability:

  • Implementing safe exit conditions enhances the stability of the program, making it less prone to freezing or crashing due to runaway loops.

Considerations for Safe Exit Conditions

Timeout Mechanisms:

  • In addition to iteration limits, consider implementing timeout mechanisms where the loop exits after a certain time period has elapsed.

User Interruption:

  • For interactive programs, provide mechanisms for user interruption (e.g., pressing a key to exit the loop).

Monitoring Loop Progress:

  • Regularly monitor the progress of the loop to ensure it is behaving as expected and not stuck in an infinite state.

Performance Considerations

When using while loops in Rust, it is important to consider performance implications, particularly in scenarios where the loop may execute numerous iterations or involve computationally intensive tasks. Efficiently managing these aspects can significantly impact the overall performance of your program.

  1. Efficient Condition Checks:

    • Ensure that the loop's condition is evaluated efficiently. Avoid complex or computationally expensive conditions that need to be checked at each iteration.
    • Example:
      fn main() {
      // Less efficient
      while expensive_function() {
          // Loop body
      // More efficient
      let condition = expensive_function();
      while condition {
          // Loop body
  2. Minimal Work Within the Loop:

    • Strive to minimize the amount of work performed within each iteration of the loop. This can help reduce the overall execution time and improve performance.
    • Avoid unnecessary computations or operations inside the loop body. Move invariant computations outside the loop when possible.
  3. Avoiding Infinite Loops:

    • Ensure that the loop has a clear and achievable exit condition to prevent it from running indefinitely. Infinite loops can cause the program to hang or consume excessive resources.
    • Example:
      fn main() {
      let mut count = 0;
      while count < 100 {
          // Perform some work
          count += 1; // Ensure the loop will terminate
  4. Memory Management:

    • Be mindful of memory allocation within the loop. Frequent allocations and deallocations can lead to performance bottlenecks. Reuse memory when possible or allocate memory outside the loop.
  5. Optimizing for Data Locality:

    • Access data sequentially when possible to take advantage of CPU cache locality. This can significantly speed up memory access times and improve performance.
    • Example:
      fn main() {
      let mut array = [0; 1000];
      let mut i = 0;
      while i < array.len() {
          array[i] = i;
          i += 1;
  6. Parallel Processing:

    • For loops that involve heavy computations, consider parallelizing the workload to leverage multi-core processors. Rust's concurrency primitives, such as threads and async tasks, can be utilized to achieve this.
    • Example:
      fn main() {
      use std::thread;
      let mut handles = vec![];
      for i in 0..4 {
          handles.push(thread::spawn(move || {
              // Perform parallel computation
      for handle in handles {

Paying more attention to these performance considerations, you can write more efficient and effective while loops in Rust. This will help ensure that your programs run smoothly and make the best use of available computational resources.

The while loop usage

The while loop is a versatile and powerful control flow construct used in various real-world applications. Below are some common scenarios where while loops are particularly useful:

  1. Reading Data from a Stream:

    • In applications that involve reading data from a continuous data stream (e.g., sensor data, network sockets), a while loop can be used to keep reading data until a certain condition is met, such as receiving a specific signal or end-of-file (EOF).
    use std::io::{self, BufRead};
    fn main() {
        let stdin = io::stdin();
        let mut handle = stdin.lock();
        let mut buffer = String::new();
        while handle.read_line(&mut buffer).unwrap() > 0 {
            println!("Read line: {}", buffer.trim());
        println!("End of input stream.");
  2. Polling for Changes:

    • In applications that require regularly checking for changes or updates (e.g., file modifications, new messages in a queue), a while loop can repeatedly poll for updates until a stop condition is triggered.
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};

fn main() {
    let start_time = Instant::now();

    while start_time.elapsed() < Duration::from_secs(10) {
        println!("Checking for updates...");
        // Simulate a delay for polling

    println!("Finished polling for updates.");

3. **Waiting for User Input**:
    - Interactive applications often need to wait for user input in a loop. A while loop can be used to repeatedly prompt the user until valid input is provided or a certain condition is met.

use std::io;

fn main() {
    let mut input = String::new();

    while input.trim() != "exit" {
        println!("Enter a command (type 'exit' to quit):");
        io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).expect("Failed to read line");

        if input.trim() != "exit" {
            println!("You entered: {}", input.trim());

    println!("Exiting the application.");
  1. Game Loops:
  • Many games use a main loop to repeatedly update the game state, process user input, and render the game. This loop continues until the game is exited.
fn main() {
    let mut running = true;

    while running {
        // Process user input
        // Update game state
        // Render game frame

        // Example condition to stop the game loop
        if user_wants_to_exit() {
            running = false;

    println!("Game loop has ended.");

fn user_wants_to_exit() -> bool {
    // Replace with actual logic to determine if the user wants to exit
  1. Retry Mechanisms:
  • In applications that perform operations prone to temporary failures (e.g., network requests, database queries), a while loop can be used to retry the operation until it succeeds or a maximum number of retries is reached.
fn main() {
    let max_retries = 5;
    let mut attempts = 0;

    while attempts < max_retries {
        attempts += 1;
        if perform_operation() {
            println!("Operation succeeded on attempt {}", attempts);
        } else {
            println!("Operation failed on attempt {}. Retrying...", attempts);

    if attempts == max_retries {
        println!("Operation failed after {} attempts.", max_retries);

fn perform_operation() -> bool {
    // Replace with actual operation logic


  • The while loop is a fundamental control flow construct in Rust that provides a straightforward way to perform repeated actions based on dynamic conditions.

  • Its simplicity and flexibility make it an essential tool for managing iterations in various real-world applications. By ensuring proper condition control and understanding the flow of execution, Rust programmers can leverage the while loop to handle complex tasks efficiently and effectively.

  • Whether reading data from streams, polling for changes, waiting for user input, or managing game loops, the while loop remains a powerful and versatile component of Rust programming.

Control flow with `for` loop
// Function to create a formatted banner
fn banner(sep: &str, nchar: usize, message: &str) {
    let sep = sep.repeat(nchar); 
    let message = format!("{:^width$}", message, width = nchar); 
    println!("\n{}\n{}\n{}", sep, message, sep);

Iterating with for .. in

The for loop is another powerful and versatile control flow construct in Rust that allows for iterating over collections or ranges of values in a concise and readable manner. It is the most common and idiomatic way to perform iterations in Rust, providing a robust mechanism for traversing arrays, vectors, slices, and other iterable data structures.

Introduction to for Loops

The for loop simplifies the process of iterating over collections or ranges by automatically handling the iteration logic. This not only makes the code more readable and less error-prone but also leverages Rust's strong type system and ownership model to ensure safety and performance. The for loop is preferred for most iteration tasks due to its clear syntax and ability to work seamlessly with Rust's iterators.

Syntax of for Loop

The general syntax of a for loop in Rust is as follows:

fn main() {
for item in collection {
    // Code to execute for each item in the collection

The Mechanism of for Loop in Rust

  1. Initialization: The loop initializes an iterator for the specified collection or range.
  2. Iteration: For each iteration, the loop retrieves the next item from the iterator and executes the loop body with this item.
  3. Termination: The loop continues until the iterator is exhausted, meaning there are no more items to retrieve.

Advantages of for Loops

  • Readability: The syntax of for loops is clean and expressive, making it easy to understand the intent of the iteration.
  • Safety: Rust's ownership and borrowing rules ensure that for loops do not cause data races or invalid memory access.
  • Efficiency: The Rust compiler optimizes for loops to minimize overhead, making them highly efficient for iterating over large collections.
  • Flexibility: for loops can be used with a wide variety of iterable structures, including arrays, vectors, slices, and custom iterators.

Example: Iterating Over a Range (Inclusive)

The for loop in Rust can be effectively used to iterate over a range of values. When specifying a range, you can use the inclusive range syntax (..=) to ensure that the upper bound is included in the iteration This is particularly useful when you need to include both the start and end values in your loop. Or you can use the non-inclusive range using this syntax (..), remember that when using the non-exlusive syntax, the last item won't be included.


Let us consider the following example where we iterate over an inclusive range of integers from 1 to 5:

fn main() {
    banner("*", 62, "Iterating over a range of integer values using for loop");
    // Use an inclusive range to iterate from 1 to 5
    for number in 1..=5 {
        println!("The number is: {}", number);
    println!("Loop ended here");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(62));
   Iterating over a range of integer values using for loop    
The number is: 1
The number is: 2
The number is: 3
The number is: 4
The number is: 5
Loop ended here

Code in Details


  • The for loop initializes an iterator over the inclusive range 1..=5. This range includes all integers from 1 to 5, both endpoints inclusive.


  • The loop begins iterating over the range. In each iteration, the number variable takes on the value of the current item from the range.

Loop Body:

  • The code inside the loop body (println!("The number is: {}", number);) executes for each value in the range. This statement prints the current value of number to the console.


  • The loop continues to iterate until all values in the range have been processed. In this example, it iterates five times, corresponding to the values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Detailed Walkthrough

  1. First Iteration:

    • number = 1
    • The loop body prints: The number is: 1
  2. Second Iteration:

    • number = 2
    • The loop body prints: The number is: 2
  3. Third Iteration:

    • number = 3
    • The loop body prints: The number is: 3
  4. Fourth Iteration:

    • number = 4
    • The loop body prints: The number is: 4
  5. Fifth Iteration:

    • number = 5
    • The loop body prints: The number is: 5

After the fifth iteration, the range is exhausted, and the loop terminates.

If we were to iterate over a non-inclusive range, the end point would not be included in the iteration. Here is the same example as above, but with non-inclusive syntax:

fn main() {
    banner("*", 62, "Iterating over a range of integer values using for loop");
    // Use an inclusive range to iterate from 1 to 5
    for number in 1..5 {
        println!("The number is: {}", number);
    println!("Loop ended here");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(62));
   Iterating over a range of integer values using for loop    
The number is: 1
The number is: 2
The number is: 3
The number is: 4
Loop ended here

As we can observe, the value 5 is not included in the output.


fn main() {
    let array = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

    for element in array.iter() {
        println!("The value is: {}", element);
The value is: 10
The value is: 20
The value is: 30
The value is: 40
The value is: 50

Example: Iterating Over a Range of Characters

We can also iterate over a range of characters using the for loop. This is particularly useful when you need to perform operations on a sequence of characters in a specific range. The syntax for character ranges is similar to that of numerical ranges.


Consider the following example where we iterate over an inclusive range of characters from 'a' to 'e':

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Iterating over a range of characters example");
    for c in 'a'..='e' { // inclusive e
        println!("Char: {}", c);
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52));
    Iterating over a range of characters example    
Char: a
Char: b
Char: c
Char: d
Char: e

Example: Iterating Over an Array

The for loop can be used to iterate over the elements of an array. This is a common use case for for loops, as it allows for concise and readable traversal of array elements.


Consider the following example where we iterate over an array of integers:

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Iterating over an array");
    let numbers = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

    for number in numbers {
        println!("The number is: {}", number);
    println!("{}", "+".repeat(52));
              Iterating over an array               
The number is: 10
The number is: 20
The number is: 30
The number is: 40
The number is: 50

Example: Iterating Over a Vector

Another collection the for loop can also be used with to iterate over the elements of a vector. Vectors are similar to arrays but are dynamically sized, making them a common choice for collections where the number of elements may change.


Consider the following example where we iterate over a vector of integers:

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Iterating over a vector");
    let numbers = vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

    for number in &numbers {
        println!("The number is: {}", number);
    println!("{}", "+".repeat(52));
    // println!("{:?}", numbers);             if we didn't use `&numbers`, this would cause a compile error.
              Iterating over a vector               
The number is: 10
The number is: 20
The number is: 30
The number is: 40
The number is: 50

Notice that with vectors, the &numbers syntax borrows the vector, allowing us to iterate over its elements without taking ownership. Ownership will be discussed in a different chapter in more detial.

Nested for Loops

In Rust, nested for loops allow you to iterate over multiple collections or ranges simultaneously. This is useful when you need to perform operations that involve combinations of elements from different collections or when working with multidimensional data structures.

Syntax of Nested for Loops

The general syntax for nested for loops is straightforward, with one for loop placed inside another. Each loop can iterate over its respective collection or range.

fn main() {
for item1 in collection1 {
    for item2 in collection2 {
        // code to execute for each combination of item1 and item2

Example: Nested for Loop with Ranges

Consider the following example where we use nested for loops to iterate over two ranges:

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Nested for loop");
    for i in 1..=3 {
        for j in 1..=3 {
            println!("i: {}, j: {}", i, j);
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52));
                  Nested for loop                   
i: 1, j: 1
i: 1, j: 2
i: 1, j: 3
i: 2, j: 1
i: 2, j: 2
i: 2, j: 3
i: 3, j: 1
i: 3, j: 2
i: 3, j: 3
  • In this example:
    • The outer loop initializes an iterator over the inclusive range 1..=3, iterating over the values 1, 2, and 3.
    • For each iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop initializes its own iterator over the inclusive range 1..=3.
    • The outer loop continues until all values in its range have been processed. For each value of the outer loop, the inner loop runs to completion before the outer loop proceeds to the next value.


In this section, we explored the various ways to use the for loop in Rust to iterate over different types of collections. The for loop is a powerful and flexible control flow construct that allows for concise and efficient iteration over arrays, vectors, ranges, characters, and other data structures.

  • We began with a detailed introduction to the for loop, highlighting its syntax and advantages. We then provided examples of using for loops with inclusive and non-inclusive ranges, demonstrating how to iterate over sequences of numbers and characters.

  • We also covered the use of for loops with arrays and vectors, which are commonly used collections in Rust. By iterating over these collections, we can perform operations on each element in a straightforward and readable manner.

Advanced `for` loop Concepts
// Function to create a formatted banner
fn banner(sep: &str, nchar: usize, message: &str) {
    let sep = sep.repeat(nchar); 
    let message = format!("{:^width$}", message, width = nchar); 
    println!("\n{}\n{}\n{}", sep, message, sep);

Iterating Over Other Collections

In Rust, the for loop can be used to iterate over various types of collections. Here are some additional examples:

Iterating Over a Tuple

We can use the for loop to iterate over the elements of a tuple. However, since tuples do not implement the IntoIterator trait by default, you need to use a different approach. One common method is to convert the tuple into an array or a vector before iterating.


Consider the following example where we iterate over a tuple of different types by converting it to an array:

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Iterating over a tuple");
    let tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
    let array = [tuple.0, tuple.1, tuple.2, tuple.3, tuple.4];

    for value in &array {
        println!("Value: {}", value);
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52));
               Iterating over a tuple               
Value: 1
Value: 2
Value: 3
Value: 4
Value: 5
  • Iterating Over a HashMap:
use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Iterating over a hashmap");
    let mut map = HashMap::new();
    map.insert("a", 1);
    map.insert("b", 2);
    map.insert("c", 3);
    for (key, value) in &map {
        println!("Key: {}, Value: {}", key, value);
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52));
              Iterating over a hashmap              
Key: b, Value: 2
Key: c, Value: 3
Key: a, Value: 1
  • Iterating Over a HashSet:
use std::collections::HashSet;

fn main() {
    let mut set = HashSet::new();

    for value in &set {
        println!("Value: {}", value);
Value: 2
Value: 1
Value: 3
  • Iterating Over a LinkedList:
use std::collections::LinkedList;

fn main() {
    let mut list = LinkedList::new();

    for value in &list {
        println!("Value: {}", value);
Value: 1
Value: 2
Value: 3
  • Iterating Over a BinaryHeap:
use std::collections::BinaryHeap;

fn main() {
    let mut heap = BinaryHeap::new();

    for value in heap {
        println!("Value: {}", value);
Value: 3
Value: 1
Value: 2

Advanced for loop Usage

Enumerate and Zip in Rust

In Rust, the enumerate and zip methods provide powerful and flexible ways to iterate over collections. These methods enhance the capabilities of the for loop by allowing you to access additional information during iteration.

Using the enumerate Method

The enumerate method creates an iterator that yields pairs of indices and values. This is particularly useful when you need to keep track of the position of each element while iterating over a collection.

Example: Iterating with enumerate Consider the following example where we iterate over a vector of integers and print each element along with its index:

fn main() {
    let numbers = vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

    for (index, value) in numbers.iter().enumerate() {
        println!("Index: {}, Value: {}", index, value);
Index: 0, Value: 10
Index: 1, Value: 20
Index: 2, Value: 30
Index: 3, Value: 40
Index: 4, Value: 50

Using the zip Method

The zip method creates an iterator that yields pairs of elements from two collections. This is useful when you need to iterate over two collections in parallel.

Example: Iterating with zip Consider the following example where we iterate over two vectors of integers simultaneously:

fn main() {
    let vec1 = vec![1, 2, 3];
    let vec2 = vec![4, 5, 6];

    for (a, b) in vec1.iter().zip(vec2.iter()) {
        println!("a: {}, b: {}", a, b);
a: 1, b: 4
a: 2, b: 5
a: 3, b: 6

Destructuring in for Loops

Destructuring allows you to conveniently unpack elements of tuples and structs directly within the for loop pattern. This technique simplifies access to multiple elements and can make your code more readable and expressive.

Destructuring Tuples in for Loops

When iterating over a collection of tuples, you can destructure the tuples directly in the for loop to access each element individually.

Example: Destructuring Tuples

Consider the following example where we iterate over a vector of tuples, each containing a pair of integers:

fn main() {
    let pairs = vec![(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)];

    for (x, y) in pairs {
        println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y);
x: 1, y: 2
x: 3, y: 4
x: 5, y: 6

Example: Destructuring Structs

Consider the following example where we iterate over a vector of structs, each representing a point in 2D space:

struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

fn main() {
    let points = vec![
        Point { x: 1, y: 2 },
        Point { x: 3, y: 4 },
        Point { x: 5, y: 6 },

    for Point { x, y } in points {
        println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y);
x: 1, y: 2
x: 3, y: 4
x: 5, y: 6

Infinite Iterators in Rust

Rust provides powerful iterator capabilities that include the use of infinite iterators. These iterators can generate an endless sequence of values. To manage and control these infinite sequences, Rust offers methods like take, which allows you to limit the number of iterations to a finite number.

Using Infinite Iterators

Infinite iterators can be created using the std::iter module. One common method is iter::repeat, which repeats a value infinitely.

Example: Creating an Infinite Iterator

Consider the following example where we use iter::repeat to create an infinite iterator:

fn main() {
    let infinite_ones = std::iter::repeat(1);

    for number in infinite_ones.take(5) {
        println!("Number: {}", number);
Number: 1
Number: 1
Number: 1
Number: 1
Number: 1

Using for Loops with Generators

Generators provide a way to produce a sequence of values on-the-fly, which can be particularly useful for implementing complex iteration patterns. While Rust does not have built-in support for generators like some other languages, you can achieve similar functionality using external crates such as genawaiter or async-generator.

Generators allow you to yield values from within a function and maintain state between calls, enabling you to write more expressive and flexible iteration code.

Integrating for Loops with Generators

By using external crates, you can create generator-like functionality in Rust and integrate it seamlessly with for loops.

Example: Using genawaiter Crate

Consider the following example where we use the genawaiter crate to create a generator and iterate over its values with a for loop:

  • Add the genawaiter crate to your Cargo.toml:

  • Create a generator and iterate over its values:

:dep genawaiter

use genawaiter::sync::{gen, Gen};
use genawaiter::yield_;

fn main() {
    let generator = generate_numbers();

    for number in generator {
        println!("Generated number: {}", number);

fn generate_numbers() -> Gen<i32, (), impl std::future::Future<Output = ()>> {
        for i in 0..5 {

Generated number: 0
Generated number: 1
Generated number: 2
Generated number: 3
Generated number: 4
fn main() {
    let mut counter = 0;

    let generator = std::iter::from_fn(move || {
        if counter < 5 {
            let value = counter;
            counter += 1;
        } else {

    for number in generator {
        println!("Generated number: {}", number);
Generated number: 0
Generated number: 1
Generated number: 2
Generated number: 3
Generated number: 4

Performance Considerations in for Loops

When using for loops in Rust, it's essential to consider performance optimization techniques to ensure your code runs efficiently. Rust's powerful iteration capabilities, combined with its zero-cost abstractions, allow you to write performant code without sacrificing readability or safety. This section explores various techniques to optimize for loops, including avoiding unnecessary allocations and leveraging Rust's unique features.

Avoiding Unnecessary Allocations

Allocations can significantly impact the performance of your code, especially when dealing with large data sets or high-frequency operations. Here are some strategies to minimize allocations:

Use Slices Instead of Vectors:

Slices (&[T]) provide a view into an existing collection without allocating additional memory. Prefer using slices when you don't need to modify the data.

fn main() {
    let data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

fn process_data(data: &[i32]) {
    for &item in data {
        println!("{}", item);

Iterate by Reference:

When iterating over collections, prefer iterating by reference to avoid copying or moving data unnecessarily.

fn main() {
    let data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    for item in &data {
        println!("{}", item);

Use Iterators Efficiently:

Rust's iterator methods, such as map, filter, and collect, are highly optimized. Use these methods to transform and process data efficiently.

fn main() {
    let data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let squared: Vec<i32> = data.iter().map(|&x| x * x).collect();
    for item in squared {
        println!("{}", item);

Leveraging Rust's Zero-Cost Abstractions

Rust's zero-cost abstractions ensure that high-level constructs don't incur runtime overhead. Here are some ways to leverage these abstractions:

Inline Functions:

Rust's inlining capabilities allow you to define small, frequently used functions without performance penalties. The compiler can inline these functions, eliminating function call overhead.

fn square(x: i32) -> i32 {
    x * x

fn main() {
    let data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    for &item in &data {
        println!("{}", square(item));

Iterators Instead of Indexing:

Using iterators is often more efficient than indexing, as iterators can take advantage of optimizations that indexing can't.

fn main() {
    let data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    let sum: i32 = data.iter().sum();
    println!("Sum: {}", sum);

Avoiding Bounds Checking:

Iterators in Rust automatically handle bounds checking, which can improve performance compared to manual indexing.

fn main() {
    let data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    for item in data.iter() {
        println!("{}", item);

Additional Performance Tips

Use chunks and windows:

When processing data in fixed-size groups, use the chunks and windows iterator methods to avoid manual slicing and indexing.

fn main() {
    let data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
    for chunk in data.chunks(2) {
        println!("{:?}", chunk);

Parallel Iteration:

For large data sets or compute-intensive tasks, consider using the rayon crate for parallel iteration, which can significantly speed up processing.

extern crate rayon;
use rayon::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
    data.par_iter().for_each(|&x| println!("{}", x));

Profile and Benchmark:

Always profile and benchmark your code to identify performance bottlenecks. Rust provides tools like cargo bench and external crates like criterion for this purpose.


In this section, we explored:

  • Additionally, we showed how to iterate over more complex collections such as HashMap, HashSet, LinkedList, and BinaryHeap. These examples illustrated the versatility of the for loop and its ability to handle various data structures efficiently.

  • Finally, we presented an example of iterating over a tuple by converting it into an array, showcasing the adaptability of the for loop to different types of collections. Furthermore, we explored nested for loops, which allow for complex iteration patterns by iterating over multiple collections or ranges simultaneously.

  • Optimizing for loops in Rust involves understanding and leveraging the language's powerful iteration capabilities and zero-cost abstractions. By avoiding unnecessary allocations, using iterators efficiently, and taking advantage of inlining and other compiler optimizations, you can write high-performance Rust code. Additionally, profiling and benchmarking your code will help ensure that your optimizations are effective and your programs run efficiently.

Using `break` and `continue` in Loops

In this section, we will explore the use of the break and continue statements in Rust loops. These control flow statements provide additional flexibility and control over loop execution, allowing you to exit a loop early or skip the remaining iteration and proceed to the next one.

What We Will Cover

  1. Introduction to break:

    • Understanding how the break statement works.
    • Practical examples of using break to exit loops early.
    • Scenarios where break is useful, such as terminating infinite loops and exiting nested loops with labels.
  2. Introduction to continue:

    • Understanding how the continue statement works.
    • Practical examples of using continue to skip iterations.
    • Scenarios where continue is beneficial, such as skipping unwanted values in data processing and managing control flow in complex loops.
  3. Combining break and continue:

    • Using both break and continue within a single loop to achieve complex control flow.
    • Best practices for maintaining readability and avoiding common pitfalls.
  4. Advanced Use Cases:

    • Using labeled break and continue for enhanced control in nested loops.
    • Performance considerations and how the use of these statements can impact the efficiency of your code.

By the end of this section, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to use break and continue statements effectively in Rust loops.

Using Break
// Function to create a formatted banner
fn banner(sep: &str, nchar: usize, message: &str) {
    let sep = sep.repeat(nchar); 
    let message = format!("{:^width$}", message, width = nchar); 
    println!("\n{}\n{}\n{}", sep, message, sep);

The break statement in Rust is a powerful control flow mechanism used to terminate a loop immediately, bypassing the loop's conditional checks. This statement is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to exit a loop as soon as a specific condition is satisfied, thus preventing further iterations.


The syntax of the break statement is straightforward and can be employed in various types of loops, such as loop, while, and for loops. Below is the general syntax for using break within a loop:

fn main() {
loop {
    if condition {
    // Code to execute if the condition is not met

Exiting loops Mechanism

This general syntax shows how to exit out a control flow with with loop in Rust. As discussed in a previous sections:

  • The loop initiates an infinite loop, which will continue to execute until explicitly terminated.
  • if condition: This is a conditional statement that checks if a specific condition is true. If the condition evaluates to true, the break statement is executed.
  • break: The break statement immediately exits the loop, regardless of any remaining iterations or conditions.
  • // Code to execute if the condition is not met: This is the code block that will be executed in each iteration of the loop if the condition is not satisfied.

Example of Exiting a Loop with break

Here is a simple example that demonstrates how to use the break statement to exit a loop when a specific condition is met. In this example, we will exit the loop as soon as the variable count reaches 3.

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Breaking the loop:");
    let mut count = 0;

    loop {
        count += 1;
        println!("Count: {}", count);

        if count >= 5 {

    println!("Loop has ended.");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52) );
                 Breaking the loop:                 
Count: 1
Count: 2
Count: 3
Count: 4
Count: 5
Loop has ended.

Code in Details

  1. Initialization:

    • let mut count = 0: A mutable integer variable count is initialized to 0.
  2. Infinite Loop:

    • loop: An infinite loop is started. This loop will continue running until it is explicitly terminated.
  3. Increment and Print:

    • count += 1: The count variable is incremented by 1 in each iteration.
    • println!("Count: {}", count): The current value of count is printed to the console.
  4. Condition Check and break:

    • if count >= 5: Inside the loop, we check if the count variable is greater than of equal to 5.
    • break: If the condition is met, the break statement is used to exit the loop immediately.
  5. Post-loop Message:

    • println!("Loop has ended."): After exiting the loop, a message indicating the end of the loop is printed to the console.

Using break with while

The break statement can also be used within a while loop to exit the loop when a specific condition is met. This is useful for dynamically controlled loops where the exit condition is determined at runtime.


Here is an example that demonstrates how to use break within a while loop:

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Breaking While Loop");
    let mut count = 0;

    while count < 10 {
        count += 1;
        println!("Count: {}", count);

        if count == 5 {
            println!("Count has reached 5, breaking the loop.");

    println!("Loop has ended.");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52))
                Breaking While Loop                 
Count: 1
Count: 2
Count: 3
Count: 4
Count: 5
Count has reached 5, breaking the loop.
Loop has ended.

Code in Details

  1. Initialization:

    • let mut count = 0: A mutable integer variable count is initialized to 0.
  2. While Loop:

    • while count < 10: This while loop continues running as long as count is less than 10.
  3. Increment and Print:

    • count += 1: The count variable is incremented by 1 in each iteration.
    • println!("Count: {}", count): The current value of count is printed to the console.
  4. Condition Check and break:

    • if count == 5: Inside the loop, we check if the count variable is equal to 5.
    • println!("Count has reached 5, breaking the loop."): A message is printed indicating that the count has reached 5.
    • break: The break statement is used to exit the loop immediately after the condition is met.
  5. Post-loop Message:

    • println!("Loop has ended."): After exiting the loop, a message indicating the end of the loop is printed to the console.

Simple Example of Breaking Out of the for Loop

the break statement can also be used to exit a for loop prematurely when a specific condition is met. This can be particularly useful when you are searching for a particular value or condition within a collection and want to stop iterating once the condition is found.


In this example, we will iterate over a range of numbers and break out of the loop when a specific condition is met.

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Breaking for loop");
    for i in 1..10 {
        if i == 5 {
            println!("Reached the number: {}", i);
        println!("Current number: {}", i);
    println!("Loop has ended.");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52));
                 Breaking for loop                  
Current number: 1
Current number: 2
Current number: 3
Current number: 4
Reached the number: 5
Loop has ended.

Code in Details

  1. Loop through the Range:

    • for i in 1..10: This for loop iterates over the range from 1 to 9 (note that the end value 10 is excluded).
  2. Condition Check and break:

    • if i == 5: Inside the loop, we check if the current number i is equal to 5.
    • println!("Reached the number: {}", i): If the condition is met, a message is printed indicating that the number 5 has been reached.
    • break: The break statement is used to exit the loop immediately after the condition is met.
  3. Loop Body:

    • println!("Current number: {}", i): The current value of i is printed to the console for each iteration of the loop.
  4. Post-loop Message:

    • println!("Loop has ended."): After exiting the loop, a message indicating the end of the loop is printed to the console.

Practical Examples of Exiting a Loop with break

Here is a practical example that demonstrates how to use the break statement to exit a loop when a specific condition is met. In this example, we will search for a specific number in an array and exit the loop as soon as we find it.

fn main() {
    let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
    let target = 7;
    let mut found = false;

    for &number in numbers.iter() {
        if number == target {
            found = true;

    if found {
        println!("Found the target number: {}", target);
    } else {
        println!("Target number not found.");
Found the target number: 7

Code in Details

  1. Initialization:

    • numbers: An array of integers from 1 to 10.
    • target: The number we are searching for in the array, set to 7.
    • found: A boolean variable initialized to false. It will be set to true if the target number is found.
  2. Loop through the Array:

    • for &number in numbers.iter(): This for loop iterates over each element in the numbers array. The &number syntax means we are borrowing each element of the array.
  3. Condition Check and break:

    • if number == target: Inside the loop, we check if the current number is equal to the target number.
    • found = true: If the condition is met, we set the found variable to true.
    • break: The break statement is used to exit the loop immediately after finding the target number.
  4. Post-loop Check:

    • if found: After the loop, we check if the found variable is true.
    • println!: If the target number was found, we print a message indicating the number was found. If not, we print a message indicating the number was not found.

Real-World Example: User Input Validation

In this example, we'll demonstrate how the break statement can be used in a real-world scenario: validating user input in a loop until a valid input is received.

use std::io::{self, Write};

fn main() {
    let mut attempts = 0;
    let max_attempts = 3;

    loop {
        if attempts >= max_attempts {
            println!("Maximum attempts reached. Exiting...");

        print!("Enter a number between 1 and 10: ");

        let mut input = String::new();
        io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).unwrap();
        let input: i32 = match input.trim().parse() {
            Ok(num) => num,
            Err(_) => {
                println!("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.");
                attempts += 1;

        if input >= 1 && input <= 10 {
            println!("Valid input: {}", input);
        } else {
            println!("Input out of range. Please enter a number between 1 and 10.");
            attempts += 1;


The break statement is a powerful control flow tool in Rust that allows you to exit loops prematurely based on specific conditions. By integrating break within loop, while, and for loops, you can enhance the efficiency and clarity of your code.

Key Points:

  • Immediate Exit: The break statement immediately terminates the loop, regardless of any remaining iterations or conditions.
  • Flexible Usage: break can be used in various loop constructs (loop, while, and for) to handle different control flow requirements.
  • Condition-based Termination: Combining break with conditional statements (if, else if) provides precise control over when and how loops should terminate.
  • Performance Considerations: Proper use of break can improve the performance of your program by avoiding unnecessary iterations, thereby optimizing resource usage.
  • Real-world Applications: break is particularly useful in scenarios such as searching through collections, handling user input, and managing complex control flows in applications.
Using Continue
// Function to create a formatted banner
fn banner(sep: &str, nchar: usize, message: &str) {
    let sep = sep.repeat(nchar); 
    let message = format!("{:^width$}", message, width = nchar); 
    println!("\n{}\n{}\n{}", sep, message, sep);

The continue statement is a control flow tool used within loops to skip the remainder of the current iteration and proceed directly to the next iteration. This is particularly useful in scenarios where certain conditions or values should be bypassed without terminating the loop entirely.


fn main() {
loop {
    if condition {
    // Code to execute if the condition is not met

The Mechanism of continue flow

  1. Loop Initialization: The loop keyword initiates an infinite loop, which will continue executing until explicitly terminated by a break statement or an external condition.

  2. Condition Check: if condition: Inside the loop, a condition is evaluated. If this condition evaluates to true, the continue statement is executed.

  3. Continue Statement: continue: The continue statement immediately skips the remaining code in the current iteration and jumps to the next iteration of the loop. This allows the loop to proceed without executing the code below the continue statement for the current iteration.

  4. Remaining Code: Any code following the continue statement within the loop will not be executed for the current iteration if the condition is met. Instead, the loop control proceeds to the next iteration.

Practical Use

The continue statement is valuable in various scenarios, such as:

  • Filtering Data: Skipping specific values in a collection that do not meet certain criteria.
  • Error Handling: Ignoring erroneous or invalid data points during processing.
  • Efficiency: Avoiding unnecessary computations or operations for specific conditions.


In this example, we will iterate over a range of numbers and use the continue statement to skip even numbers.

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Using continue with for loop");
    for number in 1..10 {
        if number % 2 == 0 {
        println!("Odd number: {}", number);
    println!("Loop ended here");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52))
            Using continue with for loop            
Odd number: 1
Odd number: 3
Odd number: 5
Odd number: 7
Odd number: 9
Loop ended here

Code in Details

  1. Loop through the Range:

    • for i in 1..10: This for loop iterates over the range from 1 to 9 (note that the end value 10 is excluded).
  2. Condition Check:

    • if i % 2 == 0: Inside the loop, we check if the current number i is even by using the modulus operator (%). If the result of i % 2 is 0, then i is an even number.
  3. Continue Statement:

    • continue: If the condition is met (i.e., i is even), the continue statement is executed. This immediately skips the remaining code in the current iteration and jumps to the next iteration of the loop.
  4. Remaining Code:

    • println!("Odd number: {}", i): This line prints the current value of i if it is not skipped by the continue statement. Since the continue statement is executed for even numbers, only odd numbers are printed.

Using continue with while

The continue statement can also be used with while loops to skip the current iteration and proceed to the next one based on a condition.


We will use the same example with while loop to iterate over a range of numbers and skip even numbers using the continue statement.

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Using continue with while loop");
    let mut i = 1;

    while i < 10 {
        if i % 2 == 0 {
            i += 1;
        println!("Odd number: {}", i);
        i += 1;
    println!("Program ends");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52))
           Using continue with while loop           
Odd number: 1
Odd number: 3
Odd number: 5
Odd number: 7
Odd number: 9
Program ends

Using continue with loop

Similar to for and while loops, the continue statement can be utilized within a loop construct in Rust. However, since loop creates an infinite loop, it is essential to control the loop's termination to prevent it from running indefinitely. This typically involves incorporating a break statement at an appropriate point.


Here is the previous example adapted to use the loop construct along with the continue statement:

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Continue statement with loop");
    let mut count = 0;

    loop {
        count += 1;

        if count % 2 == 0 {

        if count > 10 {

        println!("Odd count: {}", count);
    println!("Program ended!");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52));
            Continue statement with loop            
Odd count: 1
Odd count: 3
Odd count: 5
Odd count: 7
Odd count: 9
Program ended!

Combining break and continue

It is commom to combine the break and continue statements within a single loop to achieve more precise control over the flow of the program. This allows you to skip certain iterations based on specific conditions and exit the loop entirely under other conditions. This combination is particularly useful in complex scenarios where both skipping and terminating conditions need to be managed within the same loop.

Comprehensive Example

In the following example, we will iterate over a range of numbers, skip even numbers using continue, and break the loop when a specific number is reached using break.

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Continue-Break Combination");
    let mut count = 0;

    loop {
        count += 1;

        // Skip even numbers
        if count % 2 == 0 {

        // Print the odd number
        println!("Odd number: {}", count);

        // Break the loop when count reaches 15
        if count >= 15 {
            println!("Reached the limit, breaking the loop.");

    println!("Loop has ended.");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52));
             Continue-Break Combination             
Odd number: 1
Odd number: 3
Odd number: 5
Odd number: 7
Odd number: 9
Odd number: 11
Odd number: 13
Odd number: 15
Reached the limit, breaking the loop.
Loop has ended.

Code in Details

Loop Initialization:

  • let mut count = 0: A mutable integer variable count is initialized to 0 to start the iteration.

Infinite Loop:

  • loop: This creates an infinite loop that will continue running until it is explicitly terminated with a break statement.

Increment and Print:

  • count += 1: The count variable is incremented by 1 in each iteration.

Condition Check for continue:

  • if count % 2 == 0 { continue; }: This condition checks if the current value of count is even using the modulus operator (%). If the result of count % 2 is 0, then count is an even number. The continue statement is executed, which skips the remaining code in the current iteration and proceeds to the next iteration.

Print Odd Numbers:

  • println!("Odd number: {}", count): This line prints the current value of count if it is not skipped by the continue statement. Since the continue statement is executed for even numbers, only odd numbers are printed.

Condition Check for break:

  • if count >= 15 { break; }: This condition checks if the count has reached or exceeded 15. If true, the break statement is executed to exit the loop. Before breaking, a message is printed indicating that the limit has been reached.

Post-loop Message:

  • println!("Loop has ended."): After exiting the loop, a message indicating the end of the loop is printed to the console.


In this section, we explored the use of the break and continue statements in Rust, powerful tools for controlling the flow of loops.

  • The break Statement: We learned how to use the break statement to exit loops immediately when a specific condition is met. This technique is essential for terminating potentially infinite loops or stopping iterations when a goal has been achieved.
  • The continue Statement: We examined the continue statement, which allows us to skip the rest of the current iteration and proceed directly to the next one. This is particularly useful for bypassing specific conditions or values without exiting the loop entirely.
  • Combining break and continue: By combining both statements in a single loop, we can achieve precise control over complex looping scenarios. This combination helps in scenarios where certain iterations need to be skipped, while others necessitate the termination of the loop.
Advanced Loops Concepts in Rust
// Function to create a formatted banner
fn banner(sep: &str, nchar: usize, message: &str) {
    let sep = sep.repeat(nchar); 
    let message = format!("{:^width$}", message, width = nchar); 
    println!("\n{}\n{}\n{}", sep, message, sep);

Returning Values from Loops

In Rust, loops can be more than just control flow structures for repeated execution—they can also be used to compute and return values. This is made possible through the use of the break statement with an associated value, which allows a loop to return a result upon termination. This feature enables more flexible and expressive looping constructs, particularly useful in scenarios where the loop's purpose is to find or compute a specific result.


The syntax for returning a value from a loop involves initializing a variable with the loop construct and using the break statement to return a value:

fn main() {
let result = loop {
    // code to execute
    if condition {
        break value;

In this structure:

  • loop: Initializes an infinite loop that will continue running until explicitly terminated.
  • if condition { break value; }: Inside the loop, a condition is evaluated. When this condition is true, the break statement is executed with an associated value, which terminates the loop and returns the value as the result of the loop.


  • Using loops to return values can streamline your code by combining iteration and value computation into a single, concise construct. It eliminates the need for additional variables and state management outside the loop, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code. This approach is particularly powerful in scenarios such as searching, accumulating values, or any other context where the loop's purpose is to produce a single result.


Consider the following example where we use a loop to find the first number greater than 10 that is divisible by both 2 and 3:

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Returning Values from a loop");
    let mut num = 1;

    let result = loop {
        num += 1;

        if num > 10 && num % 2 == 0 && num % 3 == 0 {
            break num;

    println!("The number is: {}", result);
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52));
            Returning Values from a loop            
The number is: 12

Code in Details


  • let mut num = 1: A mutable integer variable num is initialized to 1. This variable will be incremented in each iteration of the loop.

Infinite Loop:

  • let result = loop { ... }: An infinite loop is initiated, which will run until it is terminated by a break statement.

Increment and Check:

  • num += 1: The variable num is incremented by 1 in each iteration.
  • if num > 10 && num % 2 == 0 && num % 3 == 0 { break num; }: Inside the loop, a condition is evaluated. If num is greater than 10 and divisible by both 2 and 3, the break statement is executed with num as its value. This terminates the loop and assigns num to the variable result.


  • println!("The number is: {}", result);: After the loop terminates, the value of result is printed to the console, displaying the first number greater than 10 that meets the specified conditions.

Loop Labels and Nesting

In Rust, you can label loops and refer to these labels to control nested loops. This is particularly useful when you need to break or continue outer loops. When you have nested loops, the break and continue statements by default apply to the innermost loop. However, by using loop labels, you can specify which loop the break or continue statements should apply to. Loop labels must begin with a single quote.


fn main() {
'label: loop {
    // code for the outer loop
    loop {
        // code for the inner loop
        break 'label; // breaks the outer loop

Structure Explanation

Loop Label:

  • 'label: loop { ... }: The outer loop is labeled with 'label. This label can be referenced later in the code to control the flow of the outer loop.

Outer Loop:

  • The outer loop contains some code to execute and is identified by the label 'label. The code within this loop will execute repeatedly unless explicitly interrupted by a break statement.

Inner Loop:

  • Within the outer loop, there is an inner loop. The code within this loop will also execute repeatedly. By default, any break or continue statements within this inner loop apply only to the inner loop.

Break Statement with Label:

  • break 'label;: This statement breaks the outer loop labeled 'label. This allows the code to exit the outer loop from within the inner loop, demonstrating the control provided by loop labels.

Example with Loop Labels and Nesting

Let us consider the next example, where we break out of an outer loop using a label

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Breaking Loop by labels");
    'outer: loop {
        println!("Entered the outer loop");

        'inner: loop {
            println!("Entered the inner loop");

            // Condition to break the outer loop
            break 'outer;

        println!("This point will never be reached");

    println!("Exited the outer loop");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52));
              Breaking Loop by labels               
Entered the outer loop
Entered the inner loop
Exited the outer loop

Code in Details

Outer Loop Initialization:

  • 'outer: loop { ... }: The outer loop is labeled with 'outer. This label is used to control the flow of the outer loop from within the nested inner loop.

Entering the Outer Loop:

  • println!("Entered the outer loop");: This statement is executed each time the outer loop begins its iteration.

Inner Loop Initialization:

  • 'inner: loop { ... }: Within the outer loop, an inner loop is defined and labeled with 'inner.

Entering the Inner Loop:

  • println!("Entered the inner loop");: This statement is executed each time the inner loop begins its iteration.

Breaking the Outer Loop:

  • break 'outer;: Inside the inner loop, this statement uses the loop label 'outer to break the outer loop. This terminates the outer loop immediately, skipping any remaining code inside both the inner and outer loops.

Unreachable Code in the Outer Loop:

  • println!("This point will never be reached");: This statement is placed after the inner loop within the outer loop. However, it will never be executed because the break 'outer; statement exits the outer loop before this point is reached.

Post-loop Execution:

  • println!("Exited the outer loop");: After the break 'outer; statement terminates the outer loop, this statement is executed, indicating that the program has exited the outer loop.

Another Example

This example is adapted from rust book, official documentation.

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Understanding nested loop and labels");
    let mut count = 0;
    'counting_up: loop {
        println!("count = {count}");
        let mut remaining = 10;

        loop {
            println!("remaining = {remaining}");
            if remaining == 9 {
            if count == 2 {
                break 'counting_up;
            remaining -= 1;

        count += 1;
    println!("End count = {count}");
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52));
        Understanding nested loop and labels        
count = 0
remaining = 10
remaining = 9
count = 1
remaining = 10
remaining = 9
count = 2
remaining = 10
End count = 2

Practical Example: Finding a Specific Value in a 2D Array

Let's consider a practical example where we have a 2D array (matrix) and we want to find a specific value. We will use nested loops to iterate through the array, and loop labels to break out of both loops once we find the value.

fn main() {
    banner("*", 52, "Practical Example of Nested loop with labels");
    let matrix = [
        [1, 2, 3],
        [4, 5, 6],
        [7, 8, 9],
    let target = 5;
    let mut found = false;

    'outer: for (i, row) in matrix.iter().enumerate() {
        for (j, &value) in row.iter().enumerate() {
            if value == target {
                println!("Found {} at position ({}, {})", target, i, j);
                found = true;
                break 'outer;

    if !found {
        println!("{} not found in the matrix", target);
    println!("{}", "*".repeat(52));
    Practical Example of Nested loop with labels    
Found 5 at position (1, 1)

Code in Details

Matrix Initialization:

  • let matrix = [...];: A 2D array (matrix) is initialized with integers from 1 to 9.

Target Value:

  • let target = 5;: The target value we are searching for in the matrix is set to 5.
  • let mut found = false;: A mutable boolean variable found is initialized to false. It will be set to true if the target value is found.

Outer Loop Initialization:

  • 'outer: for (i, row) in matrix.iter().enumerate() { ... }: The outer loop is labeled with 'outer and iterates over each row in the matrix. The enumerate() method is used to get both the index and the row.

Inner Loop Initialization:

  • for (j, &value) in row.iter().enumerate() { ... }: The inner loop iterates over each value in the current row. The enumerate() method is used to get both the index and the value.

Condition Check and Break:

  • if value == target { ... }: Inside the inner loop, this condition checks if the current value is equal to the target value.
  • println!("Found {} at position ({}, {})", target, i, j);: If the condition is met, a message is printed indicating the position of the target value.
  • found = true;: The found variable is set to true.
  • break 'outer;: The break 'outer; statement is used to exit the outer loop immediately.

Post-loop Check:

  • if !found { ... }: After the loops, this condition checks if the target value was not found.
  • println!("{} not found in the matrix", target);: If the target value was not found, a message is printed indicating that the value was not found in the matrix.

Practical Example 02: Image Processing

Let consider an example in image processing where we want to search for a specific color pattern in a 3D image represented as a matrix of RGB values. If we find the pattern, we break out of the nested loops.

fn main() {
    // Example 3D image matrix (2x2 pixels for simplicity)
    let image = [
        [[255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0]],  // Row 1: [Red, Green]
        [[0, 0, 255], [255, 255, 0]], // Row 2: [Blue, Yellow]

    // Target pattern (Yellow)
    let target = [255, 255, 0];
    let mut found = false;

    'outer: for (i, row) in image.iter().enumerate() {
        for (j, pixel) in row.iter().enumerate() {
            if pixel == &target {
                println!("Found the pattern at position ({}, {})", i, j);
                found = true;
                break 'outer;

    if !found {
        println!("Pattern not found in the image");

Found the pattern at position (1, 1)

Code in Details

Image Initialization:

fn main() {
let image = [
    [[255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0]],  // Row 1: [Red, Green]
    [[0, 0, 255], [255, 255, 0]], // Row 2: [Blue, Yellow]

A 3D array (image) is initialized with RGB values representing the colors Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow.

Target Pattern:

fn main() {
let target = [255, 255, 0]; // Yellow
let mut found = false;

The target color pattern we are searching for is set to Yellow [255, 255, 0]. A mutable boolean variable found is initialized to false. It will be set to true if the target pattern is found.

Outer Loop Initialization:

fn main() {
'outer: for (i, row) in image.iter().enumerate() { ... }

The outer loop is labeled with 'outer and iterates over each row in the image matrix. The enumerate() method is used to get both the index and the row.

Inner Loop Initialization:

fn main() {
for (j, pixel) in row.iter().enumerate() { ... }

Within the outer loop, an inner loop iterates over each pixel in the current row. The enumerate() method is used to get both the index and the pixel.

Condition Check and Break:

fn main() {
if pixel == &target { ... }

Inside the inner loop, this condition checks if the current pixel matches the target pattern.

Print and Break:

fn main() {
println!("Found the pattern at position ({}, {})", i, j);
found = true;
break 'outer;

If the condition is met, a message is printed indicating the position of the target pattern. The found variable is set to true, and the break 'outer; statement is used to exit the outer loop immediately.

Post-loop Check:

fn main() {
if !found { ... }

After the loops, this condition checks if the target pattern was not found. If the target pattern was not found, a message is printed indicating that the pattern was not found in the image


In this section, we explored the more advanced features of Rust loops, specifically focusing on two crucial aspects: returning values from loops and utilizing loop labels to effectively manage nested loops.

We began by discussing how Rust's unique capability of allowing loops to return values using the break statement with a value can greatly enhance the flexibility and control over loop executions. This feature allows for more expressive and powerful loop constructs, enabling developers to capture and utilize results directly from within the loop.

Next, we examined the use of loop labels to manage nested loops. By labeling loops with descriptive identifiers, we can precisely control which loop is affected by break and continue statements, thus avoiding confusion and ensuring the correct loop is targeted. This is particularly useful in complex scenarios involving multiple layers of nested loops, where direct control over the outer loops from within inner loops is necessary.

The match Statement in Rust

The match statement in Rust is a powerful control flow construct that allows you to compare a value against a series of patterns and execute code based on which pattern matches. It is similar to switch statements in other languages but much more powerful and flexible.

  • The match statement is used to match:
    • Integers.
    • Booleans.
    • Enums.
    • Arrays.
    • Tuples.
    • Structs (Like classes in other programming languages).

Basic Syntax

  • The basic syntax of a match statement involves a value to match against:
    • A series of match statements called arms enclosed in curly braces {...}.
    • Patterns followed by the code to execute if the pattern matches.
    • The arms must be exhaustive
fn main() {
    let num = 3;

    match num {
        1 => println!("One!"),                // This is called an arm
        2 => println!("Two!"),                // This is called an arm
        3 => println!("Three!"),              
        _ => println!("Something else!"),    // This is the catch-All statement (or the default value)
  • Details of the match components
  1. match num { ... }:

    • This is the match statement itself. It takes the value num and compares it against a series of patterns enclosed in curly braces {}.
  2. Arms:

    • Each comparison in a match statement is called an arm. Each arm consists of a pattern, the => symbol, and the code to execute if the pattern matches.
  3. Patterns (1, 2, 3, _):

    • 1: This is a pattern that matches if num is 1.
    • 2: This is a pattern that matches if num is 2.
    • 3: This is a pattern that matches if num is 3.
    • _: This is a wildcard pattern that matches any value not matched by the previous patterns. It is often used as a catch-all or default case.
  4. =>:

    • The => symbol separates the pattern from the code that should be executed if the pattern matches. It can be read as "if this pattern matches, then do this".
  5. The Expressions: The expressions that get executed when a pattern matches.

    • println!("One!"): Executes if num is 1.
    • println!("Two!"): Executes if num is 2.
    • println!("Three!"): Executes if num is 3.
    • println!("Something else!"): Executes if num is any value not covered by the previous patterns.

Match Arms

  • Patterns: Patterns can be literals, variables, wildcards, and more.
  • Arms: Each arm consists of a pattern and an expression to evaluate if the pattern matches.
  • Wildcard: The _ pattern matches any value not matched by previous arms.

Matching Literals

  • You can match literal values like integers, characters, and strings.
fn main() {
    let x = 5;

    match x {
        1 => println!("One"),
        2 => println!("Two"),
        3 => println!("Three"),
        4 => println!("Four"),
        5 => println!("Five"),
        _ => println!("Something else"),

Matching Ranges

  • You can match ranges of values using the ..= syntax.
  • In this case the upper limit must be inclusive.
fn main() {
    let x = 7;
    match x {
        1..=5 => println!("Between 1 and 5"),
        6..=10 => println!("Between 6 and 10"),
        _ => println!("Something else"),
Between 6 and 10

// This code will not compile because the upper limit in the range is not inclusive fn main() { let x = 7;

match x {
    1..5 => println!("Between 1 and 5"),
    6..10 => println!("Between 6 and 10"),
    _ => println!("Something else"),

} main();// here is the error [E0658] Error: exclusive range pattern syntax is experimental ╭─[command_20:1:1] │ 6 │ 1..5 => println!("Between 1 and 5"), │ ──┬─
│ ╰─── error: exclusive range pattern syntax is experimental ───╯ [E0658] Error: exclusive range pattern syntax is experimental ╭─[command_20:1:1] │ 7 │ 6..10 => println!("Between 6 and 10"), │ ──┬──
│ ╰──── error: exclusive range pattern syntax is experimental ───╯ [non_contiguous_range_endpoints] Error: multiple ranges are one apart ╭─[command_20:1:1] │ 6 │ 1..5 => println!("Between 1 and 5"), │ ──┬─
│ ╰─── help: use an inclusive range instead: `1_i32..=5_i32

Matching Multiple Patterns

In Rust, you can match multiple patterns in a single match arm using the | (pipe) operator. This allows you to simplify your match statements by combining several patterns that should be handled in the same way.


fn main() {
match value {
    pattern1 | pattern2 | pattern2 => {
        // code to execute if value matches pattern1 or pattern2 or pattern3
    _ => {
        // code to execute if value matches none of the above patterns


  • Here's an example that matches multiple patterns using the | operator:
fn main() {
    let x = 1;

    match x {
        1 | 2 | 3 => println!("One, two or three"),
        4 => println!("Four"),
        _ => println!("Something else"),
One, two or three

Combining Patterns with Ranges

  • You can combine multiple patterns including ranges:
fn main() {
    let x = 5;

    match x {
        1 | 2 | 3 => println!("One, two, or three"),
        4..=6 => println!("Four, five, or six"),
        _ => println!("Something else"),
Four, five, or six

Matching with Conditions: (Pattern Guards)

  • It is allowable to add extra conditions to the match arms using pattern guards. A pattern guard is an if condition that goes after the pattern and before the =>. This allows you to match a pattern only if an additional condition is true.


fn main() {
match value {
    pattern if condition => {  // This if condition is called the match guard
        // code to execute if pattern matches and condition is true
    _ => {
        // code to execute if value matches none of the above patterns


Here's an example using a pattern guard:

fn main() {
    let x = Some(4);

    match x {
        Some(n) if n < 5 => println!("Less than five: {}", n),
        Some(n) => println!("n is: {}", n),
        None => println!("No value"),
Less than five: 4
  • In this example:
    • If x is Some(n) and n < 5, it prints "Less than five: n".
    • If x is Some(n) and n is not less than 5, it prints "n is: n".
    • If x is None, it prints "No value".

Example with Multiple Conditions

  • You can also combine multiple conditions in a pattern guard:
fn main() {
    let y = 10;

    match y {
        n if n % 2 == 0 && n > 5 => println!("Even and greater than five: {}", n),
        n if n % 2 == 0 => println!("Even: {}", n),
        n => println!("Odd: {}", n),
Even and greater than five: 10
fn main() {
    let y = 10;

    match y {
        n if n % 2 == 0 || n < 5 => println!("Even and greater than five: {}", n),
        n if n % 2 == 0 => println!("Even: {}", n),
        n => println!("Odd: {}", n),
Even and greater than five: 10
  • In this example:
    • If y is even and greater than 5, it prints "Even and greater than five: y".
    • If y is even but not greater than 5, it prints "Even: y".
    • For all other values of y (i.e., odd numbers), it prints "Odd: y".

Example with Enums and Conditions

  • Pattern guards are particularly useful with enums:
enum Message {
    Hello { id: i32 },

fn main() {
    let msg = Message::Hello { id: 5 };

    match msg {
        Message::Hello { id } if id % 2 == 0 => println!("Even id: {}", id),
        Message::Hello { id } => println!("Odd id: {}", id),
Odd id: 5
  • In this example:
    • If the id is even, it prints "Even id: id".
    • If the id is odd, it prints "Odd id: id".

Using match as an Expression

In Rust, match can be used as an expression, meaning it can return a value that can be assigned to a variable. This allows you to make decisions and compute values based on patterns in a concise and expressive way.


The value resulting from a match expression can be assigned directly to a variable.

fn main() {
let variable = match value {
    pattern1 => result1,
    pattern2 => result2,
    _ => default_result,


  • Here's an example where match is used to determine a value based on different conditions:
fn main() {
    let number = 5;

    let description = match number {
        1 => "one",
        2 => "two",
        3 => "three",
        4 => "four",
        5 => "five",
        _ => "something else",

    println!("The number is:==> {}", description);
The number is:==> five
  • In this example:
    • The match expression evaluates number and returns a string based on the pattern it matches.
    • The resulting string is assigned to the description variable.

Using match with Enums

You can also use match with enums to return values based on different enum variants:

enum Coin {

fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u32 {
    match coin {
        Coin::Penny => 1,
        Coin::Nickel => 5,
        Coin::Dime => 10,
        Coin::Quarter => 25,

fn main() {
    let coin = Coin::Dime;
    let value = value_in_cents(coin);
    println!("The value of the coin is {} cents.", value);
The value of the coin is 10 cents.
  • In this example:
    • The value_in_cents function uses a match expression to return the value of a coin in cents.
    • The match expression evaluates the variant of the Coin enum and returns the corresponding value.

Using match to Compute Complex Values

You can use match expressions to compute more complex values based on patterns:

fn main() {
    let num = Some(7);

    let doubled = match num {
        Some(n) if n > 0 => n * 2,
        Some(n) => n,
        None => 0,

    println!("The doubled value is {}", doubled);
The doubled value is 14
  • In this example:
    • The match expression checks if num is Some(n) and n is greater than 0, then doubles the value.
    • If n is not greater than 0, it returns the value as is.
    • If num is None, it returns 0.

Chaining match Expressions

You can chain match expressions together to build more complex logic:

fn main() {
    let number = 5;

    let result = match number {
        n if n % 2 == 0 => "even",
        _ => match number {
            1 => "one",
            3 => "three",
            5 => "five",
            _ => "odd",

    println!("The number is {}", result);
The number is five
  • In this example:
    • The outer match checks if number is even.
    • If number is not even, the inner match provides specific names for some odd numbers and a generic "odd" for others.

Destructuring Structs, Enums, and Tuples

  • You can match and destructure complex data types like structs, enums, and tuples.


struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

fn main() {
    let p = Point { x: 0, y: 7 };

    match p {
        Point { x: 0, y } => println!("On the y axis at {}", y),
        Point { x, y: 0 } => println!("On the x axis at {}", x),
        Point { x, y } => println!("On neither axis: ({}, {})", x, y),


enum Message {
    Move { x: i32, y: i32 },
    ChangeColor(i32, i32, i32),

fn main() {
    let msg = Message::Move { x: 10, y: 20 };

    match msg {
        Message::Quit => println!("Quit"),
        Message::Move { x, y } => println!("Move to ({}, {})", x, y),
        Message::Write(text) => println!("Write: {}", text),
        Message::ChangeColor(r, g, b) => println!("Change color to ({}, {}, {})", r, g, b),

Example with Enums Multiple Patterns

  • You can also match multiple enum variants in a single match arm:
enum Pet {

fn main() {
    let pet = Pet::Dog;

    match pet {
        Pet::Dog | Pet::Cat => println!("It's a common pet."),
        Pet::Bird => println!("It's a bird."),
It's a common pet.


fn main() {
    let pair = (0, -2);

    match pair {
        (0, y) => println!("First is zero and y is {}", y),
        (x, 0) => println!("x is {} and second is zero", x),
        _ => println!("It doesn't matter what they are"),

First is zero and y is -2

Binding Values

  • You can bind matched values to variables using the @ operator.
fn main() {
    let x = 18;

    match x {
        n @ 1..=12 => println!("Got a number in the range 1 to 12: {}", n),
        n @ 13..=19 => println!("A teen of age: {}", n),
        _ => println!("Other age"),
A teen of age: 18

Using match with Enums

  • The match statement is particularly powerful when used with enums, allowing you to handle each variant of the enum.
enum Coin {

fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u32 {
    match coin {
        Coin::Penny => 1,
        Coin::Nickel => 5,
        Coin::Dime => 10,
        Coin::Quarter => 25,

fn main() {
    let coin = Coin::Dime;
    println!("Value in cents: {}", value_in_cents(coin));
Value in cents: 10


  • The match statement in Rust must be exhaustive, meaning all possible values must be covered.
  • If you do not cover all possibilities, the code will not compile. This ensures that you handle all potential cases.

Example of Non-Exhaustive Match (Will Not Compile)

fn main() {
    let number = 5;

    match number {
        1 => println!("One"),
        2 => println!("Two"),
    // Error: non-exhaustive patterns: `3i32..=2147483647i32 | -2147483648i32..=0i32` not covered

Adding the Wildcard Arm

fn main() {
    let number = 5;

    match number {
        1 => println!("One"),
        2 => println!("Two"),
        _ => println!("Something else"),

Something else


  • match Statement: Used for pattern matching, similar to switch statements in other languages but more powerful.
  • Patterns: Can be literals, ranges, structs, enums, tuples, and more.
  • Pattern Guards: Use if conditions in match arms to add extra conditions to patterns.
  • Syntax: Place the if condition after the pattern and before the =>.
  • Combining Conditions: You can combine multiple conditions in a single pattern guard.
  • Use Cases: Pattern guards are useful for refining matches, especially with enums and complex data structures.
  • Binding Values: Use @ to bind matched values to variables.
  • Exhaustiveness: All possible values must be covered, ensuring that you handle all cases.
  • Use the | operator to match multiple patterns in a single match arm.
  • Combine different patterns, including literals, ranges, and enum variants, to simplify your match statements.
  • Matching multiple patterns helps in handling similar cases together, making the code more concise and readable.

Introduction to Data Structures and Collections in Rust

In the realm of programming, data structures and collections are fundamental building blocks that allow us to efficiently organize, manage, and manipulate data. Rust, with its emphasis on safety and performance, provides a rich set of data structures and collections that cater to a wide variety of use cases. This chapter is dedicated to exploring these powerful tools, enabling you to harness their full potential in your Rust programs.

What We Will Cover

This chapter will delve into the core data structures and collections provided by Rust, examining their characteristics, use cases, and best practices. Our exploration will include:

  1. Arrays

    • Understanding fixed-size arrays and their characteristics.
    • Basic operations: accessing, modifying, and iterating over array elements.
    • Comparison with vectors and typical use cases.
  2. Vectors (Vec)

    • Introduction to vectors and their dynamic nature.
    • Operations on vectors: adding, removing, and accessing elements.
    • Iterating over vectors and common use cases.
  3. HashMaps

    • Overview of hash maps and their role in key-value storage.
    • Basic operations: inserting, updating, and retrieving values.
    • Hashing and handling collisions.
  4. HashSets

    • Introduction to hash sets and their uniqueness property.
    • Operations: inserting, removing, and checking for membership.
    • Practical applications of hash sets.
  5. Linked Lists

    • Understanding singly and doubly linked lists.
    • Implementing linked lists in Rust and their use cases.
    • Performance considerations and trade-offs.
  6. Tuples

    • Overview of tuples and their utility in grouping heterogeneous data.
    • Accessing and manipulating tuple elements.
    • Real-world examples of tuple usage.
  7. Option and Result Types

    • Using Option for safe handling of nullable values.
    • Employing Result for error handling and propagation.
    • Pattern matching and idiomatic usage.
  8. Custom Data Structures

    • Designing and implementing custom data structures.
    • Traits and generics: extending functionality and ensuring type safety.
    • Use cases and performance considerations.
  9. Data Structure Operations

    • Common operations on data structures: sorting, searching, and filtering.
    • Using Rust's standard library functions to perform these operations.
    • Efficiency and performance considerations.
  10. Iterating Over Data Structures

    • Different methods to iterate over data structures.
    • Using iterators and the Iterator trait.
    • Practical examples and patterns for iteration.


By the end of this chapter, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the essential data structures and collections in Rust. You will be equipped with the knowledge to choose the appropriate data structure for your specific needs, perform efficient data manipulations, and write robust and maintainable Rust code. Additionally, you will gain insights into advanced topics such as custom data structures and error handling mechanisms, further enhancing your proficiency in Rust.

Importance of Data Structures

Efficient data handling is critical for developing high-performance applications. Choosing the right data structure can significantly impact the performance and scalability of your software. Rust’s standard library offers a variety of collections that are optimized for different scenarios, ensuring that you can write code that is both efficient and safe.






Data Structure Operations


Enum Data Type

Creating Enums

Using Enums

Option Enum

Result Enum

Enum in Practice

Variables Scope

Local Scope

Static local Scope

Global Scope

Static Global Scope

Static Mutables